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Modern Biographical Files in the Navy Department Library


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Biographies List: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O| P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z


The Modern Biographical Files are located in the Navy Department Library's Rare Book Room. They are a combination of files collected by the Library and a ready reference collection of duplicate flag officer files formerly housed in the Archives Branch of the Naval History and Heritage Command. 

These files have been accumulated since the early 20th century by the Navy Department Library to provide historical information to US Navy personnel and other researchers, both official and unofficial. The files are particularly noted for biographical coverage of senior U.S. Navy officers who served during the Second World War and the Cold War-era, though their contents range from the Interwar period (1919-1939) through the War on Terrorism. For biographical information from the late 18th through the early 20th centuries, see the Navy Department Library's ZB files and Officers of the Continental and U.S. Navy and Marine Corps 1775-1900 ]. Also see Navy Personnel: A Research Guide

Many of the files consist of individual officer biographies produced during the 1950s through the 1970s by the Navy Office of Information, Internal Relations Division; the Navy Office of Information, Biographies Branch; and the Division of Naval Records and History (OP 29). Additional material consists of newspaper clippings, journal articles, change of command/retirement brochures, and biographies printed from the websites of the Navy Chief of Information and Arlington National Cemetery. Materials continue to be added to these files. Although a majority of the files consist of between two to four pages, a few contain up to four linear inches of material.

Use and Reproduction Policy 
Biographical files are unavailable for loan and must be consulted in the library. With regard to non-copyrighted materials, the use of digital cameras without flash is encouraged. Photocopying is generally prohibited, though permission to photocopy a few pages may be granted by the Reference staff, contingent upon the physical state of the documents. All photocopying of materials shall be done by the Reference staff, or under their close supervision. The use of personal scanners by non-library staff must be approved by the Reference staff on a document-by-document basis (Reference: Naval Historical Center Instruction [NAVHISTCENTINST] 5070.1C.).

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Allan, Halle Charles, Jr. 1904-1990

Allan, Theodore DeWitt 1894-1962

Alldredge, Walter Whitmore 1920-2017

Allegrone, Charles 1914-1987

Allen, Archer Meredith Ruland 1884-1973

Allen, Burrell Clinton, Jr. 1909-1995

Allen, Charles Vern 1910-1986

Allen, Edward Henry 1908-1943

Allen, Ezra Griffen 1885-1952

Allen, James Ross 1896-1950

Allen, Jerome Lee 1891-1955

Allen, Max Harold 1925-2018

Allen, Nelson John 1916-1943

Allen, Robert Addison 1904-

Allen, Roger Hurst 1917-1971

Allen, Walter Hinds 1875-1938

Allen, William Henry 1784-1813 [In progress]

Allen, William Howard 1790-1822 [In progress]

Allen, William Young, Jr. 1908-1973

Allendorfer, Harry Carl, Jr. 1919-1997

Ancrum, William 1881-1963

Anders, Arthur Ferdinant

Anderson, Anton Bennett 1888-1974

Anderson, Bern 1900-1963

Anderson, Carl Eric

Anderson, Charles Carter

Anderson, Charles Harper, Jr.

Anderson, Clyde B.

Anderson, Edward Abel

Anderson, Edward Lee

Anderson, Edwin Alexander 1860-1933 [Archive's copy]

Anderson, Fernald P.

Anderson, Franklin W.

Anderson, George Whelan, Jr. 1906-1992

Anderson, Herbert Augustus

Anderson, Herbert Henry

Anderson, Jay S.

Anderson, Joseph B.

Anderson, Kenneth L.

Anderson, Lowell O.

Anderson, Michael H.

Anderson, Norman O.

Anderson, Paul R.

Anderson, Richard Beatty

Anderson, Richard Ernest

Anderson, Robert H.

Anderson, Roy G.

Anderson, Samuel C.

Anderson, Thomas Carlyle

Anderson, Tom 

Anderson, Vernon L.

Anderson, Walter Stratton

Anderson, William Donald

Anderson, William Lovett

Anderson, William Robert

Anderton, Henry Lafayette, Jr. 1919-2009

Andrews, Adolphus 1879-1948

Andrews, Annie B.

Andrews, Burton H.

Andrews, Cecil L.

Andrews, Charles Herbert

Andrews, Charles Lee, Jr.

Andrews, Clyde C.

Andrews, Edgar Clessie, Jr. 1905-1972

Andrews, Frank A.

Andrews, John, Jr.

Andrews, Mark Edwin

Andrews, Philip

Andrews, Richard S.

Andrews, Thomas L., Jr.

Andrews, Walter Edwards

Andrus, Carlton Leverett

Angas, William Mack

Angwin, William Arnold

Ansel, Walter Charles

Antle, William S., Jr.

Antoniak, Charles

Antrim, Archie A.

Antrim, Richard N.

Appleby, Charles A.

Appleby, Jack J.

Arbes, James D.

Arbo, Paul E.

Arbor, Jesse W.

Archambeault, Charles Pahl 1894-1982

Archer, Robert John

Archer, Stephen M.

Ard, Ligon Briggs

Arentzen, Willard P.

Arison, Rae Emmett

Armel, Lyle Oliver

Armentrout, Erasmus W., Jr.

Armstrong, Clarence Ervin

Armstrong, Daniel Williams

Armstrong, Henry J.

Armstrong, James H.

Armstrong, John Hord, Jr.

Armstrong, Parker B.

Armstrong, Philip M., Jr.

Armstrong, Robert G.

Armstrong, Theodore H.

Armstrong, Wade Herbert

Arndt, Ralph W.

Arnett, A. B., Jr.

Arnold, Henry Albert

Arnold, Henry Duff 1927-

Arnold, Jackson D.

Arnold, James Earl

Arnold, Malcolm W.

Arnold, Murr Edward 1900-1991

Arnold, Ralph J.

Arthur, Donald Caldwell, Jr. 1950-

Arthur, John Paul

Arthur, Lionel A.

Arthur, Samuel H.

Asbjornsen, Douglas J. 

Ashe, George B.

Ashford, George W.

Ashford, William H., Jr.

Ashler, Philip Frederic 1914-2009

Ashton, Arthur Harold 1907-1980

Ashworth, Frederick L.

Askin, Robert Marshall

Askins, Herbert R.

Asserson, William C., Jr.

Aston, Melville Joseph 1889-1981

Astor, William Vincent

Atherton, Harry Sheldon

Atkeson, Clarence Lee Conner, Jr. 1899-1975

Atkeson, John C.

Atkins, Barry K.

Atkins, Griswold T.

Atkins, James George

Atkins, Lew Morton

Atkins, Nevett B.

Atkins, Robert B.

Atkinson, Roy C.

Aucoin, Joseph P.

Auken, Wilbur R.

Ault, Frank W.

Ault, William B.

Aurand, Evan P.

Ausley, Joe H.

Austin, Bernard Lige 1902-1979

Austin, Charles L.

Austin, Frank H., Jr.

Austin, James

Austin, Leonard B.

Austin, Marshall H.

Averill, William R.

Avery, Bennett Franklin 1901-1977 

Avery, Howard M.

Awtrey, Hugh R.

Axene, Dean L.

Aylward, Theodore Charles

Aymond, John Paul 1916-1998

Ayrault, Arthur DeLancey 1901-1985

Ayres, James Edward 1926-

Azer, John Behling 


Babbitt, Arlene Keith

Babione, Robert William

Bach, Lawrence E.

Bache, George Mifflin

Bachman, Leo Adolph

Bachman, Michael C.

Backus, Standish, Jr.

Bacon, Barton Elijah, Jr.

Bacon, Roger F.  

Bacon, Walter G.

Badger, Charles J.

Badger, Harold R.

Badger, Harry P.

Badger, Oscar Charles

Badger, Rodney J.

Badt, Harry A.

Baer, Donald G.

Bagdanovich, Michael P.

Baggaley, William

Bagley, David Harrington 1920-1992

Bagley, David Worth 1883-1960

Bagley, Harry H.

Bagley, Worth H.

Bahm, George Henry 1900-1999

Bailey, Carlos Augustus

Bailey, Charles S.

Bailey, John

Bailey, Leonard W.

Bailey, Watson Osgood

Bailey, William B.

Bainbridge, William

Bains, George Washington

Baird, A. Lincoln

Baird, Charles Fitz 1922-2009

Baird, Leonard J.

Bakenhus, Reuben E.

Baker, Albert A.

Baker, Charles Adams

Baker, Douglas

Baker, Duncan Scott

Baker, Felix Locke

Baker, Guy Evans

Baker, Harold D.

Baker, Harold Edward

Baker, Howard A.

Baker, Robert L.

Baker, Robert N. S.

Baker, Stuart P.

Baker, Wilder Dupuy

Baker, William B.

Bakke, Harlan J.

Bakutis, Fred E.

Baldridge, Harry Alexander

Baldwin, Frank

Baldwin, Frank E.

Baldwin, Robert B.

Baldwin, Robert H. B.

Balis, Theodore L.

Ball, Claude R.

Ball, George C., Jr.

Ball, John

Ballard, Donald E.

Ballenger, Felix P.

Ballentine, John J.

Ballinger, John M.

Ballinger, Richard Robert

Balmert, Mark W.

Balsam, Emanuel

Balsam, Marion 

Baltazzi, Harry Warner

Banaji, Darius 

Banister, Alan Boyd 1905-1963

Banks, James Oliver, Jr.

Bannerman, Graeme

Bantz, Fred A.

Baranowski, Walter E.

Barausky, Kenneth P.

Barbaro, Joseph Raphael

Barbee, Albert Ray, Jr.

Barber, Ernest Hayes

Barbey, Daniel E.

Barbor, Kenneth Eicher

Barchet, Stephen G.

Bard, Nathan Wayne

Bard, Ralph A.

Bardshar, Frederic A.

Barham, Eugene A

Barker, Christopher S., Jr.

Barker, Edwin F.

Barker, George Nathan

Barker, Joseph H., Jr.

Barker, Nathaniel C.

Barlow, Jerry M.

Barlow, John F.

Barnaby, Neel Glenn

Barnaby, Ralph Stanton

Barnard, Harry A., Jr.

Barnard, James H., II

Barner, James Duke

Barnes, E. Richard

Barnes, Phillip G.

Barnes, Samuel E.

Barnes, William R.

Barnes, Willis C.

Barnett, Austin H., Jr.

Barnett, James Arden "Jamie", Jr.

Barney, Greenlief H.

Barney, Joshua

Barnhart, Robert E.

Barninger, Clarence Andrew, Jr. 1913-1999

Barnitz, James W.

Barnum, Robert H.

Barnwell, Joseph B.

Baron, Richard S.

Barr, Capers Gamewell, Jr.

Barr, Eric L. Jr.

Barr, Jon Michael

Barr, Norman L.

Barrett, Danelle   

Barrett, John Michael 1920-2009

Barrett, John Paul Barker

Barringer, Victor Cameron, Jr.

Barron, John P.

Barrow, William B.

Barry, John

Barry, Richard P.

Barthes, August A.

Bartlett, Bradford

Bartlett, Harold Terry

Bartlett, James V.

Bartlett, John R.

Bartlett, Lewis C.

Bartlett, Wilson Randolph

Bartol, John Alfred

Barton, John Kennedy

Barton, Leroy L.

Barton, Wilbur G.

Basalm, Dorothy

Baskett, Thomas Slack 1913-2002

Bass, Ernest Linwood

Bass, Harry Brinkley 1916-1944

Bass, Ivan Ernest

Bass, Raymond H.

Bass, Thomas E., III

Bassett, Claude Oscar

Bassett, Frederic B., Jr.

Bassett, Melvin Hughes

Bassett, Robert V. R., Jr.

Bassler, Robert E.

Bastedo, Paul Henry 1887-1951

Batchelder, Bret C.

Batchelder, Robert Fred

Batcheller, Edgar H.

Batchellor, John K.

Bates, Ralph

Bates, Richard Waller

Battenberg, Prince Louis of

Battle, Charlton Eugene, Jr.

Bauch, Charles E.

Bauchan, Robert L., Jr.

Baucom, David F.

Bauer, George William

Bauer, Louis H.

Bauer, Rudolph C.

Bauernschmidt, George W.

Baugh, Dale Eric

Baugh, Dalton L., Sr.

Baughman, Courtlandt C.

Baughman, Fred Hubbard 1926-2004

Baum, George Martin

Baumberger, Walter H.

Baumeister, John, Jr.

Baumer, Harry W.

Baumgartner, John P.

Baxter, Harold LeRoy 1904-1977

Bayless, Jon W., Jr.

Bayless, Walter Burkhart 1914-1943

Bayne, Marmaduke G.

Beach, Edward L.

Beadle, Marvin Lawrence 1919-1984

Beakley, Wallace M.

Beal, Douglas "Woody"

Beale, Arthur George 1917-2011

Beam, Carl E.

Bean, Alan Lavern

Bean, Alan Lavern 1932- [Archive's copy]

Bean, Lawrence L.

Beard, Donald Charles 1904-

Beard, Jefferson Davis 1898-

Beardall, John R., Jr.

Beardslee, Lester Anthony 1836-1903

Beardsley, George F.

Beardsley, Henry L.

Bearss, Hiram I.

Beary, Donald Bradford

Beasley, Charles B.

Beatty, Frank Emund

Beatty, Frank Edmund, Jr.

Beauchamp, Ernest M.

Beaumont, Arthur Edwaine

Beaumont, Richard A.

Beauregard, Augustin Toutant 1885-1951

Beaver, Bud K.

Beaver, Robert H.

Beck, Edward L.

Becker, Adolph Ernest, Jr.

Becker, Albert L.

Becker, Alvin Lannard

Becker, Charles

Becker, John J.

Beckheimer, Jack Stanley

Becknell, Thomas L., Jr.

Becton, Frederick Julian

Bedell, Floyd Carson

Bedell, Porter F.

Beebe, Marshall U.

Beebe, Robert P.

Beech, George Peter

Beecher, William G.

Beers, Charles J.

Beggs, Kenneth Gould

Behan, Austin Carty

Behm, Edward W.

Behner, Herbert Chauncey

Behnke, Albert R., Jr.

Behrens, Charles Frederick

Behrens, William Wohlsen

Behrens, William Wohlsen, Jr. 1922-1986

Belcher, Preston R.

Belcher, Roy S., Jr.

BeLieu, Kenneth E.

Belin, Peter

Beling, John K.

Belknap, George E.

Belknap, Reginald R.

Bell, C. Edwin

Bell, David B.

Bell, Frederick Jackson

Bell, George M.

Bell, Harman B.

Bell, Robert A.

Bellerby, Russell John

Belles, Ralph G.

Bellinger, Patrick Nieson Lynch 1885-1962

Bellinger, William C. P., Jr.

Bemis, Harold Medberry

Benedict, Arthur Lewis, Jr.

Benedict, Terry J.

Benford, Edward Clyde

Bengtson, Bengt N.

Benham, Andrew E. K.

Benitez, Rafael C.

Benjes, Anthony C., Jr.

Bennehoff, Olton Rader

Benner, Stanley Graves

Bennet, Floyd

Bennett, Andrew Carl

Bennett, Bradley F.

Bennett, Carter L.

Bennett, Earl Robert

Bennett, Earle

Bennett, Edward L.

Bennett, Fred G.

Bennett, John E.

Bennett, Rawson, II

Bennett, Warfield C., Jr.

Bennett, Walter Francis Vincent 1919-1990

Bennington, John Paige

Bennion, Mervyn Sharp

Benson, Francis Wyse

Benson, Howard H. J.

Benson, Lloyd G.

Benson, Roy Stanley

Benson, Victor G.

Benson, William Howard

Benson, William Shepherd 1855-1932

Bentel, Carr E.

Bentley, James A.

Bentley, James C.

Benton, Hugh A.

Berg, Winferd E.

Bergen, Franklin S.

Bergen, John J.

Bergeson, Andrew Harold

Bergin, Charles K.

Bergin, Daniel E.

Bergner, Allen A.

Bergstedt, William C.

Bergstrom, Edward W.

Berkey, Russell Stanley

Berkheimer, Jack S.

Berkley, Joseph Berzowski

Berkley, William Leneave

Berkner, Lloyd V.

Berley, Ferdinand V.

Bernacchi , Michael D.

Bernard, Lawrence G.

Bernatitus, Ann Agnes 1912-2003 [Archive's copy]

Bernatitus, Ann A.

Berndston, Arthur H.

Berner, Warren Kenneth

Bernet, Howard C.

Bernhard, Alva Douglas

Berns, Max A., Jr. 1917-1999

Bernstein, Henry Emil 1904-1982

Berree, Norman R. 1922-2006

Berrey, Julius M. 1909-1976

Berrien, Frank Dunn 1877-1951

Berry, Arthur Frank, Jr.

Berry, Charles Joseph

Berry, Fred Thomas, Jr.

Berry, Fred T.

Berry, Frederic A.

Berry, Howard B., Jr.

Berry, Ralph B.

Berry, Richard Clayton

Bertelli, Peter

Bertelsen, Viggo C.

Berthold, Elmer Edward 1901-1987

Bertholf, Charles M.

Berthrong, Raymond

Bertoglio, Floyd J.

Bertoglio, Lloyd W.

Bertolet, Samuel

Bertschy, Robert S.

Berude, John B.

Besbekos, George A.

Beshany, Philip A.

Besson, John Henry, Jr.

Best, William A.

Bethea, James S.

Betts, Sherman W.

Beuret, John D.

Bevan, George R.

Beveridge, Richard A.

Bewick, James V.

Beyer, Aaron Frederick, Jr.

Beyerly, Irwin Forest

Bibby, Lowe Hayden

Biddle, Edward

Biederman, Karl J.

Bieg, Valentine N.

Bienia, John P.

Bierer, Bion B, Jr.

Bierer, James S.

Bieri, Bernhard Henry

Bieri, Bernhard H., Jr.

Biesemeier, Harold

Bigelow, Elmer C.

Biggs, Burton B.

Bigley, Thomas J.

Biglow, James Otis 1907-1985

Bill, Wells R., Jr.

Billingsley, William Devotie

Binford, Thomas H.

Bingham, Donald C.

Bird, Horace V.

Bird, Joseph L.

Bird, Linda J.

Biros, Edmund W.

Birtley, Thomas B.

Bishop, Charles B.

Bisset, Andrew G.

Bisson, John Kenneth

Bixby, Harry L.

Bjarnason, Paul H.

Black, Barry C.

Black, Bruce Allen

Black, Charles H.

Black, Delbert D.

Black, Gene

Black, James Howard

Black, Joseph D.

Black, Joseph F., Jr.

Black, Paul E.

Black, Richard B.

Black, Robert G.

Blackburn, John H.

Blackburn, John T.

Blackburn, Paul P.

Blackledge, Allan D.

Blackman, Harold H.

Blackwelder, Buren L.

Blackwell, Cecil L.

Blackwood, Hugo G.

Blackwood, James Douglas

Blair, Carvel H.

Blair, Eugene

Blair, James T.

Blair, Leon N.

Blair, Richard H.

Blair, Robert Edward

Blaisdell, Robert Ralston

Blake, Ernest

Blake, John Terence

Blakely, Charles Adam

Blakely, Edward Noe 1912-1945

Blakely, John Russell Young

Blamer, De Witt

Blamphin, Arthur M.

Blanchard, James W.

Blandin, Eugene R.

Blandy, Williams Henry Purnell

Blankenship, Ernest Joseph

Blattmann, Walter C.

Bledsoe, Albert M.

Blenman, Charles, Jr.

Blenman, William

Blesh, Paul K.

Blew, Clarence Lloyd

Blick, Charles A.

Blick, Robert E.

Blish, John B.

Blitch, John D.

Block, Everett M.

Blocker, Leo B.

Blodgett, George F.

Blough, Ira K., Jr.

Blouin, Francis Joseph

Blount, Robert H.

Bloxom, Elliot

Blue, Victor

Blum, Howard E.

Blundon, Joseph P.

Boak, James Earl

Boaz, Thenton D.

Bode, Howard Douglas

Bodger, Walter Charles

Boehm, William R.

Boensel, Mark S.

Boettcher, Robert R.

Bogan, Gerald F.

Bogart, Gerard S.

Bogdan, Joseph G.

Boggs, Thomas, Hale

Bogley, John A.

Bol, Peter

Boland, Clay A.

Boland, John N.

Boland, Paul

Boldizsar, George Thomas

Bole, John A., Jr.

Boles, Warren C.

Bolger, Joseph Francis

Bolivar, Babette "Bette"

Boller, Robert Leon

Bollinger, Julian T.

Bolstad, Daryl B.

Bolster, Calvin M.

Bond, Charles A.

Bond, George F.

Bond, Thomas H. "Hank", Jr.

Bond, Victor P.

Bondi, Peter Albert

Bonds, Joseph E.

Bonelli, Garry J.

Boney, Bobby Eugene

Bonin, Robert A.

Bonner, William Dominic

Bonner, Emmett P.

Bonney, Carroll Taber

Bonnyman, Alexander, Jr.

Bono, Raquel C.

Bontecou, Daniel

Bontier, Albert M.

Bookert, Reubin B.

Bookout, Thomas H.

Bookwalter, Charles S.

Boone, David M.

Boone, Joel Thompson

Boone, Walter Fredrick

Boorda, Jeremy Michael 1939-1996

Booth, Black B.

Booth, Charles T.

Boozer, Strong

Borden, John C.

Border, Robert

Borgert, Duane D.

Borie, Adolph Edward 1809-1880 [ZB File copy]

Born, Arthur Stephen

Born, Howard E.

Borries, Fred, Jr.

Bortz, Edward Leroy

Bosee, Ronald A.

Bostwick, Lucius Allyn

Bosworth, Allie R.

Botes, Jon L.

Botta, Rico

Bottom, John Thomas, Jr.

Bottomley, Harold S., Jr.

Bottoms. John W.

Bottorff, David Elliott

Bouland, Joseph Hunt

Boulware, Joe W.

Boundy, Charles M.

Boundy, James W.

