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How to Borrow Navy Historical Property


Thank you for your interest in the loan program at  Naval History and Heritage Command Curator Branch. The Branch is currently not executing new loans at this time and our loan program is on hold until 1 February 2025 due to staffing shortages. If you have any questions please contact us at


Prospective borrowers must show their eligibility and qualifications by submitting a completed NHHC Loan Qualification Application at least 120 days in advance of the scheduled exhibit event. This request includes but is not limited to:

  • Command or organization name, with proof of eligibility

    • Government and military organizations should have the endorsement of the immediate superior in command

    • Non-government organizations must provide copies of their municipal incorporation, national affiliation, or non-profit status

  • The name of the proposed thematic display or exhibition (such as sponsor or namesake; geographic or regional provenance; warfare community affiliation; mission or functional relationship)

  • The beginning and end date(s) of the proposed exhibition or display

    • Veteran reunion groups may borrow items for the period of their reunion event (up to 30 calendar days)

    • All borrowers may borrow items for up to three (3) years

    • Exhibit periods may be extended, for a maximum of 9 years, if the conditions for care and custody continue to be met and there is no overriding Navy requirement for this property elsewhere

  • A general list of proposed items to borrow from the Navy

  • A presentation of additional information which, in the determination of the Naval History and Heritage Command, indicates the capability of the recipient/borrower to provide the required care and security of the historical property for the duration of the loan. This includes but is not limited to:

    • A completed copy of the Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) Facility Report. An existing American Alliance of Museums (AAM) Facility Report will also be accepted  Among the pieces of information required in the Facility Report are:

      • A description of the display, including how NHHC will be acknowledged as the lender of the object(s).

    • A collections custody and care plan (collections management plan) which includes but is not limited to:

      • Exhibition

      • Custody

      • Physical preservation and security

      • Liability

      • Accountability, including a listing of the personnel responsible for the loaned items

      • Packing, shipping, and return/disposition.

        A copy of funding documentation. Funding documentation must include two previous fiscal year IRS Form 990, the current year’s form, and two year projected budget. Federal, Department of Defense, and Navy guidance require the recipient/borrower to defray costs for borrowed items. This includes but is not limited to:

        • Exhibit preparation

        • Physical preservation and security

        • Liability and insurance

        • Accountability

        • Packing, shipping, and return/disposition

          Civilian, non-government organizations must present insurance documentation showing the borrower's ability to assume liability for the items while in their custody, including in transit from and to the Naval History and Heritage Command.

          For more information about the care and custody of material, contact the Curator Branch

Published: Tue Aug 20 14:13:44 EDT 2024