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Master Chief Petty Officers of the Navy

Though in the works for many years, the position was formally established as Senior Enlisted Advisor of the Navy in January 1967. The title was officially changed to Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) three months later.

The individual rating specialty marks for the MCPON was replaced by an inverted star in 1971.

These individuals have served as Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy:

MCPON Delbert D. Black 13 Jan 1967 − 01 Apr 1971 GMCM
MCPON John "Jack" Whittet 01 Apr 1971 − 25 Sept 1975 AMCM
MCPON Robert Walker 25 Sep 1975 − 28 Sept 1979 OSCM
MCPON Thomas S. Crow 28 Sep 1979 − 01 Oct 1982 AFCM
MCPON Billy C. Sanders 01 Oct 1982 − 04 Oct 1985 AVCM
MCPON William H. Plackett 04 Oct 1985 − 09 Sept 1988 RMCM
MCPON (AW) Duane R. Bushey 09 Sep 1988 − 28 Aug 1992 AVCM
MCPON (SW) John Hagan 28 Aug 1992 − 27 Mar 1998 ETCM
MCPON (SS/SW/AW) James L. Herdt 27 Mar 1998 − 22 Apr 2002 MMCM
MCPON (SS/AW) Terry D. Scott 22 Apr 2002 − 10 Jul 2006 MTCM
MCPON (FMF/SW) Joe R. Campa Jr. 10 Jul 2006 − 12 Dec 2008 HMCM
MCPON (SS/SW) Rick D. West 12 Dec 2008 − 28 Sep 2012 QMCM
MCPON (AW/NAC) Mike D. Stevens 28 Sep 2012 − 2 Sep 2016 AMCM
MCPON (SG/SW/IW) Steven S. Giordano 2 Sep 2016 − 21 Jun 2018 CMDCM
MCPON (acting) Russell L. Smith 22 Jun 2018 − 28 Aug 2018 FLTCM
MCPON Russell L. Smith 29 Aug 2018 − 8 Sep 2022 FLTCM
MCPON James M. Honea  8 Sep 2022 − present  BMCM



View official photographs of Master Chief Petty Officers of the Navy 

Published: Thu Aug 08 10:45:40 EDT 2024