Bourgeois, Aubrey J.

Bowdey, George H.

Bowen, Alva M., Jr.

Bowen, Charles H., Jr.

Bowen, Harold G., Jr.

Bowen, Harold Gardiner

Bowen, John Bunyan, Jr.

Bower, Carl R.

Bowers, Aaron N., Jr.

Bowers, Jack Lawton

Bowers, John M.

Bowers, Richard H.

Bowers, Thomas Kent

Bowers, William Alger

Bowes, William Charles

Bowker, Albert H.

Bowler, Daniel R.

Bowley, Clarence Matheson

Bowling, Selman S.

Bowman, Donald W.

Bowman, Frank Lee

Bowman, Harlan L.

Bowman, Merle F.

Bowne, William Rainear

Bowsher, Charles A.

Bowstorm, Robert Milton

Box, Roger Elden

Boxall, Ronald A.

Boyd, Alston M., Jr.

Boyd, Carl J.

Boyd, Charles/Clarence Evans

Boyd, David F.

Boyd, Edward A.

Boyd, Gideon M.

Boyd, John Moore

Boyd, Joseph

Boyd, Paul C.

Boyd, Walter W.

Boyington, John E., Jr.

Boyington, Gregory

Boyle, Francis D.

Boyle, James Dennis

Boyle, Lee DeVall

Boyle, Michael E.

Boyle, Peter F.

Boyum, John H.

Bozin, Stanley D.

Braceland, Francis J.

Bracken, Eugene E.

Bradbury, Malcom Jarrett

Braddy, Robert Edgar, Jr.

Bradford, Gamaliel

Bradford, Smith N.

Bradley, Richard, Jr.

Bradley, Willis W., Jr.

Bradley, Bruce E.

Bradshaw, Harold G.

Bradway, William S., Jr.

Bradwell, Francis E.

Brady, Anthony Rogers

Brady, Edmund Edward, Jr.

Brady, John Joseph

Brady, Norman K.

Brady, Parke H.

Brady, Patrick H.

Brady, Upton S., Jr.

Bragg, Herbert K.

Brainard, Ronald Munroe

Braine, Clinton Elgin, Jr.

Braine, Daniel Lawrence

Brainsted, Frank Alfred

Brainsted, William C.

Braithwaite, Kenneth J., II

Brakke, Brian J.

Branch, Ted N.

Brand, Charles Lees

Brand, Ferdinand L.

Brandley, Frank A.

Brandow, Honry Willis

Brandt, Conrad F.

Brandt, Donald C.

Brandt, George Edgar, Jr.

Brandt, John H.

Brandt, William Vancortlandt

Brannman, Brian G.

Brantly, Neill D.

Brassfield, Arthur J.

Bratton, Leslie Emmett

Braun, Boynton Lewis

Braun, Robin R.

Braun, William B.

Breardsley, Henry L.

Breast, Jerry Creighton

Breckenridge, Richard P.

Breen, Roy E., Jr.

Breese, James L.

Brega, Richard Edward

Bremner, Bruce Barton

Brenner, James Emmet

Brereton, William D., Jr.

Bressman, Augustus Alexander

Brett, John Henry, Jr.

Brett, Morgan Lewis, Jr.

Brewer, David L., III

Brewer, William F.

Brewington, William I.

Brewster, John McLaughlin

Bridgers, Henry C., Jr.

Bridges, Elton M.

Bridget, Francis J.

Briggs, Cameron

Briggs, Chester A.

Briggs, Harold M.

Briggs, Henry Mixer

Briggs, Josephus Asa

Briggs, Zeno E.

Bright, Andrew W.

Bright, Clarkson J.

Bright, Cooper B.

Bright, Graham Paul

Bright, Raymond Michael

Brindupke, Charles F.

Briner, Charles E.

Briner, Richard Robert

Brines, George R.

Bringle, William F.

Brinker, Robert M.

Brinker, Russell Charles

Brinkmann, Cornelius A.

Brinser, Harry Lerch

Briscoe, Robert Pearce

Brister, Robert E.

Bristol, Mark L.

Brittain, Thomas B.

Brittan, Theodore

Brittin, Burdick H.

Broach, John C.

Broaddus, Carl Ashton

Broadway, Michael W.

Brock, J. Ward

Brockett, William A.

Brockman, William Herman, Jr.

Brodie, George K.

Brodie, Robert, Jr.

Brokenshire, Douglas B.

Bromley, John Richard

Bronson, Clarence King

Bronson, Joseph Chandler

Brook, Charles B.

Brookes, Charles S.

Brookings, Robert S., II

Brooks, William E., Jr.

Brooks, Charles B

Brooks, Daniel P.

Brooks, Dennis Matthew

Brooks, Jeffrey A.

Brooks, Richard E.

Brooks, William B.

Brooks, Winfield Alpheus

Broshek, Joseph John

Brossy, Fredric Albert

Broussard, Clarence,

Browder, Maurice Eugene

Brown, Alfred E.

Brown, Allen Dudley

Brown, Annette Elise

Brown, Bert F.

Brown, Brian B.

Brown, Carl W.

Brown, Charles D.

Brown, Charles R.

Brown, Clarence J.

Brown, David S.

Brown, Donald C.

Brown, Dudley E., Jr.

Brown, Eldon W., Jr.

Brown, Francis E.

Brown, Francis T.

Brown, Frank P.

Brown, Fredrick W., Jr.

Brown, George

Brown, Harold C.

Brown, Ian F.

Brown, Ira W., Jr.

Brown, James A.

Brown, James H.

Brown, James S.

Brown, James Steven, Jr.

Brown, Jesse L.

Brown, John B.

Brown, John H., Jr.

Brown, John Louser

Brown, John Mason

Brown, John Nicholas

Brown, John R.

Brown, John Thompson, Jr.

Brown, Kenneth B.

Brown, Laurence R.

Brown, Martin J.

Brown, Martin V.

Brown, Maurice Burton

Brown, Nancy Elizabeth

Brown, Omar Jesse

Brown, Paula Campbell

Brown, Richard A.

Brown, Robert B.

Brown, Robert Copeland

Brown, Robert M.

Brown, Samuel, Jr.

Brown, Sheldon W.

Brown, Stuart Southerland

Brown, Thomas A.

Brown, Thomas L.

Brown, Warwick Thomas

Brown, William A.

Brown, William Drane

Brown, William Thomas, Jr.

Brown, Wilson, Jr.

Browne, Oscar Morrison, Jr.

Browne, George H.

Browne, Michael

Browne, Michael J.

Browning, Charles L.

Browning, Hays R.

Browning, Miles Rutherford

Brownlow, Paul J.

Brownson, Willard Herbert

Brozena, John M.

Bruce, Bryson

Bruchez, Ernest V.

Brumby, Edward

Brumby, Frank H.

Brumby, Frank H., Jr.

Bruner, Barry L.

Bruner, Frank

Bruning, Fredrick W.

Bruning, Robert M., Jr.

Bruns, Henry Fredrick

Brunson, Clyde Windon

Brush, Charles F.

Brush, Fredrick J.

Bruton, Henry C.

Bryan, Clarence R.

Bryan, Hamilton V.

Bryan, Joseph, III

Bryan, Louis A.

Bryan, William C.

Bryant, Carleton Fanton

Bryant, Eliot H.

Bryant, Gregory R.

Bryant, Samuel Woods

Bryant, Stewart F.

Brydon, George MacLaren, Jr.

Bryson, William Campbell

Buaas, Marion H.

Bucchi, T. Michael

Buchan, Robert B.

Buchanan, Allen

Buchanan, Charles A.

Buchanan, Franklin

Buchanan, Pat

Bucher, Lloyd M.

Buck, James

Buck, Roger L.

Buck, Roy Garvin

Buck, Sean S.

Buck, Walter Albert

Buckingham, Herbert W.

Buckley, Franklin D.

Buckley, John Daniel

Buckley, Joseph, Jr.

Buckmaster, Elliott

Budd, Romondt

Buell, Thomas C.

Buerkle, Elmer Charles

Buerschinger, William P.

Buhr, Victor W.

Buie, Paul D.

Bulfinch, Charles

Bulkeley, John Duncan 1911-1996

Bulkley, Robert Johns, Jr.

Bull, Carl E.

Bull, Dell

Bull, John Sumter

Bull, Richard S., Jr.

Bull, William I.

Bullard, Donald K.

Bullard, George C.

Bullard, William H. G.

Bullen, George S.

Bullen, Jacob Thompson, Jr.

Bullock, James Earl

Bunker, Charles W. O.

Bunker, Forrest Robinson

Bunkley, Joel William

Buracker, William H.

Burbage, Charles L.

Burch, William O., Jr.

Burcher, E. Andrew

Burden, Harvey P.

Burdick, Robert S.

Burgess, Andrew L.

Burhans, Arthur David

Burk, Raymond W. 

Burkart, Herbert V.

Burke, Arleigh Albert 1901-1996

Burke, Edward J.

Burke, John Edward

Burke, John L.

Burke, Julian T., Jr.

Burke, Robert G.

Burke, Robert P.

Burke, William R.

Burkhard, Thomas Kinsman

Burkhardt, Ann M.

Burkhardt, John, Jr.

Burkle, Joseph S.

Burkley, George G.

Burks, Jesse B.

Burlingame, Creed C.

Burnett, Henry Poynter

Burns, John

Burns, John S., Jr.

Burns, Joseph David

Burns, Michael J., Jr.

Burns, Patrick C.  

Burnside, John L., Jr.

Burr, Paul J.

Burrage, Guy Hamilton

Burrell, Glenn Smith

Burrough, Edmund W.

Burroughs, Jerry K.

Burroughs, Sherman Everett, Jr.

Burrow, James B.

Burrows Albert C.

Burrowes, Thomas

Burt, Paul Stainback, Jr.

Burt, Robert F.

Burton, John H.

Burton, Otto L.

Busbey, Leroy White, Jr.

Busch, Richard Earl

Busey, James Buchanan

Bush, Charles T.

Bush, Howard U.

Bush, Thomas A., Jr.

Bush, Vannevar

Bush, William W., Jr.

Bushong, Paul J.

Busik, William S.

Buss, David H.

Butler, Glen B.

Butler, Henry Varnum

Butler, James B.

Butler, James M.

Butler, John Clarence

Butler, John D.

Butler, Ovid McMaster

Butler, Richard W.

Butler, William C., Jr.

Butler, William H.

Butterfield, George Nelson

Butters, Francis Tyrrell

Butts, John L.

Butts, Whitmore Spencer

Buzby, Mark H.

Byler, Howard Thompson

Byng, John Weston

Bynum, James S. 

Byrd, John T.

Byrd, Richard Evelyn, Jr.

Byrd, Samuel Armanie

Byrne, James F.

Byrne, William D., Jr.

Byrnes, Robert B.

Byrnside, Benjamin C., Jr.

Byus, Fred


Cabanillas, Jose Manuel 1901-1979

Cabaniss, Wright Robert

Cabot, Hugh

Cadwalader, John

Cady, John Permelee

Caesar, Julius S.,

Cafferata, William F.

Cagle, Malcolm W.

Cain, Mat Murry, Jr.

Cain, James B.

Caine, Lawrence B., Jr.

Calder, William E., III

Caldwell, Clarence M.

Caldwell, Henry H.

Caldwell, James F., Jr.

Caldwell, Rex S.

Caldwell, Robert H., Jr.

Caldwell, Turner F., Jr.

Calhoun, Brian M.

Calhoun, John Franklin

Calhoun, Walter Carson

Calhoun, William Lowndes 1884-1963

Calkin, Willard C.

Callaghan, Daniel Judson 1890-1942

Callaghan, Robert W.

Callaghan, William M.

Callahan, Cornelius P., Jr.

Callahan, Edward C.

Callahan, Fort H.

Callahan, Joseph W.

Callan, John L.

Calland, Albert N., III

Calland, Albert M., III

Calver, George Wehnes

Calvert, Allen Phillip

Calvert, James F.

Calvy, George L.

Camera, John A.

Camera, Robert S.

Cameron, Alan R.

Camp, Floyd Charles

Campbell, Clarence H.

Campbell, Clifford Morgan

Campbell, Colin

Campbell, Duncan A.

Campbell, Edward Hale

Campbell, Ernest G.

Campbell, George Marvin

Campbell, George W.

Campbell, Gordon

Campbell, Herbert J.

Campbell, James H.

Campbell, Jay Alan

Campbell, Joseph F.

Campbell, Norwood Axtell

Campbell, Robert L.

Canada, Robert O., Jr.

Canaga, Bruce Livingston

Canaga, Bruce Livingston, Jr.

Caney, Lawrence D.

Cantrell, Roy F.

Cantwell, Richard Andrew

Cantwell, Richard A., Jr.

Canty, Joseph P.

Canty, Thomas J.

Capehart, Wadleigh

Capell, Delmar R.

Caperton, William Banks

Caplan, Stanley

Capodanno, Vincent R.

Capone, Lucien, Jr.

Capsas, Cleon W.

Caracciolo, Felix

Carberry, Deane E.

Card, Kendall L.

Cardoza, Henry

Cariello, Louis V.

Carl, Robert E.

Carlisle, Charles S.

Carlisle, Geoffrey E.

Carlisle, Harold Avery

Carlson, Albert Carlson

Carlson, Arnold J.

Carlson, Carl Alexius

Carlson, Daniel

Carlson, Frederick Bernard 1907-1996

Carlson, Frederick Gustaf E.

Carlson, Milton Oren

Carlson, Oscar L.

Carlson, Richard P.

Carlson, Spencer August

Carlson, William C.

Carlton, Thomas G.

Carmera, Robert S.

Carmichael, Daniel A., Jr.

Carmichael, John H., Jr.

Carmick, Edward S.

Carmody, Martin D.

Carnahan, Ralph H.

Carnes, James R.

Carnevale, Joseph Anthony, Jr.

Carney, Francis Joseph

Carney, Gerald F.

Carney, Robert Bostwick 1895-1990

Carney, Thomas F.

Carodine, C. Kenneth

Caron, Wayne M.

Carpender, Arthur Schuyler 1884-1960

Carpenter, Albert P.

Carpenter, Charles L.

Carpenter, Donald F.

Carpenter, Donald Marshall

Carpenter, Francis

Carpenter, Gilbert Crowell

Carpenter, Malcolm Scott 1925-2013 [Archive's copy]

Carpenter, Malcolm Scott

Carpenter, Stephen W.

Carpenter, Wendi B.

Carpenter, William Hubbard

Carr, Bruce L.

Carr, John H.

Carr, Kenneth M.

Carr, Nevin P., Jr.

Carranza, Juan M.

Carrington, Royal Casper

Carrison, Daniel J.

Carrithers, Gale H.

Carroll, Charles B.

Carroll, Chester E.

Carroll, Daniel L., Jr.

Carroll, Eugene J, Jr.

Carroll, Kent J.

Carroll, Penn Leary

Carroll, Robert M.

Carson, Edward B.

Carson, John H.

Carson, Joseph Malcom

Carson, John W., III

Carson, Joseph H.

Carson, Leon D.

Carson, Matthew V., Jr.

Carson, Virgil Hope

Carter, Andrew Francis

Carter, Charles J.

Carter, Edward W., III.

Carter, Francis Miller

Carter, Grayson Birch

Carter, James Earl, Jr. 1924-

Carter, James Benham

Carter, Jesse Hicks

Carter, Matthew J.

Carter, Robert W.

Carter, Thomas J.

Carter, Walter E. "Ted", Jr.

Carter, William Joseph

Carter, Worrall Reed

Caruthers, Walter P.

Caruthers, William R.

Carver, Lamar P.

Carver, William E.

Cary, Freeman H.

Cary, Robert Webster

Case, Clinton DeWayne

Casey, John E.

Casey, Thomas J.

Casey, Vincent F.

Cashman, Edward

Cassady, John H.

Cassani, Vincent L., Jr.

Cassard, Paul

Cassedy, Hiram

Cassel, Charles M., Jr.

Cassell, George L.

Cassias, Jeffrey B.

Cassidy, Herbert A., Jr.

Cassidy, John J.

Castelazo, Arthur H.

Castle, Hal C.

Castree, John F.

Caswell, Gordon L.

Cater, Charles John

Cates, Clifton B.

Cates, Clifton B., Jr.

Catlett, William J., Jr.

Caton, Clifford E.

Caudle, Daryl L.

Caufield, Cecil T.

Cavenagh, Robert W.

Cavendish, Lynn M.

Caveny, Elmer L.

Cavin, Ralph W.

Cease, Lysle Willard

Cecil, Harry Barton

Cellon, Richard Elmer

Cernan, Eugene Andrew 1934- [Archive's copy]

Cernan, Eugene Andrew [Library's copy]

Chabot, Peter Gordon

Chafee, George B.

Chafee, John Hubbard 1922-1999

Chaffee, Roger Bruce 1935-1967 [Archive's copy]

Chaffee, Roger B. [Library's copy]

Challenger, Harold Lincoln

Chalmer, Norman E.

Chamberlin, Douglas F., Jr.

Chamberlin, Leonard C.

Chambers, George M.

Chambers, Lester S.

Chambers, Russell Franklyn

Chambers, Samuel D., Jr.

Chambers, Thomas E.

Chambers, Washington I.

Chambers, William

Chambliss, William C.

Champe, Joseph E.

Champion, Carleton C., Jr.

Champlin, Jackson S.

Champlin, Norman D.

Champlin, Stephen

Chandler, Alfred W.

Chandler, Alvin Duke

Chandler, Lloyd H.

Chandler, Ralph S.

Chandler, Robert A.

Chandler, Theodore Edson 1894-1945

Chandler, William Iriver

Chang, Ming Erh

Chanik, Evan M.

Chanler, Hubert Winthrop

Chantry, Allan J., Jr.

Chaplin, Robert C.

Chapline, Vance Duncan

Chapman, Donald D.

Chapman, Harold J.

Chapman, Joseph Ellsworth

Chapman, William Harold

Chappell, John R.

Chappell, Lucius Henry

Chapple, Wreford G.

Charbonnet Jr., Pierre N.

Charette, William R.

Charles, Robert G.

Charlton, Alexander M.

Charneco, Carlos M.

Chase, Earl Richardson

Chase, Grafton D. "Chip", Jr.

Chase, Jay Valentine

Chase, Jehu V.

Chase, John D.

Chase, Nathan Brown

Chatfield, Shoshana

Chauncey, Isaac

Chauvenet, William

Cheatham, Benjamin B.

Cheatham, Joseph Johnston

Chebi, Carl P.

Cheek, Marion C.

Cheever, Daniel L.

Cheffey, John H.

Chenault, Frederic Archibald 1914-1996

Chenault, Oran Ward

Cheney Jr., Wilbur H.

Cheney, Grace

Chessaman, Samuel R.

Chetlin, Norman D.

Chevalier, Godfrey DeCourcesses

Chew, John J.

Chew, John Louis

Chewning, Robert W.

Child, Warren Gerald

Childers, Kenan C., Jr.

Chiles, Griffin

Chillingworth, Charles F., Jr.

Chilton Jr., Arthur B.

Chilton, William P.

Chimiak, Walter

Chinn, Colin G.

Chinnock, Ronald J.

Chiogioji, Melvin H. 

Chipman, Briscoe

Chittenden, John L.

Chourre, Emile

Chrisman, Allan S.

Christensen, Ernest E.

Christensen, Waldeman Nichlous

Christensen, Wayne J.

Christensen, William Harold

Christenson, John N.

Christian, Kemp Catlett

Christiansen, Arnold R.

Christiansen, George M.

Christiansen, John S.

Christie, Ralph Waldo

Christie, Warren B.

Christman, Thomas J.

Christmas, Walter Frederick 1898-1981

Christopher, Thomas A.

Christy, Harley Hannibal

Chubb, Phillip D.

Chung-Hoon, Gordon P.

Church, Albert T.

Church, Albert T., Jr.

Church, Albert T., III

Church, Gaylord

Church, Spencer C.

Church, William C. G.

Claggett, Bladen Dulany

Claiborne, Henri De Balathier

Claman, John Sydney

Clancy Jr., Albert H.

Clarey, Bernard A.

Clark III, Asa A.

Clark, Charles R., Jr.

Clark, Allen L.

Clark, Alto B.

Clark, Benedict D.

Clark, Carlton H.

Clark, Cecil

Clark, Charles E.

Clark, Clarence F.

Clark, Frank H.

Clark, George Ramsey 1857-1945 [Archive's copy]

Clark, Grover V.

Clark, Henry G.

Clark, James S.

Clark, Jeane R.

Clark, John Alfred

Clark, John E.

Clark, John P.

Clark, Joseph James 1893-1971

Clark, Morris Y.

Clark, Ralph L.

Clark, Richard G.

Clark, Robert M.

Clark, Robert Nicholson Scott

Clark, Sam E.

Clark, Sherman R.

Clark, Thurston B. 

Clark, Vern

Clarke, Horace Donald

Clarke, Paul W.

Clarke, Peter J

Clarke, Ralph S.

Clarke, Walter E.

Clarke, Wilfred Everett

Clarkson, Arthur Alexander

Clarkson, James Stroud

Clausner, Edward, Jr.

Clay, Donald Noble

Clay, James P.

Clay, Mark W.

Clayton, Marvin C.

Clayton, Spry Owen

Claytor, William Graham, Jr. 1912-1994

Cleavers, Alfred S.

Cleborne, Cuthbert John

Clegg, Courtney G.

Clegg, Glenn William

Clegg, Milton Chipman

Cleland, Cook

Clementson, Merrill K.

Clexton, Edward William

Clifford, Clark M.

Clifford, Lloyd Erwin

Clifford, William F., Jr.

Clifton, Joseph C.

Cline, John Burnett

Clingan, Bruce W.

Clinton, Jack W.

Close, Burdette Eugene

Close, Forrest

Close, Robert H.

Cloughley, Sterling

Cloukey, Malcolm M.

Clouser, Daniel K. 

Clover, Richardson

Cloyd, Dan

Clure, Harry Adrian Mc

Clure, Jesse Samuel Mc

Clusen, Gerald W. "Jerry"

Cluverius, Wat Tyler

Coad, Richard Joseph

Coale, Griffith Baily

Coane, Casey W.

Coats Jr., Leonidas D.

Coats, Robert C.

Cobb, Calvin Hayes

Cobb, James O.

Cobb, William Wilson, Jr.

Cobean Jr., Warren R.

Coburn, Ralph G.

Cochran, Joe B.

Cochran, Thomas

Cochrane, Edward L.

Cocke, Herbert C.

Cockell, William Arthur

Coclough, Oswald Symister

Coddington, James A.

Coe, Benjamin

Coe, Charles Frederick 1901-1974

Coe, James Wiggins 1909-1946 

Coe, Priscilla B.

Coetzee, Althea H. "Allie"

Coffin, Albert P.

Coffin Jr., Clarence E.

Coffin, Harry N.

Coffman, De Witt

Cogswell, Francis

Cogswell, James Kelsey

Cogswell, Wilson P.

Cohen, Jay M.

Cohen, Marion Y.

Cohen, Marshall

Cohn, James E.

Coil, Emory W.

Cokely, Harold J.

Coker, Charles W.

Colahan, Charles E.

Colbert, Richard G.

Coclough, Oswald Symister

Cole Jr., Allyn

Cole, Brady M.

Cole, Brandy M

Cole, Christopher W.

Cole, Cyrus C.

Cole, Cyrus Willard

Cole, Darrell Samuel

Cole, Harold E.

Cole Jr., Otis R.

Cole, Philip P.

Cole, Shelby O.

Cole, William Carey

Cole, William Marchant

Colee, Henry C., Jr.

Coleman, Joseph L.

Coleman, Norman Arthur

Coleman, Thaddeus T., Jr.

Coleman, Walter D.

Coleman, William Bryan

Colestock, Edward Emerson

Coley, Charles C.

Coley, Vernon J., Jr.

Colleran, Gerald F.

Collett, James Dalman

Collett, John A.

Collins, Dale E.

Collins, Frank Charles, Jr.


Collins, Howard L.

Collins, Pierre Dey

Collins, William M.

Collins, Winifred Quick

Collis, John L.

Collisson, Norman Harvey

Coloney, Herndon Percival

Colvin, Victor Galbraith

Colwell, John Barr

Colwell, Samuel G.

Colyear, Bayard Henry

Combs, Lewis Barton

Combs, Thomas S.

Combs Jr., Osie V.

Combs Jr., Walter V.

Comly Jr., Samuel Pancoast

Comp, Charles Owen

Compo, George Leo

Compton, Bryan W.

Compton, James P.

Compton, Karl T.

Compton, Lewis

Compton, Oliver D.

Comstock, Lewis Wells

Comstock, Merrill

Conrad, Charles

Conatser, Charles N.

Conaughty, Robert B.

Condra Jr., Edward M.

Cone, Henry S.

Cone, H. I.

Cone, James Ingham

Cone, Warren M.

Cone, William Wheatly

Coney, Charles E.

Conger, Henry J.

Conger, James W.

Conkey, George L.

Conklin, Fredric Lawton

Conlan, Clarence Vincent

Conley Jr., Thomas F.

Conn, Richard J. H.

Conn, Robert H.

Conn, Scott D.

Connally, Clem Brandon

Connally, John Bowden, Jr. 1917-1993

Connaway, Fred

Connell, Byron James

Connole, David Rickart

Connolly III, Bartholomew J.

Connolly, Joseph Anthony

Connolly, Thomas F.

Connor, Michael J.

Conolly, Richard L.

Conrad, Charles, Jr., "Pete" 1930-1999

Conrad, Cuthbert P.

Conrad, Edward E.

Conrad, Robert Dexter

Conradt-Eberlin, Viggo H.

Conroy, Thomas L.

Constant, Maurice

Converse, Adelbert F.

Converse, Blake L.

Conway Jr., Robert T.

Conway, William

Conway, Lester C.

Cook, Albert B.

Cook Jr., Albert George

Cook Jr., Allen Pearcy

Cook, Arthur Byron

Cook, Arthur D. Cook

Cook, George C.

Cook, Glover H.

Cook Jr., Harry E.

Cook, Ralph E.

Cook, Sterling S.

Cook, William C.

Cook, Wilmer P.

Cooke Jr., Charles Maynard

Cooke, Edward W.

Cooke, Fredrick A. F.

Cooke, Henry David

Cooke Jr., William Robert

Coolbaugh, Walter Wesley

Cooley, Hollis W.

Cooley Jr., Samuel M.

Cooley, Thomas Ross

Cooney, David M.

Coons, William W.

Coontz, Robert Edward 1864-1935 [Archive's copy]

Cooper, Brad

Cooper, Charles B.

Cooper, Clifford S.

Cooper, Damon W.

Cooper, George F.

Cooper, George G.

Cooper, George R.

Cooper, Henry Martin

Cooper, Jacob Elliot

Cooper, Joshua W.

Cooper, Robert Ward

Cooper, Thomas F.

Cooper, William G.

Cope, Alfred L.

Cope, Francis Harley

Copeland, Howard Greydon

Copeland, Richard G.

Copeland, Robert W.

Copeman, Tom

Copley , Curt ,

Coppedge, John O.

Coppola, Joseph A.

Corbin, Clifford Thomas

Corbus, John

Cordiner, Douglas L. L.

Corey, Brian K.

Corey, Howard G.

Corle, Fredric W.

Corley, Jr., Frank W.

Cormier, Richard L.

Corn, William Anderson

Cornell, S. D.

Cornwell, Delbert S. 

Coronado, John

Corradi, Peter

Correll, Richard A.

Corry Jr., William Herrrill

Corry, John

Cosgriff, Kevin J.

Cosgrove Jr., Paul F.

Coskey, Kenneth

Costanza, Charles

Costas, John N.

Costello Jr., Edward J.

Costello, Barry M.

Costello, Joseph Patrick

Coster Jr., Gerard Holsman

Cote Jr., Oliver H.

Cotter, Carl Henry

Cottingham, Claybrook B.

Cottle, George F.

Cottman, Vincendon L.

Cotton Jr., Thomas R.

Cotton, John Bert

Cotton, John G.

Cotton, John H.

Cotton, Lyman A.

Coughlin, Donald M.

Coughlin, John T.

Coulter, Frank J.

Coulter, Howard Nixon

Couniham Jr., John L.

Counts, Stanley T.

Court, John M.

Courtney, Charles Edward

Cousins, Ralph W.

Covell, Cynthia A. "Cindy"

Covert, Charles J.

Cowan, John S.

Cowan, Maichael L.

Coward, Jesse G.

Cowdrey, Roy T.

Cowell, John G.

Cowhill, William J.

Cowie, Terrence Ritchie

Cowie, Thomas Jefferson

Cowley, Robert E., III

Cox, Donald V.

Cox, George E., Jr.

Cox, Leonard M.

Cox, Marshall, H.

Cox, Ormand Lee

Cox, Robert Justin

Cox, Samuel J.

Cox, William R.

Coxe, Lewis C.

Coye, John Starr, Jr.

Coyl, Edwin B.

Coyle, Michael Thomas

Cozad, Kyle

Craig, Clement M.

Craig, Harold C.

Craig, James G.

Craig, John Rich

Craig, Joseph E.

Craig, Kenneth

Craig, Richard James

Craig, Scott T.

Craig, Winchell M.

Craig, Wyatt

Craighill, Richard Starr

Craighill, Robert R.

Cramer, Shannon D., Jr.

Crandall, Darse E.

Crane, John J.

Crane, John Wilbur, Jr.

Crane, Richard T.

Crane, W. Michael "Sky"

Cratf, James P., Jr.

Craven, Conrad Winfield

Craven, Francis S.

Craven, John H.

Craven, John Piña

Craven, Phillip R.

Craven, Thomas Tingey

Crawford, Joseph W., Jr.

Crawford, William H., Jr.

Crawford, Arthur G.

Crawford, Charles L.

Crawford, David Stolz

Crawford, Earl B.

Crawford, George Clifford 1896-1993

Crawford, Jack H.

Crawford, James W., III

Crawford, John Graybill

Creamer, William Wilson

Crean, Sean F.

Creasor, Philip Swanton

Creasy, Otway David, Jr.

Creehan, Edward Patrick

Creevy, Lawrence E.

Creighton, John M.

Creighton, Kathleen M.

Creighton, Liles W.

Crenshaw, Lewis W., Jr.

Crenshaw, Lewis W., Jr.

Crenshaw, Russell S., Jr.

Crenshaw, William Robins

Cresap, James B.

Crichton, Charles Helmick

Criddle, Clement Robert

Crilley, Frank William

Crippen, Robert Laurel

Crisp, Donna L.

Crisp, Fredrick Grafton

Crissman, George G.

Crist, Le Merton Edson, Jr.

Crist, Harold F.

Crites, Randy B.

Crittenden Jr., Samuel Hallett

Crocker, David M.

Crombe, Charles E.

Crommelin Jr., John G.

Crommelin, Charles L.

Crommelin, Henry

Crommelin, Quentin C.

Crommelin, Richard G.

Cromwell, John P.

Cronin, George F.

Cronin, Joseph Campbell

Cronin, Robert E.

Cronk, David J.

Cronkite, Eugene Pitcher

Crook, Joseph A.

Crook, Lewis J.

Cropper, Thomas A.

Crosby, Gordon J.

Crosby, Howard Sylney

Crosby, Philip

Crosland, George Nathaniel

Crosley, Paul C.

Crosley, Walter S.

Cross, cornelius Tunnecliff

Cross, Fredrick C.

Cross, Harold E.

Cross, James F.

Cross, William H.

Crosse, Charles, Washburn

Crouch, Edwin M.

Crow, Howard Daniel

Crowder, William Douglas

Crowder, William T.

Crowe Jr., William J.

Crowe, John Francis

Crowe, John W.

Crowley Jr., Roger J.

Crowley, Edward Dupuis

Crowley, John D.

Cruise, Edgar Allen

Crumpacker, John

Cruse, Carl M.

Cruse, James H.

Crutcher, William R.

Crutchfield Jr., Paul W.

Crutchfield, Jack R.

Crutchfield, Robert R.

Cruz, Anatolio B. "A.B.", III

Cruzen, Richard H.

Cryer III, John P.

Cryer, John P.

Cuccia, Robert A.

Cullen, Thomas F.

Cullom, Philip Hart

Culter, Roger W.

Culver, Burtnett Kent

Cumberledge, Arthur A.

Cummings Jr., Edward J.

Cummings Jr., Edward M.

Cummings, Charles W.

Cummings, Samuel A.

Cummins, David E.

Cummins, Samuel A.

Cunha, George Daniel

Cunneen, John M.

Cunningham, Alfred Austell

Cunningham, Bernard V.

Cunningham, Thomas D.

Cunningham, Winfield Scott

Cureton, Murphy K.

Curione, Charles

Curran Jr., James H.

Curren, Howard F.

Currier, Roger Noon

Curtis, D. C

Curtis, Robert W.

Curtis Jr., Walter L.

Curts, Maurice Edwin

Curtze, Charles A.

Cushing, Dana B.

Cushing, William Baker

Cushman, Charles W.

Cusic, Marshall Edward Jr

Custer, Benjamin Scott

Custis, Donald L.

Cutchen, Bryan P. "Clutch"

Cutler, Dawn E., 

Cutler, Henry O.

Cutter, Freeman

Cutter, Slade D.

Cutts, Elwin F.

Czerwenka, Adolph P.



Dabagh, Theodore D.

Dabney, Thomas B.   1913 - 2010

Dacey, John E.  1916 - 1991

Dachs, Lukas V. 1916 - 1959

Daggett, Roswell Belden

Dahlgren, John Adolphus Bernard 1809-1870 [ZB file copy]

Dahllof, Robert L.

Dalstrom, Vincent A.

Dailey, C. Robertson

Daily, Augustus D.

Dale, Ronald H.

Daily, Fredrick Earle

Dalton, Gorge F.

Dalton, John Howard 1941- 

Dalton, Joseph Francis

Dalton, Marc H.

Daly, Daniel Joseph 1873 - 1937

Daly, George W.

Daly, Peter H.

Dames, Thomas Allan

Damon, Newton L.

Dana, Marshall M.

Dana, Winfred P.

Daniel, John C.

Daniel, Hugh Spencer

Daniel Jr., James W.

Daniel, Henry C.

Daniel Jr., Royal T.

Daniels, John M.

Daniels, Josephus

Daniels, Lowell P.

Daniels, Sandy

Dankworth, Theodore P.

Dannenburg, John Yancey

Dannettell, Ralph

Danzig, Richard Jeffrey 1944- 

Darby, Marshall E.

Dare, Eugene R.

Dare, James A.

Darnell, William I.

Darrah, Mark W

Darroch, James W.

Darton, Herber E.

Dashiell Jr., Edward L.

Dashiell, Robert Brooke

Daspit, Lawrence Randall

Daub, Jr., John

Daubenspeck, Richard E.

Daubin, Freeland Allyn 1886-1959

Davenport, Roy Milton

Davey Jr., Hearry E.

Davey, Thomas L.

Davids, Yvette M.

Davidson, James J.

Davidson, Janine.

Davidson, John F.

Davidson, Lyal A.

Davidson , Philip S.

Davidson, Roscoe A.

Davidson, Tina A.

Davidson, Walter B.

Davie, Theodore H.

Davies, Thomas D.

Davis, Albert S.

Davis, Burton

Davis, Clifford L. H. 

Davis Jr., David W.

Davis, Donald C.

Davis, Douglas C.

Davis III, Edward Morris

Davis, Eugene W.

Davis, Jr., George E.

Davis, George Fleming

Davis, Jr., George M.

Davis, Glenn B.

Davis, Hartwell C.

Davis, James E.

Davis, James H.

Davis, James Kepler

Davis, James White

Davis, James R.

Davis, John

Davis Jr., John A.

Davis Jr., John B.

Davis, John F.

Davis, John P.

Davis, Kent 

Davis Jr., Lewis E.

Davis, Lewis Farling

Davis, Louis P.

Davis Jr., Landon Leslie

Davis Jr., Nathaniel Burt

Davis, Ralph O.

Davis, Ransom Kirby

Davis, Ray

Davis, Robert Gaylord

Davis, Robert Stevens

Davis, Royce P.

Davis, Thomas M.

Davis, W. Kent

Davis, Ward Percival

Davis Jr., Will J.

Davis, William V "Bill"

Davis Jr., William V.

Davison, Henry D.

Davison, Ralph Eugene

Davison, William H.

Davisson, Fredrick A.

Dawes, Robert Alden

Dawley, Jack B.

Dawson Jr., Howard W.

Dawson Jr., J. Culter

Dawson, Kenneth Vernon

Dawson, William F.

Dawson, William L.

Day, Burton Eldred

Day, De Vere Lester

Day Jr., Douglas Turner

Day, Edward M.

Day, George C.

Day Jr., Howard Earl

Day, Rhodes E.

Dayton, John Havens

Dean, Frank Homewood

Dean, Jack G.

Dean Jr., William Arthur

Dearing, Arthur Herbert

Debbink, Dirk J

De Blanc, Jefferson Joseph

DeCamp, Louis E.

DeKrafft, John C. P.

Dealey, Samuel D.

Decater, Stephen

Decker, Benton Weaver

Decker, Arthur T.

Dedman, Tyler F.

Dedrick, Walter

Deegan, Joseph F.

Deegan Jr., Joseph F.

Deem, Joseph M.

Deen, Harvard F.

Dees, Randal Euesta

de Florez, Luis

DeFoney, Clinton Githens

Deford, Clifford C.

Defrees, Joseph R.

Defrees Jr., Joseph R.

De Haven, Edwin Jesse

Deibler Jr., William H.

DeKay, Charles G.

Delahanty, Frank P.

Delaney, Henry R.

Delaney, John Francis

Delaney, William Ernest

Delano, Victor

DeLany, Walter S.

DeLargy, John M.

Delezene, James R.

Dell Jr., Thomas Medairy

DeLoach, Jay A

DeLong, Edward G.

DeLong, Henry C.

DelToro, Moises , III

Demarest, Harold R.

DeMetroplis, George

Demmler, Charles F.

Dempsey, James C.

Denbo, Robert W.

Denebrink, Francis C.

Denegre, Jr., Thomas B.

Denfeld, Louis Emil 1891-1972

Denneen, John P.

Dennett, Erle Van Emburgh

Dennis, Jefferson R.

Dennison, Robert Lee 1901-1980

Denton Jr., Jeremiah A.

Denton, William Thomas

De Poix, Vincent Paul

Deragon, William N.

De Renzi, Nanette

Desel, Robert F. P.

De Steiguer, Louis R.

DeTar, John L.

Dettman, Frank Carl Louis

Detweiler, Louis M.

Detzer Jr., August J. 

Deutermann, Harold T.

Deutermann, William Vincent

Deutsch, Kenneth William,

DeVane Jr., John M.

DeVico, Anthony J.

DeVos, Paul Louis

Dew Jr., Carlos

Dew, Irvin L.

DeWalt, Rodney P "Tool"

DeWert, Richard

Dewey, George

Dewey, William H.

DeWitt, John C.

DeWitt, Nellie Jane

DeWolf, Maurice M.

Dexter, Edwin Boardman

Deyo, Morton L.

Diaz Jr., Alberto

Dibrell Jr., Aquilla G.

Dichman, Grattan C.

Dick, John H.

Dickeman, Charles Theodore

Dickens Jr., Paul F.

Dickerson, Vincent M.

Dickey, Fred Clinton

Dickey, Gene P.

Dickey, Willie Mills

Dickinson Jr., Dwight

Dickinson, Everett H.

Dickinson, George W.

Dickinson, Milton C.

Dickson, Edward A.

Dickson, Harlan Rockey

Dickson, John Paul

Diehl, Walter Stuart

Diekhoff, Arold H.

Dierdorff, Ross Ainsworth

Dierman, Frederick G.

Dietrich, Henry Thornton

Dietrich, Neil K.

Dietrich, William Francis

Dietz, James S.

Dietzen Jr., Walter N.

Diffley, John R.

Dillen, Roscoe Franklin

Dillon, John G.

Dillon, John Herman

Dillon, John Richard

Dillon, Wallace Myron

Dillon, William S.

Dimitrijevic, William Joseph

Dimmick, John Bagley

Dineen, Aurthur F.

Dingwell, John Ernest

Dinneen, John H.

Dinsmore, Harold T.

Disher, John Stephen

Dissette, Edward F.

Ditch, William E.

Dittmar, Charles A.

Dixon Jr., John C.

Dixon, Kelvin N.

Dixon, Robert E.

Doak, Samuel L.

Doan, Henry C.

Dobbins, Richard F.

Dobbs, Horace Franklin

Dobie Jr., Ernest W.

Dockum, Donald Granville

Dockweiler, Edward Vincent

Dodd, Harold

Dodd, Jack G.

Dodge, Frank Riley

Dodge, Henry Benjamin

Dodge, Sherwood Higby

Dodgen, James E.

Dodgen, Joey B.

Dodson, Bennett Merritt

Dodson, Harry Leluce

Dodson, Joseph E.

Dodson, Oscar H.

Doering, Wallace S.

Doherty, John C.

Dolan Jr., John W.

Dolan, William A.

Doll, Bruce A.

Dollard, Henry L.

Dombroff, Seymour

Dominy, John A.

Donaho, Doyle G.

Donaho, Glynn Robert

Donald, H. Gordon

Donald, Kirkland H.

Donaldson Jr., James C.

Donegan, Kevin M. "Kid"

Donnelly, John Jay

Donnelly Jr., William E.

Donnelly, William E.

Donovan, Janet R.

Donovan, Thomas A.

Dooley, Thomas A.

Doolittle, Richard N.

Doran, Walter E.

Doran, Walter Francis


Dorman, Alvin E.

Dornin, Marshall E.

Donin, Robert E.

Dorr, Hayes Ashton

Dorrington, Joseph F.

Dorsett, David John


Dorsett, John O. F.

Dorsey, Daniel R.

Dorsey, Jack S.

Dortch, Isaac Foote

Dose, Robert G.

Doss Jr., Clarence T.

Dougherty, Kathryn

Doughty Jr., Leonard

Douglas, Benjamin T.

Douglas, James

Douw, Volckert Petrus

Dow, Jennings Bryan

Dow, Leonard J.

Dowd, Wallace R.

Dowd, Jr., Wallace R.

Dowdell, James S.

Dowling, Otto Carl

Downes, John

Downes, Robert S.

Downey, Denis-James J.

Downey, James P

Downey, Louis A.

Doyle, Austin Kelvin

Doyle, James Henry 1897-1981

Doyle, Stafford H. R.

Doyle Jr., Thomas J.

Doyle Jr., William Thomas

Drachnik, Joseph B.

Draemel, Milo Fredrick

Drain, Dan T.

Drake, Francis R.

Drake, Thomas R.

Drake, William W.

Drane, William, M.

Draper, William Franklin

Dreisonstock, Joseph Y.

Dreith, Floyd J.

Dreller, Louis

Drescher, Carl G.

Dress, George K.

Dressendrofer, Davis E.

Drew, Edward J.

Drew, Marianne

Driscoll, George M.

Driscoll, Patrick

Driver, Randolph S.

Droom. Lawrence K.

Dropp, Anthony Henry

Drouilhet, Paul R.

Druckemiller, William H.

Druggan, Tom.

Drum, Henry W.

Drury, Martin J.

Drustrup, Norman J.

Dry, Melvin H.

Dry, Spence

Dryden, John Edward

Dubois, Raymond F.

Dubois, Samuel Walter

DuBose, Williams G.

Duborg, Francis R.

Duborg, Robert W.

Dubose, Laurance T.

DuBose, William G.

Duchin, Edwin F.

Duckworth, Herbert S.

Dudley, Clayton R.

Dudley, George E.

Dudley, James Rogers

Dudley, Paul L.

Duerfeldt, Clifford H.

Duerk, Alene B.

Dufek, George J.

Duff, Howard C.

Duffill, Monre B.

Duffner, Gerald J.

Duffy, Charles G.

Duffy, George Edward

Duffy, Gerald E.

Dugan. Paul Fleming

Dugan, Thomas B.

Duborg, Christian Harold

Duke, Claren Emmett

Duke, Irving Terrill

Dumbauld, Carl M.

Dunagan, Glenn L.

Dumbell, Raymond

Dumont, Michael J.

Dunaway, David A.

Dunbar, Arthur W.

Dunbrack, Harry 

Duncan, Charles K.

Duncan, Donald B.

Duncan, George C.

Duncan, Greer A.

Duncan, Jack Harlan

Duncan, Max C.

Duncan, Richard L.

Duncan, Silas

Dunford, James Marshall

Dunham, Frank C.

Dunham Jr., Frank C.

Dunlap, Robert Hugo

Dunlap, Roy L.

Dunlap, Stanton B.

Dunn, Bess Amelia

Dunn, Charles Alfred

Dunn, Elmer J.

Dunn, Herbert O.

Dunn, John Howard

Dunn, Joseph Brantley

Dunn, Robert F.

Dunne, Patrick W.

Dunnells, Robert E.

Dunning, Allan L.

Dupre Jr., Marcy Mathias

Dur, Philip A.

Durand, Robert T. “Roberto”


Durant, Kenneth William

Durden, Walter D.

Durgin, Clavin Thornton

Durhan, Thomas Arthur

Durski, Malen

Duryea, David M.

Duryea, Edward Harold

Dussault, George A.

Dussault, Kathleen M.

Dustin, Fredrick G.

DuVal Jr., Miles P.

Duvall Jr., Elmer Ellsworth

Duvall, William H.

Dwire, Oliver S.

Dwyer, Daniel W.


Dwyer, Dennis M.

Dwyer, George C.

Dwyer, Thomas L.

Dyer, Joseph W.

Dybdal, Victor A.

Dyer, George Carroll

Dyer, George L.

Dyer, James S.

Dyer Jr., Robert Allen

Dyer, Walter L.

Dyess, Aquilla J.

Dykers, Thomas M. 1905-1975

Dyson, Howell J.


Eagle Jr., Carlton R.

Earle, Otis J.

Earle, Ralph

Earle Jr., Ralph

Early Jr., Julius C.

Early, Paul J.

Eason Jr., Van Vernon

Easterling, Henry M.

Easton, William T.

Eastwold, Earl R.

Eaton, Melville E.

Eaton, William

Eaton, Wiliam G.

Eberhard, Arthur C.

Eberhart, John Jacob

Eberle, Edward Walter 1864-1929

Ebersole, John Henry

Ebert, Hilan

Ebert, Walter Gale

Eckberg, Herbert Frederic 1906-1989

Eckberg, Walter T.

Eccles, Henry E.

Eccles, Thomas J.  

Eckelmeyer Jr., Edward H.

Eckhoff, Frederick John 1898-1956

Ede, Shakeeb

Eddy, Daniel T.

Eddy, Thomas R.

Edgar, Campbell Dallas

Edmands, Ernest John

Edsall, Warner R.

Edson, Merritt A.

Edson, Stephen R.

Edwards Jr., David S.

Edwards Jr., Fredrick Lee

Edwards, Hal K.

Edwards, Heywood L.

Edwards, Irwin Griffith

Edwards, John E.

Edwards III, John Q

Edwards, Mark J.

Edwards, Raymond D

Edwards, Richard Stanislaus 1885-1956

Edwards, Steven H

Edwards, Walter A.

Efird, Terril A.

Eggers, Fremont Baldwin

Eggert, Ernest F.

Eighmy, Herbert H.

Eisenbach, Charles R.

Eisenhart, George N.

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Eisner, Jacques Rodney

Ekas Jr., Claude P.

Ekstrom, Clarence E.

Ekvall, Leslie D.

Eldridge Jr., John

Eldridge, Robert Louis

Elfelt, James S.

Eller, Donald T.

Eller, Ernest McNeill 1903-1992

Eller, James B.

Ellet, Charles

Elliott, Edward C.

Elliott Jr., James B.

Elliott, James M.

Elliott Jr., Ralph E.

Elliot Jr., Robert W.

Ellis Jr., George F

Ellis, Hayne

Ellis, Herbert A.

Ellis, James W.

Ellis, Charles John

Ellis, Paul Bush

Ellis, Robert Beaman

Ellis, Robert Lee Jr.

Ellis, Walter J.

Ellis, William A.

Ellis, William D.

Ellis, William E.

Ellis, William H.

Ellis, Winford G. (Jerry)

Ellison, Davis R.

Ellison, Harold J.

Ellison, Stanley E.

Ellison, Thomas B.

Ellsberg, Edward

Ellsworth Jr., Ernest Bradford

Ellyson, Theodore G.

Elmer, Joseph S.

Elpers, William W.

Ely, Don L.

Elsasser, Leo J.

Embree, Ralph A.

Embry Jr., Ashton F.

Emerson, Raffe

Emery, George C.

Emery, George Williams

Emmet, Robert R. M.

Emmons, George F.

Emory, Campbell Dallas

Emrick, Paul E.

Engelman, William L.

Engen, Donald D.

Enger, Walter M.

England, Gordon Richard 1937-

Engle, Paul R.

Engleman, Christian L.

English Jr., Elbert H.

English, Raymond P.

English, Robert Allen Joseph

English, Robert H.

England, Harry W.

Enright, George T.

Enright, Joseph E.

Enright, Joseph F.

Ensey, Lot

Ensey, Lyttleton B.

Entler Jr., Daniel M.

Entwistle, Fredrick I.

Epes Jr., Horace H.

Eppes, Marion Henry

Eppley, Marion

Epps, William Bunyon

Erben, Henry

Erck, Charles Fredrick

Erdmann, William L.

Erly, Robert Broussard

Ernest, Ralph N.

Erwin, Donald L.

Esch, Arthur G.

Escobar, Frank A.

Espenas, Arthur K.

Espy Jr., Cecil Jefferson

Esslinger, Robert John

Estabrook Jr., William S.

Esterly, Marcus H.

Etter, Harry S.

Etter Jr., James Henry

Eubank, Gerald A.

Evans, Charles Leo Glandore

Evans, Donald Sidley

Evans, Earl F.

Evans, Ernest Edwin 1908-1945

Evans, Ernest Edwin

Evans, Francis Thomas

Evans, Franck T.

Evans, Frank E.

Evans, Jr., Griffith C.

Evans, Myron T.

Evans, Ronald Ellwin 1933-1990 [Archive's copy]

Evans, Ronald E.

Evans, Stuart J.

Evans, William Ashby

Evans, William A.

Evans, William Robinson

Evenson, Marvin Pabodie

Everett, George Stafford

Everett, Robert J

Evers, Adelbert R.

Eversole, Fredrick Lowell 1917-1997

Eversole, John Thomas

Ewen, Edward C.

Ewing, John L.

Ewoldt, Leonard E.

Eyer, Alfred W.

Eynon, Everett

Eytchison, Ronald M.


Faehnle, David James

Fagan Jr., John F.

Fagan, Edward Mallon

Fages, Malcolm I.

Fahle, Robert Schley

Fahrion, Frank G.

Fahrney, Delmer S.

Fahy, Edward J.

Fahy, Edward J.

Fahy, John S.

Fair, John W.

Fair, Robert E.

Fairbanks, Douglas Elton, Jr. 1909-2000

Fairchild, Milton Duncan

Fairfax, Eugene G.

Fairfield, Arthur Philip

Fairs Jr., Carl F.

Faison, C. Forrest, III

Falgout, George Irving

Faller, Craig S.

Fallon, William J.

Fann, Herbert Keeney

Fanta, Peter

Farber, William S.

Farenholt, Ammen

Farenholt, Oscar Walter

Fargo, Thomas B.

Fargo, William B.

Farkas, Robert E.

Farley, William B.

Farnsworth, John Semer

Farnsworth, Raymond E.

Farquhar, Allan S.

Farragut, David Glasgow 1801-1870 [ZB file copy]

Farrar, Marvale T.

Farrell, Eugene H.

Farrell, John R.

Farrell, Joseph A.

Farrell, Leo Bernard

Farrell, Ralph A. W.

Farrell, Richard M.

Farrin, James M.

Farrington, Elwin L.

Farrington, Robert F.

Farrow, Henry

Farwell Jr., Arthur F.

Farwell, Charles B.

Farwell, Raymond Forrest

Faubion, Bernard H.

Faucett, Ralph E.

Faulders Jr., Cyril T.

Faulk, Roland W.

Fauntz, Theodore Clarkson

Faust, Allen R.

Fawkes, Emerson E.

Fay, Albert J.

Fay Jr., Paul Burgess

Faye Jr., Edwin N.

Fearnow, Fredrick R.

Fechteler, Augustus Francis 1857-1921 [Archives' copy]

Fechteler, Frank C.

Fechtler, William Morrow 1896-1967

Feder, John G.

Fee, John J.

Feichtinger, Mark R.

Feightner, Edward L.

Feineman, Wilber W.

Feinman, David M.

Feliciano, Allan  

Fellers, William M.

Fellin, Tom S.

Fellows Jr., Frederick Gale

Fellows Jr., John B.

Fellows, Carl M.

Felt, Harry Donald

Felter, John F.

Fenner, Edward Blaine

Fenno Jr., Frank W.

Fenton, Charles R.

Fenton, Gregory J. "Fence"

Fenwick, Joseph E.

Ferguson, Charles L.

Ferguson, George William

Ferguson, Glover T.

Ferguson, James D.

Ferguson, John A.

Ferguson, Mark E., III

Fernald, James Merrill

Ferrante, John M.

Ferrara, Maurice

Ferris, Floyd F.

Ferris, James

Ferriter, Charles A.

Ferwerda, Thomas

Ferwerda, Vernon Leroy

Fessenden, Reginald Aubrey

Fiala, Reid P.

Fick, Harold F.

Fickland, Evan E.

Fidel, John A.

Fidler, Charles R.  

Field Jr., Benjamin P.

Field Jr., Jennings Pemble

Field, Bunton Robert

Field, George Arthur

Field, Wells Laflin

Fielder, Charles W.

Fielding, Charles Frederick 1889-1962

Fielding, Teddy R.

Fienscher Jr., Edward

Fife Jr., James

Fifield, John G.

Filipowski, Sean R.

Filippone, Saverio

Fillerbrown, Thomas S.

Fillion, Daniel H.

Finch Jr., Joseph Warren

Findley, Lloyd G.

Fine, Stanley S.

Fink  Jr., Beauford Wallace

Fink, Carl Kenneth

Finley Jr., Miles R.

Finn, John W.

Finnegan, Joseph

Finneran, John G.

Finney Jr., Earl

Fiorini, Elmer B.

Firth, Maxim W.

Fischer Jr., Harry

Fischer, C. Fink

Fischer, George E.

Fischler Peter Kalsch

Fish, Howell C.

Fisher, Allan J.

Fisher, Alton K.

Fisher, Alvan

Fisher, John R.

Fisher, Lee W.

Fisher, Rand H.

Fisher, Ronald Joseph

Fisher, William Gooding

Fiske, Bradley Allen

Fiske, Leon S.

Fitch, Aubrey

Fitch, Henry Winslow

Fitch, Howard Wesley

Fitz, Harold Carlton

Fitzgerald Jr., William F.

Fitzgerald, Charles Tuckerman

Fitzgerald, James R.

Fitzgerald, John A.

Fitzgerald, Mark P.

Fitzgibbon, John E.

Fitzhugh Jr., Mayo M.

Fitzpatrick, Francis J.

Fitz-Patrick, Joseph P.

Fitzsimmons, Andrew M. R.

Fitzsimmons, John Patrick

Fitzwilliam, Albert E.

Flaherty, Arthur I.

Flaherty, Michael Francis Donald 1904-1993

Flanagan, William R.

Flanchsenhar, John Jay

Flanders, Moira N.

Flanigan, Howard A.

Flannery, John L.

Flatley, James Henry, Jr. 1906-1958

Fleck, Bernard A.

Fleck Jr., Francis E.

Fleet, John Paul

Fleming, Allan F.

Fleming, Edward S.

Fleming, Morton Klyne, Jr. 1904-1995

Fleming, Patrick D.

Fleet, John Paul

Flenniken Jr., Clifton Wharton

Fletcher Jr., Francis O’C.

Fletcher, Frank Friday 1855-1928 [Archive's copy]

Fletcher, Frank Jack 1885-1973 [Archive's copy]

Fletcher, William B.

Fletcher Jr., William B.

Fligg, Claude M.

Flint Jr., Lawrence E.

Flippen, Homer W.

Floberg, John Forrest

Florence, John W.

Flower, Charles F.

Floyd, Kenneth E.

Floyd, William Orrin

Fluckey Eugene B.

Fluegel, Fred C.

Flynn, John F.

Flynn, Joseph E.

Flynn, Russell F.

Flynn, Thomas Joseph

Foertner, John F.

Fogarty, William M.

Fogel, Ronald H.

Foggo, James G., III

Foley III, John B.

Foley Jr., Harry J. P.

Foley Jr., Paul

Foley Jr., Sylvester R.

Foley, Francis D.

Foley, Joseph Ferrall

Foley, Robert Joseph

Folk, Winston Pilcher

Folsom, Parker L.

Foote, Andrew Hull

Foote, John Storrs

Foott, George Wade

Ford, Gerald Rudolp, Jr. 1913-2006

Ford, John

Ford, Robert S.

Ford, Walter Chilcott

Ford, Warren W.

Forees Jr., Bernard B.

Foreman, Robert P.

Forest, Francis X.

Forgy Jr., Earl

Forman, Robert N.

Formoe, Clarence M.

Forquer, Charles J.

Forrest, Gaylord T.

Forrest, James E.

Forrestal, James Vincent

Forrestel, Emmet P.

Forsander, John P.

Forster, Edward William

Fort, Brian P.

Fort, George H.

Fortson II, Thomas E.

Fortune, William C.

Foskett, James Hicks

Foss, Joseph Jacob

Foss, Newton P.

Foster Jr., Clifford

Foster, Edward Lee

Foster, Edwin Dorsey

Foster, Festus Finley

Foster, John Golden

Foster, John L.

Foster, Kirk A.

Foster, Paul Frederick

Foster, Thomas M.

Foster, Walter M.

Foulk, Edwin D.

Foulkes, William O.

Fowler Jr., Earl B.

Fowler Jr., Richard E.

Fowler, Gordon

Fowler, Jeffrey Lee 

Fowler, Joseph W.

Fowler, Joseph William

Fowler, Oliver N.

Fowler, Richard Labbitt

Fowler, Thompson Fletcher

Fowler, Walter E.

Fowler, William MC Daniel

Fox, Charles W.

Fox, Douglas Harold

Fox, Elmer L.

Fox, John P.

Fox, Leonard O.

Fox, Mark I.

Fox, Myles C.

Fox, Philip H.

Fox, William Vincent

Foxgrover, James H.

Fradd, John Ernest

Frakes, Dale R.

Frampton, Woodley E.

France Jr., Albert Finley

Francher, Naill Ralph

Franchetti, Lisa

Francis, Dennis L.

Francy, William J.

Frank Jr., John Frederick

Frank, Dan Gaston

Franke, William Birrell 1894-1979

Frankel, Samuel B.

Franken, Michael T.

Frankenberger, Hugo

Frankenberger, Norbert

Franklin, James G.

Franklin, Samuel R.

Franklin, William R.

Fraser, Archie D.

Fraser, George K.

Fraser, James W.

Fratze, Walter E.

Frazer, Charles L.

Frazier, Paul W.

Frederick, Theodore Ridenour

Fredericks, Edward H. C.

Freedman Jr., Albert S.

Freedman, Albert S.

Freeman III, Rowland G.

Freeman, Berkley I.

Freeman, Charles L.

Freeman, Charles Seymour

Freeman, Dewitt L.

Freeman, James Shepherd

Freeman, Mason B.

Freeman, Ross E.

Freitag, Robert F.

Fremont, John Charles

French Jr., Walter H.

French, Louis E.

French, William D.

Frericks, Herman

Freseman, William Lagfitt

Friede, Richard L.

Friedell, Wilhelm Lee

Friedman, Herbert

Frishman, Robert F.

Fritschmann, George

Fritter, Charles T.

Fritzemeier, Ronald R.

From Jr., John L.

Frorath, Joseph W.

Frosch, Robert A.

Frossard, Clarence F.

Frost, Laurence H.

Froude, Robert S.

Fry, Harold E.

Fry, Scott A.

Fry, Wesley

Fryberger, Elbert L.

Frye, Clare A.

Fuelling, James Louis

Fuetusch, Bernhart Alois

Fullam, William F.

Fullam, William F.

Fullaway, Frank L.

Fuller Jr., Clark Halsey

Fuller, Bryant

Fuller, Harold D.

Fuller, John V.

Fuller, Jr., John D.

Fullinwinder, Edwin Gaines

Fullinwinder, Ranson

Fulmer Jr., Herbert S.

Fulp Jr., James D.

Fulton, Garland

Fulton, James R.

Fulton, Robert B.

Fung, Mark J.

Funke Jr., Frederick

Fuqua, Samuel G.

Furer, Albert B.

Furer, Julius A.

Furlong, William Rea

Furlow, Charles M.

Furse, John Houseal

Furth, Frederick R.

Fussell III, Henry M.

Fusselman, Raymond Dennis

Fyfe, John K.

Fyffe, Joseph



Gabbert, John Sterett Crittenden 1911-1980

Gabrielson, Donald.

Gaddis, Seeman 1899-1979

Gaden, Allen G.

Gaddis, Walter D.

Gaddis, William P. 1883-1961

Gaffney, John Jerome 1891-1947

Gaffney II, Paul G.

Gage, Kenneth L.

Gahagan, Shane G.

Gaiani, Anthony E.

Gaillard, William Edward 1912-1968

Gainard, Joseph Aloysius 1889-1943

Gaines, Oliver Wallace 1900-1974

Gaines, Richard Kenna 1903-1968

Galantin, Ignatius Joseph 1910-2004

Galbraith, William J.

Galer, Robert Edward

Galinis, William J.

Gallaher, Antone R.

Gallager, Edward F.

Gallagher, Richard K.

Gallager, Robert A.

Gallager Jr., Thomas J.

Gallaher, John F.

Gallaudet, Timothy C.

Gallaher, Wilmer Earl

Gallery, Daniel V.

Gallery, Philip D.

Gallery, William Onahan

Gallin, Alvin L.

Galloway, Calvin B.

Galpin, Gerard Frank

Galvani, Amedeo H.

Gambacorta, Francis M.

Gambling, Norman William

Gamon Jr., John A.

Gannon, John W.

Gannon, Sinclair

Gano, Roy A.

Gantz, Saxe P.

Gaouette, Charles M.

Garber, Paul E.

Garcia, Edmund Ernest 1905-1971

Gard, Daniel L.

Gardes, Alfred W.

Gardiner, Josef M.

Gardner, Charles A.

Gardner Jr., Earle G.

Gardner, Edward Randolph

Gardner, Francis H.

Gardner, Matthias B.

Garland, Guy P.

Garnett, Philip W.

Garrels, Robert Earnest

Garrett, Francis L.

Garrett Jr., John H.

Garrett III, H. Lawrence

Garrick, Robert M.

Garrison, Charles Ford

Garrison, Daniel M.

Garrison, Malcolm E.

Garrison, Philip Eugene

Garrow, Jack A.

Gartenlaub, Charles

Garton, Norman Farquhar

Gary, Donald A.

Gatch, Thomas Leigh

Gates, Artemus L.

Gates, Herbert Kenneth

Gates, Paul Richard

Gates Jr., Thomas Sovereign

Gatling, Richard J.

Gaudio, Jan Cody

Gaviglio, Peter Massimo

Gavin, Arthur

Gaw, Benjamin D.

Gay Jr., Donald

Gay, Earl L

Gay, George Henry 1917-1994

Gay, Jesse Bishop

Gay Jr., Jesse B.

Gayler, Nole

Gearing, Henry C.

Gebelin, Albert L.

Gehres, Leslie Edward

Gehrke, Bradley R.

Gehman, Harold W.

Geib, Philip O.

Geiger, Robert K.

Geiger, Roy Stanley

Geis, Lawrence R.

Geiselman, Ellis Hugh 1895-1970

Geisinger, David

Gell, Charles F.

Genders, Richard Atherstone

Genther Jr., William E.

Gentry, Kenneth McLoud

Gentry, William W.

George, Douglas Fred

George, Jack R.

Gerber, Ralph I.

Gerhard, Harry E.

Gerken, Alfred Frederick

Germany, Robert William

Germershausen, William Joseph

Gerold, Harold F.

Gessner, Edward H.

Geyer, John Henry

Gheen, Edward Hickman

Gherardi, Walter R.

Ghormley, Robert Lee 1883-1958

Giambastiani Jr., Edmund P.

Giambattista, Frank D.

Gibbons, Robert M.

Gibbs, Julius E.

Gibson, Charles E.

Gibson, Jack E.

Gibson, Winnie

Giese, Carl E.

Gieselmann, Adolph Otto

Giffen, Robert Carlisle 1886-1962

Giffen, Robert Carlisle, Jr.

Gifford Jr., Walter S.

Gilbeau, Robert J.

Gilbert, Roy Del

Gilday, Michael

Giles, Donald Theodore

Gilkeson, Fillmore B.

Gil, Cecil Batchedler

Gill, Charles C.

Gill, Frank F.

Gill, John M.

Gill, Paul W.

Gill, Roger J.

Gillan Jr., Martin J.

Gillcrist, John A.

Gillespie, George Samuel

Gillett, Robert M.

Gillette, Norman Campbell

Gillette Jr., Norman C.

Gillette, Robert W.

Gilliam, Charles Robert

Gillies, Louis A.

Gillilan, Charles Harrison

Gillingham, Bruce L.

Gillis, James H.

Gilliss, James M.

Gilore, Frank P.

Gilmore, Howard W.

Gilmore, Morris Davis

Gilmore, Walter William

Gilroy, Robert H.

Gimber, Stephen H.

Gimpel, Herbert J.

Ginder, Samuel P.

Gingras, Richard Hernus

Gingrich, Herman F.

Gingrich, John Edward 1897-1960

Gintzig, Donald R.

Giordano, Steven.

Giotta, Peter John

Girod, Roy O.

Girrier, Robert P.

Gisvold Jr., Paul A.

Gjoerloff, George Oliver

Gladding, Everett B.

Glass, Henry

Glass, Richard P.

Glassford, William A.

Gleaves, Albert 1858-1937 [Archives' copy]

Gleim, Fritz

Gleen, Hardy

Glennon, James Henry 1857-1940 [Archives' copy]

Glennon, William R.

Glenzer Jr., Hubert

Glideman Jr., Henry P.

Glocheski, Virgil R.

Glover, Cato Douglas

Glover, Robert Ogden

Glutting, Paul Rolland

Godfrey, Earl F.

Godfrey, Jack E.

Godinez, Marcos A.

Godson Jr., William H.

Godwin III, James B.

Goepner, O. William

Goff, Harry Louis

Goff, Nathan

Goggins, William Bernard

Gold, Charles C.

Gold Jr., Pleasant D.

Goldberg, Herschel

Goldberg, Joshua L.

Golden Jr., William A.

Goldsborough, Louis Malesherbes

Goldwhwaite, Robert

Gooch Jr., Floyd W.

Good, Howard H.

Good, Roscoe F.

Goodall, Henry W.

Goodfellow, Alexander S.

Goodhue, Arthur A.

Goodier, Benjamin D.

Gooding, Callis Calvert

Gooding, Robert C.

Goodman, Daniel C.

Goodmey, Willard K.

Goodrich, Casper Frederick

Goodrich, Casper

Goodwin, Hugh H.

Goodwin, John Frohock

Goodwin, John W.

Goodwin, Merrill H.

Goodwin, Reginald E.

Gordanier, John W.

Gordon, Archer R.

Gordon Jr., Clarence E.

Gordon Jr., Howard W.

Gordon, John N. C.

Gordon, Nathan G.

Gordon, Richard Francis, Jr. 1929- [Archive's copy]

Gorman, Frank B.

Gorman, Joseph W.

Gormley, Robert H.

Gorsline Jr., Samuel G.

Gortney, Bill

Goss, Nelson Henry

Gossom, Raymond C.

Gouin, Marcel E. A.

Gould, Erl Clinton Barker

Gould, Frank G.

Goulett, Wilfred B.

Gove, David A.

Grace, Edward Thomas

Crady, James B.

Gowen, George A.

Grady, Christopher W.

Graf, Frederic A.

Graf, Homer William

Graf, Paul

Graf, Robin L.

Graff, Victor Bernard

Gragg, John Blair

Graham, Frank C.

Graham, John H.

Graham, John W.

Graham, Roy William Montrose

Graham Jr., Walter William

Gralla, Arthur R.

Granat, William

Grandfield, Francis Joseph

Grange, Gifford

Grant, Albert Weston 1856-1930

Grant, Etheridge

Grant, Lucien M.

Grant, James D. L.

Grant, James D.

Grant, Roland Norman

Grantham, Delbert D.

Grantham Jr., Elonzo B.

Grantham, Emery A.

Grantham Jr., Joseph A.

Granum, Alfred Marcellus

Grassie, Herbert John

Grassino, Caesar M.

Graubart, Arthur H.

Gravely, Samuel Lee, Jr.

Graves Jr., Edwin Darius

Graves, Harry Churchman

Graves Jr., John H.

Gray, Allan McL.

Gray, Augustine Heard

Gray, Brian E.

Gray, Charles Wellington

Gray Jr., James S.

Gray, John A. C.

Gray, John Porter

Gray, Leslie Belfield

Gray III, Louis Patrick

Gray, “O” “B”

Gray Jr., Oscar

Gray, Paul N.

Gray, Richard

Graybiel, Ashton

Graybill, Myron W.

Grayson, Cary Travers

Grayson, Jack L.

Greaves, Frederick C.

Greber, Charles Frederic

Green, Barney O.

Green, Clark L.

Green, Collin

Green, George Hale

Green, Harold G.

Green, Kevin P.

Green, Norman K.

Green Paul S.

Green, Thomas Chandler

Greenacer, Alvord John

Greenbacker, John E.

Greenberg, Mack K.

Greene, Eugene Allen

Greene, George Myron

Greene, Howard J.

Greene, Richard O.

Greene, Robert L.

Greene, Terence Warner

Greene, Thomas L.

Greene, William M. A.

Greenert, Jonathan W.

Greenhalgh, William T.

Greenman, William Garrett

Greenslade, John Wills

Greenup, Francis A.

Greenwood, Frank

Greenwood, George H.

Greenwood, Robert B.

Greer, Howard Earl

Greer, Julian David

Greer, Marshall R.

Greer, Robert Eugene

Greey, Elmer B.

Gregg, Otis C.

Gregg, William

Gregory, Hayden A.

Gregory, Joseph W.

Gregory, Katherine L.

Gregory, Luther Elwood

Gregory, Richard V.

Grell, Theodore A.

Grenfell, Elton W.

Grening, George M.

Grey, George S.

Greytak, John J.

Gribble, William W.

Grider, George William

Grier, Joseph L

Griffen, Ira Purdy

Griffin, Charles Donald

Griffin, John Hook

Griffin, Robert M.

Griffin, Robert Stanislaus 1857-1933 [Archive's copy]

Griffin Jr., Virgil Childers

Griffith, John G.

Griffith, Vincent L.

Griffith, Walter T.

Griffiths, Charles H.

Griffiths Jr., Charles H.

Gritfiths, Cuthbert Ambrose

Griggs, Gale Emerson

Griggs Jr., John Bradford

Griggs III, John B.

Griggs, Paul C.

Grimball, Burmain A.

Grimball, Daniel E.

Grimes, Alton B.

Grimes, Clifton G.

Grimes Jr., Joseph A.

Grimm, Edward E.

Ginnell, Sheldon W.

Grinstead Jr., Eugene A.

Grisier, Otto Woodson

Griswold, Ivan C.

Grocki, Alma M.

Groff, Rowland H.

Grohs, Conrad E.

Grojean, Charles D.

Grooms, Bruce Estes

Grosenback Jr., Bertram

Grosklags, Paul A.

Gross, Herman A.

Grossenbacher, John J.

Grosskoff, Homer Louis

Grove, Alfred Edgar

Groverman, William H.

Grow, Bradford E.

Grow, Harold Bartley

Grubb, Francis B.

Grubbs, Thuston W.

Guadagnini, Mark D

Guerry Jr., John B.

Guest Jr., Frank B.

Guest, Raymond Richard

Guest, William S.

Guillory, Victor G.

Guinan, Timothy J.

Guinn, Dick H.

Guitar, Wallace E.

Gulledge, Kenneth E.

Gullett, William M.

Gumataotao, Peter A.

Gumz, Donald G.

Gunn, Max Clellan

Gunther, Earnest Ludolph

Gunther, Louis Everett

Gurney, Marshall Barton

Guter Donald J.

Guthrie, Harry Aloysius

Guthrie, Wallace N.

Gwynne, Harold Clinton

Gyatt, Edward Earl

Gygax, Felix Xerxes


Haak, Frank S.

Haas Jr., Peter W.

Haas, John William

Haas, Walter A.

Habercker, Frederic S.

Hadden Jr., Mayo A.

Haddock, Ira F.

Hadison, Chesley Marshall

Haeberle, Frederick Edward

Haerlin Jr., Fred Louis

Haff, Theodore Germond

Hagen, Dale N.

Hager, James W.

Hagerman Jr., Wade H.

Haggart, Robert Stevenson

Hague, Wesley M.

Hahn, David J.

Hahn, Herbert C.

Haig Jr., Alexander M

Haight, Harry Hurless

Haight, Stanley Martyn

Hailey, Joshua

Haines, John Lyman

Haines, John Meade

Haines, Nathan S.

Halas, George S.

Hale, Donald E.

Hale, Eugene

Hale, Fletcher

Hale, Henry H.

Hale, Peter Gerald

Haley Jr., James A.

Haley, John R.

Haley, Thomas B.

Hall Jr., Harvey W.

Hall Jr., John L.

Hall, Cary H.

Hall, Donald P.

Hall, Grover Budd Hartley

Hall, Henry Herbert

Hall, Patrick D.

Hall, Reynold T.

Hall, Robert A.

Hall, Victor W.

Hall, William Alden

Hall, William E.

Hall, William Winthrop

Halley, Donald McDougal

Halliburton, Shine S.

Halligan Jr., James S.

Halligan, John

Halloran, Edward R.

Halloran, Paul James

Halloran, Thomas F.

Halsey, William Frederick, Jr. 1882-1959

Halsted, Mervin

Halvorson, George G.

Hamberger, Dewitt C. E.

Hamby, Janice M.

Hamilton II, Charles Samuel

Hamilton Jr., George B.

Hamilton, Frank R.

Hamilton, James E.

Hamilton, Larry D.

Hamilton, S. Keith

Hamilton, Thomas James

Hamilton, William H.

Hamilton, William V.

Hamlin, Arthur Leroy

Hamm, Mann

Hamm, William G.

Hammann, Charles Hazeltine

Hammerberg, Owen F. P.

Hammond, Douglas Thompson

Hammond, Francis C.

Hamner Jr., Edward C.

Hampton Jr., Gary W.

Hampton, Isaiah M.

Hancock Jr., Lewis

Hancock, Alex F.

Hancock. Joy Bright 1898-1986 [Archive's copy]

Handley, Mark A.

 Handly, Albert

Haney, Cecil D.

Hank, Leonard G.

Hank, William Edwin

Hanks, Robert J.

Hanley Jr., Michael J.

Hanley, Robert T.

Hanna, James Ritchey

Hannegan, Edward A.

Hanner, Joseph M.

Hannifin, Patrick “J”

Hannink, John G.

Hannon, Edward R.

Hans, Clemons F.

Hansche Jr., Frank C.

Hansen, Eigil L.

Hansen, George Louis

Hansen, Harry James

Hansen, Henry O.

Hansen, James R.

Hansen, John E.

Hansen, Louis S.

Hansen, Walter C.

Hanson Jr., Burton S.

Hanson, Darren J.

Hanson, Edward William

Hanson, Kenneth E.

Hanson, Murray

Hanson, Ralph Edward

Hanson, Robert M.

Hantover, Matthew James

Harbert, Charles W.

Harbeson, Jeffrey

Hardcastel Jr., William H.

Harding, Edwin T.

Hardison, Osborne B.

Hardisty, Norris Montague

Hardy, Robert James

Hardy, Willis E.

Hare, James E.

Hare, Joseph C.

Harem Robert H.

Hargrave, William Walter

Harley, Jeffrey A.

Harlfinger II, Frederick J.

Harllee, John

Harlow, William R.

Harmer, Richard E.

Harmeyer, Karen A.

Harmon, Leonard Edward

Harmon, William Lockhart

Harmony, David B.

Harms Jr., Alfred G.

Harnish, William M.

Harnitchek, Mark D.

Harnly, Harold S.

Harp Jr., Edward B.

Harper Jr., John F.

Harper Jr., Milton J.

Harper Jr., Wyatt E.

Harper, Bryan Cobb

Harper, Cecil K.

Harper, John

Harper, John R.

Harper, Robert M.

Harper, Talbolt Edward

Harr, Charles

Harrell, Robert B.

Harrell, William George

Harrell, William Henry

Harrigan, Daniel W.

Harrill, William K.

Harrington, Paul H.

Harris Jr., William L.

Harris, Albert Thomas

Harris, Alfred R.

Harris, Andrew Earl

Harris, Cecil E.

Harris, Dale

Harris, Daniel R.

Harris, David Alonzo

Harris, David L.

Harris, F. Brayton

Harris, Freeman C.

Harris, Gregory N.  

Harris, Harry B., Jr.

Harris, John Watts

Harris, Leroy E.

Harris, Melvin W.

Harris, Morgan H.

Harris, Richard E.

Harris, Robert Martin

Harris, Roy M.

Harris, Sinclair M.

Harris, William F.

Harris, William H.

Harrison Jr., Harry W.

Harrison, George Gustave

Harrison, Loyd

Harrison, Napoleon B.

Harrison, Robert F.

Harrison, William H.

Hart, Clarence M.

Hart, David T.

Hart, Thomas C.

Harter, Charles J.

Hartigan Jr., Charles Conway

Hartigan, Charles C.

Hartley, Gordon E.

Hartley, Henry

Hartly, Kenneth James

Hartman, Charles C.

Hartman, Irvin S.

Hartman, Paul E.

Hartman, Robert T.

Hartt Jr., William Handy

Hartt, Beverly Armistead

Hartung, Richard Renwick

Hartwig, G. Roy

Harty Jr., Harry L.

Harvard Jr., Valery

Harveson, Herold A.

Harvey Jr., James E.

Harvey Jr., John C.

Harvey, Donald P.

Harvey, John C., Jr.

Harward, Robert S.

Harwell, Payton O.

Harwood, Bruce Lawrence

Haselton, Frederick R.

Haskins, Enrique D.

Haskins, Michael D.

Hasler Jr., Arthur R.

Hasler Jr., William Augustus

Hasse, Lawrence J.

Hastings, Burden Robert

Hastings, Willard E.

Hatcher, Martin T.

Hatcher, Robert S.

Hathaway, Amos T.

Hathaway, Carmrid G.

Hathorn, Vincent L.

Hatton, George A.

Hauck, Hamilton O.

Hauck, Philip F.

Hauge Jr., Louis James

Haun, Robert Charles

Haven, Deborah P.

Haven, Hugh E.

Haviland III, James William

Hawes, Richard E.

Hawk, Claude V.

Hawk, Earle C.

Hawkes, William M.

Hawkins, Arthur Ray

Hawkins, David D.

Hawley, Rupert D.

Hawthorne, Robert E.

Hayes, John D.

Hayes, Kevin C.

Hayes, Norman R.

Hayes, Robert V.

Hayes, Webb C.

Hayler Jr., Robert W.

Hayler, Robert W.

Hayler, William B.

Haynes, Kenneth G.

Haynes, Lewis L.

Haynsworth Jr., Hugh C.

Haynsworth Jr., William MC Call

Hays Jr., James C.

Hays, Ronald J.

Hays, Thomas G.

Hayward, John T.

Hayward, John T. “Chick”

Hazara, Mark M.

Hazelwood, John

Hazen, Joseph T.

Hazlett Jr., Edward Everett

Head, Nealson M.

Headden, William Ramon

Headland Jr., Edwin Harvey

Healey, Vincent P.

Healy, Charles E.

Healy, Howard R.

Heaman, William M.

Hean, James Halleck

Heap, George L.

Heard, William A.

Hearn, Wilfred A.

Heath, George L.

Heath, John Postell

Hebner, Scott

Hedding, Truman J.

Hede, Adolph

Hederman, Thomas Henry

Heely, Timothy L.

Heerbrandt, Paul Frederick 1907-1992

Heermann, Lewis

Heffernan, John B.

Heffner, Grover C.

Hegd, Raymond Webster

Heilig, Robert Bube

Heimark, Jacob V.

Heimbigner, Brett C.

Heimgartner, Kenneth F.

Heineman, Paul Ralph

Heinl Jr., Robert D.

Heinrich, Mark F.

Heintzelman, John H. L.

Heinz, Luther C.

Heinz, R Duke

Heiser, Harold M.

Helber, Carlyle Leland

Helmick, Guy Benton

Helpfrich, Norman A.

Heming, Harold M.

Hemley, Eugene A.

Hempson, Donald A.

Henderick, Hugh L.

Henderson III, Charles E.

Henderson, Charles F.

Henderson, David W.

Henderson, George R.

Henderson, Harry H.

Henderson, Robert

Henderson, Robert Ellicott

Hendren, Paul

Hendrick, Roger R.

Hendrickson, Daniel B. "Brian"

Hendrickson, Randall M. "Randy"

Heneberger, Harry B.

Henley, Robert

Henn, Carl G.

Hennegan, Robert M.

Henning, Richard E.

Henning, William J.

Henry Jr., Eugene B.

Henry, Joseph G.

Henry, Patrick

Henry, Thomas H.

Henry, Walter F.

Henry, William E.

Hensel, Karl G.

Hepburn, Arthur Japy

Herb, Martha

Herbert , Gretchen S.

Herbst, Stanley Everett

Herbster, Victor Daniel

Hering Jr., Eugene Rudolph

Hering, Walter A.

Herlihy, Joseph L.

Herlihy, Thomas Clement

Herlong, Daniel W.

Hermann, Ernest Edward

Hermonson, Joseph M.

Herms, Charles Richard

Hernandez, Diego E.

Hernandez, Vincent

Herold, Frank B.

Herrera, Henry F. 

Herrick, John J.

Herrick, Robert W.

Herring, Rufus G.

Hersey Jr., Mark Leslie

Hersey, John Brackett

Hess, John B.

Hessel, Edward W.

Hetter, Frederic W.

Hetter, Frederick L.

Hewitt, Michael W.

Heyer, Frank D.

Heyliger, George

Heyward Jr., Alexander S.

Heywood, Carl W.

Heyworth Jr., Lawrence

Hibbs, William

Hickey, Robert F.

Hickey, Robert P. Jr

Hickey, Thomas Joseph

Hickey, William A.

Hickox, Ralph

Hicks, James Herbert

Hicks, James M.

Hicks, Rex LeGrand

Hicks, Thomas W., Deputy

Hicks, Victor

Hidalgo, Edward 1912-1995

Higbee, Lenah Sutcliffe 1874-1941 [Archive's copy]

Higginbotham, Grover Stanley

Higgins Jr., John W.

Higgins, John Martin

Higgins, Ronald D.

Hightower, Emmett D.

Hilarides, William Hunter

Hildreth, James B.

Hilgedick, Winfred Clinton

Hill II, John C.

Hill Jr., Charles A.

Hill Jr., Clarence Arthur

Hill Jr., James M.

Hill, Andrew J.

Hill, Arthur Middleton

Hill, Arthur S.

Hill, Harry W.

Hill, John Franklin

Hill, John S.

Hill, Jon A.

Hill, Joseph

Hill, Maurice B.

Hill, Raymond E.

Hill, Robert M.

Hill, Thomas J.

Hill, Tom B.

Hillenkoetter, Roscoe H.

Hilles, Frederick V. H.

Hills, Blish C.

Hilmar, Harold O.

Hilson, Ralph A.

Hiltabidale Jr., William O.

Hilton Jr., John J.

Hilton, Donald Barker

Hilton, Hart Dale

Hilton, Robert P.

Hinckley Jr., Robert M.

Hindman, Joseph A. E.

Hinds, Alfred W.

Hines Jr., John Fore

Hines Jr., John R.

Hines, Clifford Gentner

Hines, Harlow

Hines, John R., Jr.

Hines, Kenneth W.

Hines, Wellington T.

Hingson, James M.

Hinkamp, Clarence Nelson

Hinman, Jack J.

Hipp, Thompson E.

Hippe, Kenneth G.

Hirsch, Morris A.

Hiscock, William W.  

Hitchcock, Marcus A.

Hitchcock, Russell Snow

Hittle, James D.

Hizer, DeVon McCaughey

Hoag, Eric B.

Hoare, Robert E.

Hobbs, Allen

Hobbs, Ira E.

Hobbs, Junius P.

Hobgood, William W.

Hobson, Richmond P.

Hoch, John E.

Hockett, Verden E.

Hodges, Harry M.

Hodgson Jr., James Thompson

Hoel, Ronald William

Hoeppner, Frederick R.

Hoerner, Herbert L.

Hoewing, Gerald L.

Hoewing, Gerald L.

Hoffheins Jr., William L.

Hoffman, Ednund Joseph

Hoffman, Edward E.

Hoffman, George Dewey

Hoffman, Glen E.

Hoffman, Monroe Elmer

Hoffmann, Roy F.

Hogan Thomas W.

Hogan, B. W.

Hogan, Edward E.

Hogan, Edward T.

Hogg, James H.

Hogle, Reynold D.

Hohn, Anselm C.

Holcomb, Harold Romeyn

Holcomb, M. Staser

Holcomb, Thomas

Holcombe, Charles M.

Holden Jr., Edward C.

Holden, Carl Frederick

Holden, Richard

Holden, William P.

Holder, Billy D.

Holder, Gordon S.

Holder, Randolph Mitchell

Holderness Jr., George A.

Holgaard, Evald

Holister, William Wallace

Holland, James L.

Holland, Michael P.

Holler, Moffitt K.

Holley Jr., Edward B.

Holley, George M.

Hollingsworth, John C.

Hollingsworth, Nancy D. 

Hollingsworth, William R.

Hollister, Robert B.

Holloway III, James L.

Holloway III, James L.

Holloway Jr., James L.

Holloway, Daniel P.

Holloway, James L.

Holloway, James Lemul, III

Hollyfield Jr., Ernest E.

Holman, William G.

Holmberg, Paul A.

Holmes, Ephraim Paul

Holmes, Michael L.

Holmes, Michael L.

Holmes, Wilber T.

Wilfred, Jay Holmes

Holmquist, Carl O.

Holsey, Alvin.

Holsinger, Raymond Wilson

Holt IV, Henry C.

Holt Jr., Alexander C.

Holt, Coler Walter

Holt, Frank H.

Holt, Pliny G.

Holter, Ralph Kenneth

Holton, Harrison H.

Holtwick, Jack S.

Holtzworth, Ernest C.

Holubek, Edward John

Homyak, James Alex

Honaker, Walter W.

Honey, Leonard G.

Honsinger, Leroy V.

Hood Jr., William A.

Hood, John

Hoogewerff, John Adrian 1860-1933 [Archive's copy]

Hook, Frederick Raymond

Hooper, Edwin B.

Hooper, Frederic A.

Hooper, Posey A.

Hoover, George W.

Hoover, Gilbert Corwin

Hoover, John Howard

Hopkins, Esek

Hopkins, Lewis A.

Hopkins, Stewart W.

Hopkins, Thomas W.

Hopkins, Vaniman

Hopkins, William A.

Hoppa, Robert V "Rob"

Hoppe, William E.

Hopper, Grace Murray 1906-1992

Hopwood, Herbert G.

Horan, Dale E.

Horn , Joseph A., Jr

Horn, Gregory C.

Horn, Peter Harry

Horne Jr., Charles Frederick

Horne, Frederick Joseph

Horney, Harry R.

Horning Jr., George D.

Horr, Edward Ainsworth

Horrocks Jr., John N.

Horton Jr., John A.

Horton, Mildred McAfee

Hoskins, John M.

Hottel, Martin P.

Houck, Herbert N.

Houck, James W.

Hough, Henry Huges

Houghton, Ruth A.

Hourihan, John Joseph

House, Edwin B.

House, William H.

Houser, William D.

Houserm Harold A.

Houston, Charles E.

Houston, Joseph A.

Houston, William J.  

Howard Jr., William E.

Howard Jr., William Stamps

Howard, Exra G.

Howard, Harold S.

Howard, Herbert Seymour

Howard, Joseph L

Howard, Michelle

Howard, Robert Leonard

Howard, William B.

Howe, Charles M.

Howe, Frederic N.

Howe, Hamilton W.

Howe, P. Gardner, III

Howe, Thomas Francis

Howell, Jay S.

Howell, John D.

Howell, John G.

Howell, Wiliam S.

Howerton, Charles C.

Howes, William Crowe

Hoyle, Rhonald J.

Hoyt, Henry W.

Hribar, Edward

Hubbard, Harry Ensor

Hubbard, Miles H.

Hubbell, Lester E.

Hudevadt, Raymond A.

Hudgins, Houlder

Hudgins, William D.

Hudner Jr., Thomas J.

Hudson, Homer Bernard

Hudson, Lester Jay

Hudson, Millard Fillmore

Hudson, Robert Edger

Hudson, Roy Clare

Hudt, Lester T.

Hueber, Gerard P.

Huebl, Roland M.

Huegel, Valerie K.

Huen, Tat-Leung  

Huester, Harry Joseph

Huey, Enders P.

Huff, Andrew F.

Huff, Gerald L.

Huff, Kenneth P.

Huffman, Leon J.

Hufstader, Robert D., Jr.

Hughes, Charles Frederick 1866-1934

Hughes, Edwin, Totman

Hughes, Francis Massie

Hughes, Jack J.

Hughes, James J.

Hughes, Jeffrey W.

Hughes, Thomas J.

Hughes, William C.

Hull, Arthur N.

Hull, David Ryerson

Hull, Edward F.

Hull, Harry

Hull, Jesse L.

Hull, Robert Vance

Hulme, John

Humes, Ralph R.

Humphery, Ernest W.

Humphreys Jr., Thomas H.

Humphreys, Lincoln

Hunes, Ralph M.

Hunley Jr., Henry C.

Hunnicutt Jr., William R.

Hunnicutt, James L.

Hunsaker, Jerome Clarke

Hunt Jr., William A,

Hunt, Charles Broadman

Hunt, Daniel

Hunt, Edward R.

Hunt, Richard W.

Hunt, William Henry 1823-1884

Hunter, Archibald D.

Hunter, Clifford E.

Hunter, Edward E.

Hunter, Gould

Hunter, Raymond P.

Hunter, Robert Nisbet

Hunter, Samuel A. D.

Huntington, Arthur Franklin

Huntington, John Caldwell

Huntington, Robert K.

Hurd, Kenneth C.

Hurff, Jack E.

Hurlbert, Elgin B.

Hurley, Brian S.

Hurley, Robert E.

Huron, Francis H.

Hurst, Adrian Melvin

Hurt, David A.

Hurt, Samuel

Husband, Alexander C.

Huse, Harry McLaren

Hushing, William C.

Huske, Joseph C.

Hussey Jr., George

Hussey, Charles L.

Hussong, William J.

Huston, Charles D.

Hustvedt, Claf Mandt

Hutchenson Jr., Richard G.

Hutchins, Carleton B.

Hutchins, Gordon

Hutchins, Johnnie David

Hutchins, Robert B.

Hutchinson Jr., Myron Wells

Hutchinson, Edward S.

Hutchinson, George

Hutchinson, John L.

Hutson, Albert Lockett

Hutzel, Robert G.

Hyatt, Roger C.

Hydeman, Earl T.

Hyerle, John D.

Hyland, John J.

Hylant, Emory Paul

Hyman, Willford Milton



Ian, Kenneth J.

Iarrobing, Charles Anthony

Iarrobino, John H.

Iasiello, Louis V.

Icenhower, Joseph B.

Iffrig, Francis Othmar

Ignatius, Paul R.

Ill, Charles Ludwig

Ilsemann, Frederick Joseph

Inglis, Thomas Browning

Ingersoll II, Royal Rodney

Ingersoll, Royal Eason 1883-1976

Ingersoll, Stuart H.

Ingraham, Duncan Nathaniel

Ingram, Carlyle

Ingram, Henry Allison

Ingram, Homer L.

Ingram, Jonas H.

Ingram, Osmond Kelley

Ingram II, William Thomas

Ingvoldstan Jr., Orlando

Inman, Bobby R.

Innis, Walter D.

Irish, Edelbert E.

Ironmonger, Richard

Irons, Edward P.

Irons, Hayes E.

Irons, Robert P.

Irvine, Donald G.

Irvin, Williams D.

Irvine, Robert K.

Irving, Ronald K.

Irwin, Noble Edward

Isaman, Roy M.

Isbell, Arnold Jay

Ischinger Jr., Eric

Iselin, Donald G.

Ingalls, David S.

Isely, Robert Henry

Ishee, Thomas E.

Isherwood, Benjamin F.

Isquith, Solomon S.

Israel, Stephen S.

Issitt, Donals K.

Iversen, Rasmus

Iverson, Kenneth J

Iverson, Louis

Ives, George S.

Ivison Jr., Sterling H.

Izac, Edouard V. M.

Izzi, Basil Dominic


Jaap, Joseph A.

Jabaley, Michael E.

Jablon, Jeffrey T.

Jackson Jr., Alexander

Jackson Jr., Charles B.

Jackson, Adrian J.

Jackson, Arthur J.

Jackson, David H.

Jackson, Edward F.

Jackson, Edward S.

Jackson, Henry Smith

Jackson, John A. "AJ"

Jackson, Jr., Andrew McB.

Jackson, Lawrence B "Larry"

Jackson, Mary M.

Jackson, Milton C.

Jackson, Orton P.

Jackson, Paul

Jackson, Precival W.

Jackson, Richard

Jackson, Richard H.

Jackson, Robert Crompton

Jackson, Robert W.

Jackson, Robert W.

Jackson, Ronny L.

Jackson, Roy

Jackson, W. Leona

Jackson, William Bennett

Jacob I, Leon J.

Jacobs, Randall

Jacobs, Tyrrell D.

Jacobsen, Glen

Jacobson, Douglas T.

Jacobson, George E.

Jacobson, Jacob H.

Jacoby Jr., William J.

Jacoby, Lowell E.

Jacoby, Raymond B.

Jacques, Donald J.

Jadrnicke, James R.

Jahcke, Ernest L.

Jalbert, Horace H.

James III, Nathaniel W.

James Jr., George S.

James, Daniel V.

James, Jack M.

James, Jules

James, Ralph K.

James, Thurston H.

James, Walter F.

Jamieson, Mitchell

Jamison, John Wendell

Janczak, Martin E.

Janney, Frederick E.

Jansen, Adrian J.

Jansen, Franklin G.

Jardine, Douglas C.

Jarman, Edward D.

Jarrell, Albert E.

Jarrell, Henry T.

Jarrett, Harry B.

Jarvis, James Canon

Jaskot, Richard D.

Jaskot, Richard D.

Jasper, Paul R.

Jasperson, Robert Edward

Jaudon, Leonard Bates

Jaworski, Stanley

Jaynes, Cindy L. "CJ"

Jeansonne, Edward E.

Jecklin, James Jacob

Jeffereys, Frank E.

Jeffs, Charlse R.

Jelley Jr., Joseph F.

Jenkins, Lewis W.

Jenkins, Philip Hagenbuch

Jenkins, Samuel P.

Jenkins, Tim M. 

Jennings, Crter B.

Jennings, Ralph E.

Jennings, Steven A.

Jennings, Verne A.

Jennings, William Funsten

Jensen, Clyde M.

Jensen, Leo Roy

Jensen, Marvin J.

Jerabek, Scott B.

Jeter, Tomas P.

Jett, Charles M.

Jewell, Jesse D.

Jewett Jr., Garry W.

Jewett, Carlton B.

Joachim, Paul L.

Jobe, Eugene V.

Jockusch Jr., Julius W.

Johns, Llewellyn James

Johns, Ruben L.

Johnsen, William Harry

Johnson, Alfred Wilkinson 1876-1963

Johnson, Billy

Johnson, Arthur J.

Johnson, Carl A.

Johnson, Cecil V.

Johnson, Charles R.

Johnson, Craig B.

Johnson, David A.

Johnson, David C.

Johnson, Douglass Pollock

Johnson, Earle Freeman

Johnson, Edward B.

Johnson, Einar Reynolds

Johnson, Felix L.

Johnson, Francis B.

Johnson, Francis J.

Johnson, Frank L.

Johnson, Hansford Tillman 1936- 

Johnson, Harold W.

Johnson Jr., Henry C.

Johnson, Henry J.

Johnson, Howard A.

Johnson, James Avery

Johnson, James E.

Johnson, James E.

Johnson, Jesse G.

Johnson, John B.

Johnson Jr., John D.

Johnson, Jonh E.

Johnson, John H. S.

Johnson, Joseph E.

Johnson, Lauren Edgerton

Johnson, Lee Payne

Johnson, Louis

Johnson, Lyndon Baines 1908-1973

Johnson, Michael R.

Johnson, Nels

Johnson, Paul S.

Johnson, Pierce J.

Johnosn, Ralph Clarence

Johnson, Raymond Wilber

Johnson, Robert C.

Johnson, Roy L.

Johnson, Van Dyke

Johnson, Victor Emmanuel

Johnson, Warren W.

Johnson, Williard Carroll

Johnson Jr., William A.

Johnson, William D.

Johnson, William R.

Johnson, William S.

Johnston Jr., Charles H.

Johnston Jr., Means

Johnston, Donald Hendrie

Johnston, John Vincent

Johnston, Marbury

Johnston, Paul F.

Johnson, Rufus Zenas

Johnston, William J.

Jolliffe, John E.

Jones, Allen L.

Jones Jr., Ashton B.

Jones, Axton T.

Jones, Carl Eugene

Jones, Carl Henry

Jones, Carlton B.

Jones, Claud A.

Jones, Donald S.

Jones, Edward Harral

Jones, Francis Reynolds

Jones, Frank C.

Jones, Gary R.

Jones, Herbert C.

Jones, Hilary P.

Jones, Horace B.

Jones, J. Cary

Jones, Jamie Elmer

Jones, Jeffery "Scott"

Jones, John Paul 1747-1792 [ZB file copy]

Jones, Joseph Matthew

Jones, Keith M.

Jones, Kevin M. 

Jones, Lafayette Jackson

Jones, Nathan E.

Jones, Raymond George, Jr.

Jones, Robert E. C.

Jones, Robert F.

Jones, Robert S.

Jones, Roy H.

Jones, Russell Burton

Jones, Scott 

Jones Jr., Walton L.

Jones, Whitney B.

Jones, William T.

Jones, William W.

Jonson Jr., William C.

Jordon, Carl Minor

Jordam, Daniel M.

Jordan, Francis Dixon

Jordan, Julian Bethune

Jordan, Mark H.

Jortberg, Richard E.

Jortberg, Robert F.

Joshua Jr., Edward R.

Joslin, Royal K.

Joy, Charles Turner 1895-1956

Joyce, Gerald P.

Joyce, Philip M.

Joyce, Theodore W.

Joyner, Sara A. "Clutch" 

Judge, Cyril Bathurst

Judge, Florence T.

Jukes, Herbert L.

Julihn, Lawrence Virginius

June, Harold Irving

Junker, Alexander F.

Jupp, Stanley Dexter

Jurika Jr., Stephen


Kabler, William L.

Kacher, Fred W.

Kackley, John B.

Kail, Robert B.

Kaires, Anthony K.

Kait, H. Hart

Kaitner, William E.

Kalathas, Nicholas T.

Kalen, Robert L.

Kalina, John F.

Kamensky, Robert J.

Kamm, Thomas A.

Kane Jr., John D. H.

Kane, Joseph L.

Kane, Richard F.

Kane, william Richard

Kantrowitz, Steven B.

Karaberis, Arthur

Karig, Walter 1898-1956

Karn, Chelcie

Karns Jr., Franklin D.

Karpe, Eugene S.

Kassell, Bernard M.

Katz, Benjamin

Katz, Saul

Kauffman, Draper L.

Kauffman, Hal A.

Kauffman, James Laurence

Kauffman, Roland P.

Kaufman, Frederick A.

Kaufman, John H.

Kaufman, Louis R.

Kaufman, Paul

Kaufman, Robert K.

Kaufman, Robert Y.

Kaulback, harold D.

Kear, Carleton R.

Kearney, Thomas Albert

Kearney, Thomas J.

Keating, Gordon R.

Keating, John S.

Keating, Timothy J.

Keatly, John Hancock

Keck, Stephanie.

Keefauver, Russell

Keeler, Frederic S.

Keen Jr., Walter H.

Keen, Edward Van Winkle

Keene, Campbell

Keeth, Austin S.

Kehart, Martin W.

Kehl, George W.

Keim, William J.

Keith Jr., Willard Woodward

Keith, Leroy W. J.

Keith, Robert T. S.

Keithley, Carles L.

Keithly, Roger M.

Keleher, Timothy J.

Keliher, Thomas Joseph

Kell, Claude Owen

Kell, Raymond, Mitchel

Keller, Clarence A.

Keller, Frederick J.

Kellerman, Ross R.

Kelley Jr., Charles Markland

Kelley, Jerry R.

Kelley, Marion Russell

Kelley, Roy J.

Kelley, Thomas

Kelley, Thomas G.

Kelley, Thomas Joseph

Kelley, Vincent F.

Kellin, Albert L.

Kellogg, Frederick D.

Kellum, Wilbur E.

Kelly Thomas Joseph

Kelly, James D.

Kelly, James W.

Kelly, John C.

Kelly, John M.

Kelly, Monroe

Kelly, Robert B.

Kelly, Samuel Guernsey

Kelly, Thomas E.

Kelly, William D.

Kelsey, John Donald

Kelso, Frank Benton, II 1933-2013

Kemp, Curtis A.

Kemp, E. Duane

Kemp, Robert R.

Kempff, Clarence S.

Kendall, Charles Hansford

Kendall, Henry Samuel

Kenna, William E.

Kennaday, John Martin

Kennedy Jr., Joseph P.

Kennedy, George Fredericki

Kennedy, John E.

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald 1917-1963

Kennedy, Marvin G.

Kennedy, Robert F.

Kennedy, Sherman Stewart

Kenney, Edward C,

Kenney, Roland W.

Kenney, William John

Kenney, William T.

Kenny, Mark W.

Kent, Donald F.

Kent, Shannon M. 

Kenworthy, Jesse L.

Kenyon Jr., Henry Russell

Kenyon, Jack S.

Kenyon, Lawrence H.

Kepford, Ira C.

Kephart, Ralph C.

Keppler, Reinhardt J.

Kern, John S.

Kern, Richard A.

Kernan, Joseph D.

Kernold, Michael Holt

Kerr, Emmett Earl

Kerrey, Joseph R.

Kerwin, Joseph Peter

Kessing, Oliver O.

Ketcham, Dixwell

Ketchum, Gerald L.

Kevolic, Michael

Keyes, Charles M.

Khoury, Charles R.

Kibbe, Richard L.

Kibben, Margaret Grun

Kidd, Issac Campbell 1884-1941

Kiefer, Dixie 1896-1945

Kieling, Robert T.

Kiem, Edwin L.

Kiergan Jr., Nova B.

Kiland, Ingolf Norman

Kilby, James W.

Kilcline, Thomas J. "Tom", Jr.

Kilhartin, Alfred D.

Killoran, Joel D.

Kilmer, John E.

Kilpatrick, Walter Kenneth

Kilrain, Colin J.

Kimball Jr., Leland P.

Kimball, Dan A.

Kimball, Lucien F.

Kimberly. Lewis Ashfield

Kime, Frederick Donald

Kimmel, Husband E.

Kimmel, Manning M.

Kimmel, Thomas K.

Kimzey Jr., Ord

Kinbrough, Joseph W.

Kincaid, Earle H.

Kindell, Nolan, Martin

Kindleberger, Charles P.

King Jr., Jerome H.

King Jr., Thomas S.

King, Arthur Wesley

King, Charles E.

King, Clyde W.

King, Ed R.

King, Elmer R.

King, Ernest Joseph 1878-1956

King, George E.

King, James L.

King, John

King, John W.

King, Ogden Doremus

King, Randolph W.

King, Rufus

Kingman, Edward R.

Kingman, Howard Fithian 1890-1968

Kington, James R.

Kinkaid,Thomas C.

Kinnear II, George E. R.

Kinney, Sheldon H.

Kinsella, Charles W.

Kinsella, William T.

Kinter, Edwin Earl

Kinzie, Frederick Abraham

Kirby, Dunne W.

Kirby, John

Kircher, John J.

Kirk, Alan G.

Kirk, James A.

Kirk, Robert

Kirkpatrick Jr., William S.

Kirkpatrick, Charles Cochran

Kirkpatrick, Claude S.

Kirkpatrick, Raleigh C.

Kirkpatrick, Robert D.

Kirkwood, Philip L.

Kirn, Louis J.

Kirten Jr., William

Kirtland, Fred D.

Kirvan, William Henderson

Kirwin, John Joseph

Kiser, William R.

Kitch, Willliam L.

Kitchener, Roy I.

Kittlle, Sumner E. W.

Kittrell, James R.

Kitts III, Willard A.

Kivette, Frederick N.

Klakring, Thomas Burton

Klee, William M.

Klein, Grover C.

Klein, Herbert G.

Klein, Irving N.

Klein, Margaret DeLuca "Peg"

Kleinschmidt, Robert V.

Klemm, William R.

Kline, Arnold R.

Kline, Raymond P.

Kline, Robert L.

Klinker, Roy C.

Kloeppel, Daniel L.

Klunder, Matthew L.

Klunk, Richard Stewart

Knachel, Firman F.

Knapp, Elton L.

Knapp, Harry Shepard

Knapp, John J.

Knapp, Robert A.

Knapp, Roland B.

Knapper, John K.

Knickerbocker, Hermann P.

Knickerbocker, William L.

Knight, Austin Melvin

Kniskern, Leslie A.

Knoeckel Jr., Richard C.

Knoertzer, Halford A.

Knoizen, Arthur K.

Knoll, Denys William

Knowles, Herbert B.

Knowles, Robert C.

Knox, Cornelius V. S.

Knox, Franklin William "Frank" 1874-1944

Knox, Harry Gard

Kobey, Theodore Hertzel

Koch, Fredinand B.

Koch, George P.

Koehler, John Theodore

Koehler, Stephen T.

Koelsch, John K.

Koenig, Joseph W.

Koepke, Lyle Lawrence

Kohler, Matthew J.

Kohlhas Jr., Albert Posey

Kohr, George L.

Koiner, James Duval

Kollmann, Glenn E.

Komorowski, Raymond A.

Konrad, Edmond G.

Koonce, Paul B.

Koontz, Ralph M.

Korka, John W.

Korns, Virgil Eben

Korth, Fred

Kosco, George F.

Kovacich, Kevin J. "Komrade"

Kraft, Terry B.

Kramer, Alwin D.

Kramer, Howard J.

Kramer, Scott G.

Krapf, Arthur E.

Kraus, Sydney Moses

Krause, Roland Ernest

Kreitz, Jon C.

Kresan, Wildimir P.

Kretz Jr., Charles Henry

Kreuz Kr., Frank Peter

Krick, Donald Francis

Krieger, Keith M.

Kriete, Dave

Krikpatrick, Thomas Leroy

Krongard, Alexander L.

Kubic, Charles R.

Kuehhas, Timothy C.

Kuehl, Howard F.

Kuhl, Joseph H.

Kuhlmann, Dietrich H., III

Kuhn, Edwin Allan

Kunkle, Steven A.

Kuntz, William E.

Kuntze, Archie C.

Kupresin, Sam H.

Kurta, Anthony M.

Kurtz Jr., Thomas R.

Kusebauch, Alexander

Kuzmick, Joseph W.

Kyes, Frank M.

Kyes, James Elsworth



LaBarge, Charles L.

Labm, Scott G.

Lacey, Donald O.

Lacey, Henry Richard

Lacey, John M.

Lachman, Richard H.

Lackey, Henry Ellis 1876-1952 

Lackner, Peter R.

Lacombe, Joseph Leer

Lacouture, John E.

Lacy Jr., Paul L.

Lademan Jr., Joseph Uhrig

LaFarge, Charles A.

Laffan, John J.

Laffey, Bartlett

LaFleur, Thimothy W.

Lahodney Jr., William J.

Lahti, Carl A.

Laidwam, James Scott

Laing, Frederick W.

Lair, Rodney Bickham

Laird Jr., George H.

Laird, Oberlin Carter

Laizure, Dallas M.

Lajeunesse. Roy W.

Lake, Burton Gay

Lake, Julian S.

Lake, Richard C.

Lalande Jr., Albert M.

Laliberte, Joseph Henry

Lalor Jr., Foster M.

Lalor, William George

Lamade, John D.

Lamar, Burris D.

Lamb, Raymond S.

Lambert, David

Lambert, Valdemar G.

Lambing, Charles L.

Lambrecht, John Osgood

Lamkin, Fletcher M.

Lamoreaux, Lewis S.

Lamoreaux, Raymond

Lamoreaux, Torrence C.

Lampman, Leland R.

Land, Emory S.

Land, Joseph V.

Landau, William M.

Landay, William E. "Bill", III

Landon, James B.

Landregan, John William

Landry, Adelard Francois

Landstreet, James Collins

Lane, David A., Adm.

Lane, Franklin, Fayette

Lane, James M.

Lane, Richard

Lane, Stanley H.

Lang, Frederick R.

Lang, James G.

Lange, George A.

Lange, Karl L.

Langeliner, Wilfred Etienne

Langen, Thomas D. F.

Langille III, Justin E.

Langston, Charles B.

Lanham, Harvey Peter

Lanier, Samuel L.

Laning, Caleb B.

Laning, Harris

Laning, Richard B.

Laning, Robert C.

Lankenau, Wilfred Eric

Lannon, James P.

Lansdowne, Zachary

Lansing, William Henry

Lar\ird Jr., Horace C.

Larimer, Edger Brown

Lark, Jacob A.

Larkin, Leo J.

LaRoche, Brian

LaRoche, Francis Arthur

LaRocque, Gene R.

Larsen, Harold H.

Larson, Charles O.

Larson, Charles R.

Larson, Charles Robert

Larson, Everett Frederick

Larson, Harold O.

Larson, Nils R.

Lasater, Allen N.

Lascara, Vincent A.

Lassen, Clyde E.

Lassiter, Herbert Carlyle

Lathrop, Edward F.

Latimer, Julian Lane

Latimer, Samuel E.

Lattu, Onnie P.

Laub, Robert E.

Lauff, Bernard J.

Lautermilch, Paul A.

Lautret, John D.

Lavender, Robert A.

Law, Robert D.

Lawe, William Clare

Lawernce, John B.

Lawler, Joseph T.

Lawrence, John C.

Lawrence, Martin J.

Laycock, John N.

Layman, William H.

Layton, Edwin T.

Leach, James H.

Leahey Jr., George A.

Leahy, Harold G.

Leahy, Lamar R.

Leahy, William Daniel 1875-1959

Leahy, William H.

Leahy, William Irving

Lear, Charles B.

Leary Jr., Leo Henry

Leary, Clarence F.

Leary, Herbert Fairfax

Leavitt, Mark

Lebourgeois, Juilien J.

LeBretron, David M.

LeClair, Anthony Victor

Lederer, William J.

Lee Jr., Edwin S.

Lee, Charles L.

Lee, Fitzhugh

Lee, Florn L.

Lee, George Russell

Lee, James R.

Lee, John E.

Lee, John Marshall

Lee, Kent Liston

Lee, Paul F.

Lee, Phillip "Endel", Jr.

Lee, Robert Corwin

Lee, Samuel Phillips

Lee, Stephen B.

Lee, William J.

Lee, Willis Augustus 1888-1945

Leeds, John R.

Leeper, James E.

Lefanu, Michael

Lefavour, William Robert

Lefelar, Louis

LeFever, Michael A.

Lefever, Robert C.

Leggett Jr., Wilson D.

Leggett, Aubrey B.

Legwen Jr., Glenn W.

Lehmann, Harold Ruppert

Leidig, Charles J. "Joe", Jr.

Leigh, Philip P.

Leigher, William E.

Leighton, Bruce Gardner

Leims, John H.

Lemmon, Gerald C.

Lemmons, Jeffrey A.

Lemon Jr., Thomas M.

Lemos, William E.

Lengerich, Anthony W.

Lengerich, Anthony W.

Lenney, James Walter

Lennon, Andrew

Lent, Willis Ashford

Lentz, Edmound T.

Leon, Hayden L.

Leon, Strauss Samuel

Leonard, William N.

Lepeska, Francis W.

Lepley, James B.

Leppert, John Henry

Lescher, William K.

Leslie, Maxwell F.

Lester, Fred F.

Letts, Kenneth P.

Leutze, Trevor W.

Leva, Harx

Leverton, Joseph Wilson

Levick, John Harkness

LeVitre, Rosanne M.

Levitt, Ben B.

Levy, Uriah Phillips 1792-1862 [ZB file copy]

Lewin, Theodore E. 1933 - 2019 

Lewis, Andrew L "Woody"

Lewis, David H.

Lewis, Delbert William

Lewis, Garner L.

Lewis, Hugh H.

Lewis, John G.

Lewis, Joseph Seaman

Lewis, Lee H.

Lewis, Mays Liningston

Lewis, Mirton Lee

Lewis, Spencer Steen

Lewis, Thomas L.

Lewis, Victor Alan

Lewisston, William A.

Leydon, John Koebig

Libbey, Miles Augustus

Libby, Ruthven E.

Libenow, Louis Davenport

Lidstone, Nicholas A.

Liebschner, Orville O.

Lief, Sam A.

Lighton, Paul G.

Liljencrantz, Eric

Lillard, Joseph S.

Lilly, Persy Anthony

Linaweaver, Walter E.

Lind, Wallace Ludwig

Lind, Wiliam G. H.

Lindbech, John A.

Linder, Harry Hugo

Linder, Isham W.

Linder, James B.

Linder, Newell D.

Lindsay, Harry M.

Lindsay, Lemuel Earl

Lindsey, Bruce H.

Lindsey, Eugene E.

Lindsey, Robin M.

Lindsey, Yancy B.

Linehan, Joseph D.

Link Jr., Everett M.

Lipham, Charles L.

Lippert, Keith W.

Lippert, Keith W.

Litch, Ernest W.

Little, Ashley J.

Little, Charles E.

Little, Charles G.

Little, Marion Nethery

Littlejohn, James H.

Livingston, William H.

Livingstone, Susan Morrisey 1946-

Lloyd, Howard Marshall

Locke, Preston Grant

Lockhart, Robert Green

Locklear III, Samuel J.

Locklear, Samuel J., III

Lockwood Jr., Charles A.

Lodge, John Davis 1903-1985

Loeblein, James T.

Loeser, Arthur Edward

Loewer, Deborah A.

Logan, Daniel N.

Logan, James Alexander

Logsdon, Earl W.

Logue, Joseph B.

Lohmann, Eric A.

Lohr, Michael F.

Loiselle, Andrew J.

Loker, Alexander Morsell

London, John J.

Lonergan, Vincent J.

Long, Andrew T.

Long, E. John

Long, Robert L. J.

Long, Thomas A.

Long, Victor D.

Longeway, Kenneth L.

Longino Jr., James C.

Longmire, Billy R.

Longnecker, Charles R.

Longshore, Frederick Kime

Longstreet, Victor Mendell

Longton, Ernest W.

Lonnquest, Theodore C.

Loomis Jr., Sam C.

Loomis, Almon E.

Loomis, David F.

Loomis, Donald Wood 1895-1958

Loomis, Frederick Kent

Loomis, Robert J.

Loomis, William R.

Loose, Michael K.

Loranger, Donald

Lord III, Edwin E.

Lord, Charles Williams

Loren, Donald P.

Lorentson, Adrian V.

Lorenz Jr., Samuel

Lorge, Patrick J.

Losey , Brian L.

Loud, Wyane R.

Loughlin, Charles E.

Loughman, William Francis

Lovejoy, Ferold D.

Lovelace, Paul C.

Loveland, William

Loveless, Bruce F.

Loveless, Francis J.

Lovell, James Arthur, Jr. 1928- [Archive's copy]

Lovell, Kenneth C.

Lovett, Benjamin B. C.

Lovette, Leland Pearson

Low, Francis Stuart 1894-1964

Lowe Jr., Harry James

Lowe Jr., Marcus L.

Lowe, Edward S.

Lowe, Frank Loper

Loweecey, Edward D.

Lowell, Robert L.

Lowery, Raymond A.

Lowndes, Thomas P.

Lowrance, Vernon L.

Lowrie, Noble Wayne

Lowry, Frank Jacob

Lowry, George Maus

Lowry, Reigert B.

Lowry, William T.

Lowther, Robert D.

Loy, Arthur W.

Loyall, Julius Arthur

Lubelsky, Benjamin L.

Lucas, Jacklyn H.

Luce, William T.

Lucier, Roland Omer

Luckenbach, Edgar Frederick

Lucker Jr., Micholas

Lucus, Carlton C.

Ludewig, Joseph W.

Ludwick, William E.

Luehman, Earl A.

Lugibihl, Eugene L.

Lukash, William M.

Luker, George R.

Lumpkin, Pickett

Lundy, Robert T.

Lunger, John P.

Lunny, Robert Miller

Luongo Jr., Frank P.

Luosey, Michael Joseph

Luppens, Joseph C.

Luscher, Thomas W.

Luskin, Arthur G.

Lustie, Alvin Orlando

Luther, Brian E

Lyden, Michael J.

Lyle, Alexander Gordon 1889-1955

Lyle, Joseph M.

Lyman III, Charles H.

Lynch, Carol M.

Lynch, Charles F.

Lynch, Charles M.

Lynch, James J.

Lynch, James P.

Lynch, John J.

Lynch, John Joseph

Lynch, Joseph Bertram

Lynch, Oliver D. T.

Lynch,  Ralph C. Jr.

Lynch, Richard B.

Lynch, William J.

Lyndon, Dennis C.

Lyness, Douglas H.

Lynn Jr., Charles W.

Lynn, Joseph

Lyon, David W.

Lyon, George Durmah

Lyon, Harvey E.

Lyon, John B.

Lyon, Percy H.

Lyon, Verne W.

Lyons Jr., E. Vaughan

Lyons, Francis P.

Lyons, George Albert

Lyons, Raymond Richard

Lyons, William F.

Lytle Jr., James K.



Maas, steven Wells

Mabley, Louis C.

Mabus, Raymond "Ray" Edwin, Jr. 1948-  

Macaulay, Walter Scott

Maccart, Raymond Douglas

MacCobsey Henry F.

Maccubbin, Alfred

MacDonald, Dexter R.

MacDonald, Donald John

MacDonald, William Warburton Ruley

MacDonnell, Daniel J.

Macenzie, Robart P.

MacGregor, John B.

Machen, Leo C.

MacInnis, Daniel V.

MacIntoash, Donald E.

MacIntyre, Alexander

Mack, Cornelius H.

MacKay, Hugh T.

MacKenzie Jr., George Kenneth

Mackenzie, Colin J.

Mackenzie, John

MacKenzis, DeWitt C.

Mackey, Roger David

Mackie, Thomas Robert

Macklin Jr., Charles Fearns

Macklin, Martin T.

Mackose, William F.

Mackroth, John R.

MacLaren, Ron J.

Macomber, Mark M.

Macondray Jr., Atherton

Macpherson, Robert A.

Macri, Guiseppi

Macy, Archer M., Jr.

Madden, Edward Partick

Madden, George Bernard

Madden, John F.

Madden, Robert B.

Maddex, John W.

Maddocks, William J.

Maddox, William A. T.

Maddox, William S.

Madeirs, Dashiell L.

Madsen, elwood Christian

Maffei, Amelio

Magath, Thomas B.

Magda, John J.

Mager, W. Grant

Mageson, Norman J.

Magginns, Jack

Magly, Austin V.

Magnell, Alfred T.

Magruder, Thomas P.

Maguire, Charles Joseph

Maguire, Paul S.

Mahachek, Ross F.

Mahan, Alfred Thayer 1840-1914 [ZB file copy]

Maher, Arthur L.

Maher, Eugene H.

Maher, James E.

Maher, Jospeh B.

Mahin, Harry P.

Mahler III, George H.

Mahler, Walter A.

Mahoney, John Joseph

Mahr, Randolph L.

Maiden, Robert W.

Major Jr., Albert S.

Malinasky, Frank

Mallison, William T.

Malloy, James

Malone, Michael D.

Malone, Ralph W.

Maloney, John L.

Malpass, Ray E.

Malstrom, Alvin Ingersoll

Managhan, Robert Raymond

Manahan, Stewart A.

Manazir, Michael C.

Mandarich, Stevan 1911-2011

Mandel, Herbert I.

Mandeville Jr., Robert C.

Mandorff, George T.

Manees, Leon Jackson

Manero, David G.

Manherrz, Jack M.

Manly, Matthias Evan

Mann, Hoyt D.

Mann, Richard L.

Mann, Stephen S., Jr.

Mann, William Leake, Jr. 1884-1953

Manning, John Joseph

Mannix, Daniel Pratt

Manown, Edward S.

Manseau, Bernard E.

Mansfield, Raymond John

Mansfield, william noel

Manuel, Maurice Joseph

Manvill, Francis Crane

Manzelmann Jr., James

Maples, Hugh M.

Maples, Huston Ledbetter

Marables, Herbert Hughes

March, George P.

Marcus Jr., Groome Evans

Marcy, H. Tyler

Marcy, Lincoln

Mare, Anton L.

Margedant, John W.

Marinke, Charles Anthony

Marken, Roy R.

Markey, Gene

Markey, George W.

Markle, George L.

Markoff, George P.

Marocchi, John L.

Marotta, Thomas W.

Marschall, Albert R.

Marsh, James S.

Marsh, W. Clyde

Marshall Jr., Frank G.

Marshall Jr., Thomas Worth

Marshall, Albert W.

Marshall, Edmund S. L.

Marshall, Edward Lester

Marshall, Henry M.

Marshall, Leslie B.

Marshall, William J.

Martell, Charles B.

Martin, Alvo O.

Martin, Charles Franklin 1892-1975

Martin, Farar B. C.

Martin Jr., Fowler W.

Martin, Graham E.

Martin, Harold M.

Martin, Hollis

Martin, Hunt V.

Martin, Kathleen L.

Martin, Lawrence Henry

Martin, Marion Tuttle

Martin, Marshall T.

Martin, Robert F.

Martin, William I.

Martineau, David L.

Martinsen, Norman M.

Martoglio, Charles W

Marvell, George R.

Marvin-Smith, Harry

Maserang, David L.

Mason, Charles E.

Mason, Charles Perry

Mason, Harry C.

Mason, John D.

Mason, Martin W.

Mason, Redfield

Mason, Robert C.

Massenburg, Walter B.

Massey, Forsyth

Massey, Lance E.

Mastagni, Daniel Stephen

Masters, William D.

Masterson Jr., Kleber Sanlin

Masterson, James A.

Masterson, Kleber S.

Masterton, Paul

Mateczun, John M.

Mather, Lee W.

Mather, Paul L.

Matheson, Jon G.

Mathews, Bob Orr

Mathews, James T.

Mathis, Michael G.

Mattews, Francis Patrick

Matthews Jr., Herbert S.

Matthews, Mitchell Dudley

Matthews, Timothy S.

Mattingly, Thomas Kenneth, II 1936- [Archive's copy]

Mattis, Johnnie E.

Mauldin, James H.

Mauldin, Richard J.

Maulsby, Robert J. C.

Mauney, Carl V.

Maurer, John H.

Mauro, Charles Thomas

Maury, Matthew Fontaine 1806-1873 [ZB file copy]

Maveety, Herman Mathew

Maxfield, Lewis Henry

Maxson, Lisle, Judson

Maxwell Jr., Fredrick W.

Maxwell, William S.

May II, Benjamin

May, Eugene, Franklin

May, James Louis

May, Leo G.

Mayer Jr., Walter Scott

Mayer, George E.

Mayer, Martin J.

Mayes, Gary.

Maynard, Harry C.

Maynard, Russell H.

Mayo, Arthur Henry

Mayo, James O.

Mayo, Richard A.

Mayo, Richard W.

Mayrant, John

Mays, William Harold

Maziarz, Thasseus

Mazza, Harold Ralph

McAbee, Michael A.  

McAdams, John K.

McAfee, Jesse Stuart

McAfee, Robert

McAllister, Joseph D.

McAlpine, Lloyd H.

McCandless, Bruce, II 1937- [Archive's copy]

McAneny, Douglas J.

McCabe, Katherine

McCabe, Michael J.

McCaffery, Joseph Patrick

McCaffree, Burnham C.

McCain Jr., John S.

McCain, Audley H.

McCain, John S.

McCain, William E.

McCall, Charles D.

McCall, Edward R.

McCallum, James L. P.

McCampbell, David

McCandless, Bruce

McCandless, Byron

McCann, Allan Rockwell 1896-1978

McCarley, Henry H.

McCarten Jr., George C.

McCarthy, Francis M.

McCarthy, Joseph J.

McCarthy, Justin D.

McCarthy, William J.

McCarty, Lindsay C.

McCarty, Samuel Ellsworth

McCarty, William Penn

McCary, Frank Robert

McCaskill, James M.

McCauley, Brian

McCauley, James W.

McClain, John F.

McClain, Warren Howard

McCledon, William R.

McClellan, Thomas R.

McClelland , Jacquelyn

McClelland, Troy M.

McClintock, David Hayward

McClinton, Robert B. 1933 - 2019

McCloy, John

McCloy, Thomas Shore

McCloy, William M.

McClure, William H.

McCollum, Arthur Howard

McCollum, Luke M.

McComas, Ralph Meredith

McCombs, Charles E.

McConnaughhay, James W.

McConnell, Robert Perche

McConville, James E.

McCool Jr., Richard M.

McCord, Frank Carey

McCorkle, Francis D.

McCormic, William M.

McCormick, John J.

McCormick-Boyle, Rebecca J.

McCormik, Lynde D.

McCown, Henry Y.

McCoy, Kevin M.

McCoy, Melvin H.

McCoy, Ralph C.

McCracken, Alan R.

McCracken, Reginald R.

McCrea, John L.

McCrea, Victor B.

McCrocklin, James W.

McCrory, Woodrow W.

McCuddin, Leo B.

McCue, Hartsel F.

McCue, John Kenneth

McCullah, Harry F.

McCullen Jr., Joseph T.

McCulloch, David H.

McCullough Jr., Montgomery Lientz

McCullough, Richard P.

McCully, Newton A.

McCuskey, Elbert Scott

McCutchan, George Thurston

McCutchen, John Chapman

McDade, William M.

McDaniel, Eugene F.

McDaniel, William O.

McDevitt, Joseph B.

McDill, Alexander Sturt

McDollell, Edward O.

McDonald, Carlton A. K.

McDonald, Craig O.

McDonald, David Lamar 1906-1997 [Archive's copy]

McDonald, Edwin A.

McDonald, Jasper N.

McDonald, John Daniel

McDonald, Lucien B.

McDonald, Wesley L.

McDonlad, James J.

McDougal, Clifford A.

McDowell, Joseph M.

McDowell, Lewis Richard

McDowell, Percival E.

McDowell, Ralph Samuel

McEathron, Ellsworth D.

Mcelduff, John V.

McElrath, Robert W.

McElroy Jr., Rhodam

McElroy, John H.

McElroy, John W.

McEvoy, George Albert

McFadden, Arxhibald George William

McFall, Andrew Calhoun

McFarland, Clifton B.

McFarlane, Robert N.

McFeathers, Charlie P.

McGann, Francis L.

McGaraghan, Jack J.

McGarrah, James M.

McGarry, William Thomas

McGee, Homer Franklin

McGills, John F.

McGinn, Dennis V.

McGinnis, Devore Robert

McGirr, William Philip

McGivern, Charles F.

McGoldrick, Joseph A.

McGonagle, William E.

McGonagle, William Loren 1925-1999

McGoughran, Joseph C.

McGovern, John Benedict

McGowan, Samuel 

McGraill, Charles Reynolds

McGrath, Patrick E.

McGrath, Thomas Dana

McGregor, Rob Roy

McGuinness, Walter A.

McGuire, Henry D.

McGunn, Barbara E.

McHenry Jr., Wendell

McHenry, Joseph A.

McIlvain, William M.

McIlwaine, Robert Hugh

McInerny, Francis X.

McInnis, Harry B.

McInnis, Norman K.

McIntire, Ross T.

McIntosh, Howard Douglas

McIntyre, Arthur G.

McIsaac, John M.

McIver Jr., De Witt C.

McKay, George Albert

McKean, Josiah Slutts

McKechnie, Arnold W.

McKee, Andrew Irwin

McKee, John Raymond

McKee, Logan

McKee, Robert L. J.

McKenna, Francis Joseph

McKenna, James E.

McKibbin, Hugh R.

McKillip, John C. Siemer

McKinney, Eugene B.

McKinney, Grange B.

McKinney, Joseph Dwight

McKinney, William R.

McKinstry, James J.

McKitterick, Edward Hyslop

McKnight , Terence E. "Terry”

McKnight Jr., John Rowland

McLallen Jr., Walter Field

McLane, Brendan R

McLaren, Earl K.

McLaren, Norman L.

McLaren, William F.

McLaughlin Jr., William H.

McLaughlin, John P.

McLaughlin, John T.

McLaughlin, Norman H.

McLean Jr., Ephraim R

McLean, Gordon Alexander

McLean, Heber H.

McLean, John B.

McLean, Ridley

McLean, William B.

McLeod, Bowen F.

McClusky, Clarence Wade, Jr. 1902-1976

McMahon, Alphonse

McMahon, Bernard F.

McMahon, Fredrick W.

McMahon, Michael E.

McManes, Kenmore M.

McManus, Hugh John

McManus, John W.

McManus, Philip S.

McMillan, Carl H.

Mcmillen Fred E.

McMillian, Ira Ellis

McMillin, George Johnson

McMorries, Edwin E.

McMorris, Charles Horatio 1890-1954

McMullen Jr., Frank D.

McMullen, Dillion R.

McMullen, John J.

McMurtrfy, Thomas B.

McNair, Frederick Vallette

McNair, Laurence N.

McNamee, Luke

McNeal, James R.

McNeeley, Henry Edmund

McNeil, Walter James

McNenny, Wilbur James

McNitt, Robert W.

Mcnulty, Richard R.

McPherson, Clyde C.

McPherson, James E.

McQuagge, Archie G.

McQuilkin, John H.

McQuilkin, William C.

McQuiston, Irving M.

McRaven, William H.

Mcready, George T.

McShane, Ralph E.

McVay, Charles Butler, Jr. 1868-1949 [Archive's copy]

McVay, Charles Butler, III 1898-1968 [Archive's copy]

McVay, Robert L.

McWhorter III, Hamilton


Meacham, William A.

Mead, Sanford L.

Meade Jr., Randolph

Meade, Robert H.

Mechling, Wallace B.

Mecklenburg, Herman J.

Mecleary, Howard Blaine

Medley, Russell C.

Meek, Thomas P.

Mehle, Roger W.

Mehlhop, Donald L.

Mehlig, John Louis

Meier, John F. "Oscar"

Meigs Jr., Joseph Vincent

Melendez, Rodrigo C.

Melling, Robert E.

Melrose, Richard A.

Melson, Leif Smith

Melson, Lewis B.

Melvin, John Tillman

Mendenhall Jr., William K.

Menocal, George Lawrence

Mentz, George Francis

Meradith, Mack

Mercado, Victorino G. "Vic"

Mercer, Preston V.

Mercer, Willoughby

Meredith, Jonathan

Merriam, Kenmore E.

Merrick, Gorman C.

Merrill, A. Stanton

Merrill, Grayson

Merrill, Sidney D. B.

Merritt Jr., Robert G.

Merritt, Clinton J.

Merz, William R.

Messenheimer, Clifford A.

Messerschmidt, John G.

Messmer, William Le Roy

Metsger, Alfred B.

Metts, Willie

Metz, Earle C.

Metz, Kerry M.

Metzel Jr., Jeffrey C.

Metzger, Edward F.

Metzger, Frank Edward

Metzger, James W.

Mewbourne, Dee L.

Meyer, Bernard H.

Meyer, William C.

Meyer, William R.

Michael, Frank J.  

Michael, Fred D.

Michael, Ray G.  

Michael, Stanley John

Michaelis, Frederick Hayes 1917-1992 

Michale, John C.

Michel Jr., Edward A.

Michel, Curtis L.  

Michelet, Willism Giers

Middleton Jr., John R.

Middleton, Roderick O.

Miles, Arthur Clark

Miles, Bill A.

Miles, Milton E.

Miles, Milton Edward 1900-1961 

Miles, Robert Bruce

Millar, Donald B.

Millard, Robert C.

Miller, Doris 1919-1943

Miller Jr., Elmon A.

Miller Jr., Hugh B.

Miller Jr., John R.

Miller Justin A.

Miller, Adolph J.

Miller, Albert S.

Miller, Charles H. K.

Miller, Christopher C.

Miller, Clayton L.

Miller, Daniel Byrd

Miller, Daniel Milton

Miller, David

Miller, DeWolfe, III

Miller, Dorie

Miller, Edwin S.

Miller, Frank B.

Miller, Frank Earl

Miller, George H.

Miller, Gerald E.

Miller, Harold B.

Miller, Henry Louis

Miller, Jack A.

Miller, Jack N.

Miller, James

Miller, Jay Frederick

Miller, Jim Dick

Miller, John Frood

Miller, John W.

Miller, Kenneth R.

Miller, Kenneth W.

Miller, Kirby D.

Miller, Lloyd F.

Miller, Martin

Miller, Michael H.

Miller, Norman M.

Miller, Richards T.

Miller, Robert N.

Miller, Rupert S.

Miller, Theodore T.

Miller, Thornton C.

Miller, Wallace J.

Miller, Ward S.

Miller, William M.

Miller, William Siebel

Miller, William

Milliken, Mark R.

Millis, William Ray

Millman, Edward

Mills Jr., James H.

Mills, Donald L.

Mills, Earle Watkins

Mills, George H.

Mills, Ralph E.

Mills, Richard H.

Mills, Robert G.

Mills, Schuyler

Milne, Cecil P.

Milner, Robert M.

Minder, Walter F.

Mindte, Richard W.

Miner, John O.

Mini, James H.

Minter, James E.

Minter, James Morgan

Minter Jr., Charles S.

Mirabito, John A.

Miser, Jerry T.

Mishler, Glenn E.

Misson, Clinton Alonzo

Mitchell, Chad A.

Mitchell Jr., Cleo N.

Mitchell, David Wilson

Mitchell, Edgar Dean 1930-2016 [Archive's copy]

Mitchell, Edward Alexander

Mitchell Jr., Frank P.

Mitchell, Gilbert Hesser

Mitchell, Harris E.

Mitchell, John J.

Mitchell, Samuel G.

Mitscher, Marc Andrew 1887-1947

Mittelman, Michael H

Mobley, Clarence F.

Moe, Tilden I.

Moebus, Lucien A.

Moeller, Lewis N.

Moffett, Charles S.

Moffett, William Adger, Sr. 1869-1933

Moffett, William Adger, Jr. 1910-2001

Moffit, Lloyd W.

Moffit, Matthew G.

Molesworth, George Walter

Molten Jr., Robert Potter

Molteni Jr., Peter G.

Molumphy, George Garvie

Momm, Albert O.

Momsen, Charles Bowers

Momsen Jr., Charles B.

Monahan, Brian P.

Monahan, Idris B.

Moncure, Samuel P.

Moncy, Peter Michael

Monfort, James Campbell

Monger, Albert J.

Mongogna, Joseph B.

Monroe, Henry S.

Monroe, Jack P.

Monroe, Robert R.

Montgomery, Alan Robert

Montgomery, Alfred Eugene 1891-1961

Montgomery, George Cannon

Montgomery Jr., Henry

Montgomery, James W.

Montgomery, Mark C.

Montgomery, Thomas J.

Montgomery, William N.

Montgomery, William W.

Moody, Dwight L.

Moon, Charles R.

Moon, Don Pardee

Mooney, James David

Moore III, George E.

Moore Jr., Charles L.

Moore Jr., Charles W.

Moore Jr., Frederick T.

Moore Jr., Horace N.

Moore Jr., Robert Lee

Moore Jr., Walter C.

Moore, Benjamin E.

Moore, Charles J.

Moore, Charles W.

Moore, Edward P.

Moore, French R.

Moore, Granville A.

Moore, Howard N.

Moore, Howard S.

Moore, James T.

Moore, John R.

Moore, John Warner

Moore, Michael U.

Moore, Ralph S.

Moore, Raymond A.

Moore, Raymond Austin

Moore, Robert E.

Moore, Ronert B.

Moore, Sam Howard

Moore, Samuel N.

Moore, Scott P.

Moore, Taymonf John

Moore, Theophilus H.

Moore, Thomas J.

Moore, Ulvert Mathew

Moore, Walter E.

Moore, William B.

Moorer, Thomas Hinman 1912-2004

Moosbrugger, Frederick

Moran, Bill.  

Moran, Edmond J.

Moran, Francis P.

Moran, George F.

Moran, J. Kevin

Moran, Michael T.

Moran, William J.

Morawey, Michael R.

More, Frank R.

Moreau, Thomas J. "Jack"

Moreell, Ben

Morehouse, Albert K.

Moreno, John A.

Morey Jr., David N.

Morgan Jr., Charles H.

Morgan Jr., Henry S.

Morgan, Armand M.

Morgan, Edward Maxwell

Morgan, Gail

Morgan, John G.

Morgan, Robert J.

Morgan, Steven R.

Morgan, William Abraham

Morin, George F.

Moring, Travis Stansell

Moring, William E.

Morison, Samuel Eliot 1887-1976

Morley, Francis D.

Morneau, Frank A.

Moroney, John D.

Morral, Dennis G.

Morray, Joseph Parker

Morrill, John Henry

Morris Jr., Bert D.

Morris, Elizabeth M.

Morris, Everett Brightwell

Morris, Max K.

Morris, Robert B.

Morris, Robert M.

Morris, Robert

Morrison Jr., Charles H.

Morrison Jr., Ocie B.

Morrison, Clarence F.

Morrison, George Douglas

Morrison, George S.

Morrison, James A.

Morse Jr., John H.

Morse Leonard T.

Morse, John F.

Morse, Richard Swift

Morse, Robert W.

Morse, Robert Wade

Morton, Albert O.

Morton, Douglas G.

Morton, Dudley W.

Morton, Frank Prescott

Morton, Thomas H.

Morton, William B.

Moseley, Stanley P.

Moseley, William C.

Moss, John B.

Mosser, William B.

Mossey, Christopher J.

Mothersill, Philip Wilder

Mott II, Elias Bertram

Mott, Carleton E.

Mott, Charles D.

Mott, William C.

Moulton, Terry J.

Moyer, John Gould

Moynahan, Brendan Joseph

Moynahan, James Timothy

Moynihan, Dennis J.

Mudler, James T.

Mueller, Andrew J

Mueller, Gregg

Muery Jr., Louis

Mugg, Richard D.

Mugrage, Ralph McC.

Muilenburg, Bret J.

Mullan, William E. A.

Mullaney, Baron J.

Mullany, J. R. Madison

Mullen Jr., Mullen John F.

Mullen, Michaael Glenn

Mullinnix, Henry Maston 1892-1943

Mullins Jr., Henry

Mullins, William James

Mulloy, Joseph P.

Mumford, Stanley

Mumma Jr., Morton C.

Munger, Malcolm T.

Munns, Charles L.

Munroe, William R.

Munsch, Stuart B.

Munson, Henry G.

Munson, John J.

Munson, William H.

Murdaugh Jr., Albert C.

Murdoch, James A.

Murfin, Orin G.

Murphey, Charles Dresser

Murphy John W.

Murphy Jr., Charlton L.

Murphy Jr., John Williams

Murphy, Charles H. S.

Murphy, Charles Henry

Murphy, Daniel J.

Murphy, Edward J.

Murphy, Frank M.

Murphy, John Damian

Murphy, Joseph N.

Murphy, Marion Emerson

Murphy, Mary Joan

Murphy, Owen Blair

Murphy, Vincent Raphael

Murray, Albert Ketcham 1906-1992 

Murray, Christopher J.

Murray, George Dominic

Murray, Hugh Q.

Murray, James McClees

Murray, Raymond W.

Murray, Stuart Shadrick

Murray Jr., William B.

Murrett, Robert B.

Murrill, Robert L.

Murry, Albert Ketcham

Muse, George R.

Musick, Kenneth F.

Musso, Nicholas M.

Mustin, John B.

Mustin, Lloyd Montague 1911-1999

Myers III, William A.

Myers, Allen G.

Myers, Clarence Cecil

Myers, Denzil E.

Myers, Jacob C.

Myers, John N.

Myers, Ralph R.

Myers, Richard E.

Myers, Richard L.

Myers, Ross A.

Myhre, Floyd B. T.


Nace, Charles D.

Naczkowski, Bruno R.

Nagler, Gordon R.

Mamce, James W.

Naquin, Oliver F.

Nash, David

Nathan, Matthew L.

Nathman, John B.

Nation, Milton A.

Mation, William M.

Natter, Robert J.

Naughton, Richard J.

Nauman, Harley K.

Nauman, Richard D.

Nawman, Melvin Rollie

Naylor, Jesse A.

Neagley, John P.

Neal, George Franklin

Neale, Edgar Tilghman

Neblett, Thomas B.

Need, Harry William

Needham, Henry P.

Needham, Ray C.

Neel, Charles H.

Neel Jr., George Franklin

Nelson II, Dennis D.

Nelson, John B.

Nelson, Roger Eastman

Nealson, Wayne S.

Nelson, William

Nelson, William L.

Nelson, William T.

Nesbitt, Richard J.

Neumann, Arthur C.

Neville, Lawrence R.

New, William Adolph

New, William N.

Newell, Byron B.

Newell Jr., Homer E.

Newell, James Harold

Newman, Langdon C.

Newman, Roscoe L.

Newsom, Joel

Newsome, James H.

Newsome, Larry Don

Newton, John H.

Newton, Roy A.

Ney, Edward Francis

Neyman Jr., Clinton A.

Neyman, Robert L.

Nibbs, Alan McLeod

Nibecker, Paul B.

Niblack, Albert Parker 1859-1929 [Archive's copy]

Nichol, Bromfield B.

Nichols Jr., David C.

Nicholas, Nicholas J.

Nicholas, Samuel

Nichols, Frank McDougal

Nicgols, John C.

Nichols, Neil Ernest

Nichols, Philip G.

Nichols, Richard E.

Nichols, Stanley Gilbert

Nimitz, Chester W.

Nicholson II, Charles Ambrose

Nicholson, Samuel

Nicholson, John H.

Nicholson, Richard E.

Nicholson, Richard P.

Nicholson, William M.

Nickerson, James D.

Nickerson, Roger B.

Nicodemus Jr., Gordon K.

Nieman Jr., Hugh Roberts

Niemyer, Elizabeth S.

Nienstedt, Donald A.

Niiranen, John V.

Niiranen, Victor J.

Nilon, Leo William

Nimitz, Chester William 1885-1966 [Archives' copy]

Nimitz, Chester William 1885-1966 [Library's copy] 

Nisewaner, Terrell A.

Nissen, Ruth C.

Nitze, Paul Henry 1907-2004

Nixon, Elliot Bodley

Nixon, Richard Milhous 1913-1994 [Archives' copy]

Noa, Loveman

Noble, Albert Gallatin

Noble, Easton B.

Noble, Julian Bennett

Noble, Kenneth Hill

Noel Jr., John V.

Kidd, Isaac C.

Nolan, James E.

Nolan, Roger Thomas

Nooy, Cornelius N.

Norcross, Malcom A.

Nordberg, Delbert W.

Norfleet, Joseph P.

Norgaard, Rollo Niel

Norman, Irwin L. V.

Norman, Robert J.

Norris, Benjamin White

Norris, Charles R.

Norris, Frank T.

North, James R.

Northwood, Robert H.

Norton, Garrison

Norton, Gerald S.

Norton, Kenneth "K.J."

Norton, Nancy A.

Norton, Stanley Cook

Norvell, William C.

Nosal, Gregory M.

Nowakowski, Michael P.

Nowell, John B., Jr.

Nowinski, William Joseph

Noyes, Leigh

Numer, Horace David

Nuessle, Francis E.

Nugent, Maurice J.

Nulton, Louis McCoy 1869-1954

Nunn, Ira Hudson 1901-1990

Nusom, Frank A.

Nutter, David Lester

Nutting, Kelvin L.

Nyberg, Willard L.

Nyquist, Walfrid


Oard, Harry C.

Oates, Eugene Thompson 1888-1973

O'Beirne, Emmet

O’Beirne, Frank

Oberg, Owen H.

Oberholtzer, William E., Jr.

Obermeyer, Jack A.

O’Brien, Chester Thomas

O”Brien, Donald J.

O’Brien, James M.

O’Brien, Leslie J., Jr.

O'Bryan, M. Stewart

O’Bryant, William T.

O’Callahan, Joseph T.

Ocker, John McClellan

O’Connell, George A., Jr.

O'Connor, Cathal S.

O’Connor, Michael B.

O’Connor, John C.

O’Daniel, Orville K.

Odening, Robert E.

O’Donnell, Edward J.

Oelheim, Bennett C.

Oesterling, Benjamin W.

Ofstie, Ralph A.

Ogden, James R.

Ogle, Elvin Clinton

Ogle, John N.

O’Grady, James W.

O’Handley, John G.

O'Hanlon, Richard J.

O’Hare, Bernard P.

O’Hare, Edward Henry

Ohly, John Hollowell

O’Kane, Richard H.

O'Keefe, Sean Charles 1956- 

O’Keefer, George F.

Old, Francis P.

Oldendorf, Jesse Barrett 1887-1974

O’Leary, Francis T.

Oliver, Algernon M.

Olver, Almon

Oliver, Frederick L.

Oliver, James A., Jr.

Oliver, James Harrison 1857-1928

Oliver, Richard M.

Oliver, Robert C.

Olvier, Warren Eugene

Oller, John S.

Oller, William M.

Olney, Davis W.

Olsen, Charles Eugene

Olsen, Clarence E.

Olsen, Earl K.

Olsen, Eliot

Olsen, Leselie R.

Olson, George E.

Oman, Charles Malden

Oman, Joseph Wallace

O’Mara, Paul, Jr.

O’Neil, Emmett F.

O’Neil, Edward Gay, Jr.

O’Neil, Justin Arthur

O’Neil, Vernon P.

O’Neil, Warren H.

O’Neill, Edward J.

O’Neill, Martin G.

Opeil, Loenard Joseph

Opie, John N., III

O’Pray, John Anthony

O’Rear, George McFadden

O’Regan, William Vincent

Orem, Howard E.

Orleck, Joseph

Orme, Samuel T.

Ormondroyd, Jesse

Orville, Howard Thomas

Orzalli, John Clarke

Osberg, Carl August

Osborn, Donald Roderick, Jr.

Osborn, James B.

Osborn, Wendell Gullefer

Osborne, David P.

Osbourne, Weeden E.

Oseth, John M.

Osterhoudt, Raymond S.

Osterloh, Erwin H.

Osterm, Henry Richard

Ostrander, John E., Jr.

Oswald, Adolph Henry

Oswald, Stephen S.

O’Toole, Robert, Jr.

Otterstetter, Carl William

Ottley, James H.

Ouellet, David G.

Ours, Statton R.

Outerson, William

Outlaw, Edward C.

Over, George R.

Overby, Dennis D., Jr.

Oversch, Harvey Edward

Overstreet, Luther M.

Overton, William A.

Ovrom, Robert J.

Owen, Arthur Edwin

Owen, Ellas K.

Owen, George Thomas

Owen, John Paul

Owen, Thomas B.

Owen, William D.

Owen, William D., Jr.

Owens, Hinton A.

Owens, James Charles, Jr.

Owsley, John Quincy


Pace Jr., Ernest Milton

Packard, Wyman H.

Pace, John E.

Pace, Leo Leander

Pace, Willis William

Pachuta, Stephen M.

Packard, Alden C.

Packard, Harold V.

Packard, Wyman H.

Packer, Francis A.

Packer, Sidney

Paddock, Alton E.

Paddock, Richard A.

Padgett III, John Bramwell

Padgett Jr., Lemuel P.

Paffernarger, George C.

Paige, Kathleen K.

Phal, James Robert

Paige, Mitchell

Paine, Robert Warde

Paine Jr., Roger W.

Painter, Wilfred Lewis

Palm, John W.

Palmer, Charles F.

Palmer, Charles J.

Palmer, Frederick F.

Palmer, George G.

Palmer, Jean T.

Palmer, John J. E.

Palmer, John Roy

Palmer, Leigh Carlyle

Palmer, Leslie N.

Palmer, Robie E.

Pandolfe, Frank Craig

Paolucci, Dominic A.

Parcells, Paul W.

Pardee, William M.

Paret, Richard Starr

Parham Jr., John C.

Parham, William B.

Pariseau, Joseph A.

Parish Jr., Elliott W.

Parish, Herman O.

Park, William Chauncey

Park, William D.  

Parker, Charles William

Parker, Edelen A.

Parker, Edward N.

Parker Jr., Edwin B.

Parker, Elton C.

Parker, Foxhall Alexander

Parker, Frank Mahlon

Parker, Franklin R.

Parker, Harold Earl

Parker, Jefferson David

Parker, John H.

Parker, Oscar Blair

Parker Jr., Ralph Chandler

Parker, Thaddeus

Parkinson, George A.

Parkinson, William W.

Parks, Charles Wellman

Parks, Gordon Bennett

Parks, Joel D.

Parks Lewis S.

Paro, Eugene Edward

Parode, Steve

Parr, Warren S.

Parrish, Charles J.

Parrish Jr., Elliott W.

Parrish, Lloyd W.

Parsons, Archibald

Parsons. Charles

Parsons, Frank W.

Parsons, William K.

Parsons, William Sterling 1901-1953

Paschal, Joe B.

Pasley, Robert S.

Passmore, Robert O.

Pate, Jack A.

Patrick, Donald A.

Patrick, G. Serpell

Patroni, Salvatore Joseph

Patten, William L.

Patterson, Alex M.

Patterson, Donald F.

Patterson, George Warren

Paul, Christopher J.

Paul, Paul Moore

Paulding, James Kirke

Paulin, William B.

Paunack, Robert Rudolph

Pavelle, James R.

Paxton, Charles N.

Paxton, Norman L.

Payne, Charles N.

Payne, James R.

Payne, Oliver H.

Payne, Thomas B.

Payne, Tilghman  D.

Payne Jr., William E.

Payson Jr., Harold

Payson, William F.

Peabody, Edwin E.

Peacher, Robert McCormick

Pearce, James L.

Pearigen, Paul D

Pearson III, Francis E.

Pearson, Henry Allen

Pearson Jr., John B.

Pearson, Mead Saltonstall

Pearson Jr., Rufus J.

Peary, Robert Edwin 1856-1920 [ZB file copy]

Pecha, Brian S.

Peck, Paul A.

Peck, Scott Ernest

Peckham, George E.

Peden, Robert C.

Pederson, Oscar

Peek, Joseph E.

Peel Jr., Marcus A.

Peet, Raymond E.

Pelling, Albert G.

Peltier, Eugene J.

Pemberton, Malcolm Wood

Pence, Harry L.

Pendergraft, Vernon L.

Pendill, Claudius Grant

Pendleton, Perley Earl

Pendleton, Walton B.

Penfield, Jeffrey R.

Penisten, Gary D.

Peniston, Robert C.

Penland, Joe R.

Penn, Albert Miller

Penney, Franklin F.

Penniman, Russell S.

Pennoyer Jr., Frederick William

Pennoyer III, Frederick W.

Pennoyer, Ralph G.

Peppel, Lionel C.

Percifield, Willis Merritt

Percy III, Robert R.

Perdue Jr., Charles Hiram

Pereyra, Armand J.

Perez, Ramon Manuel

Perez, Raul B.

Perez, Samuel

Perkins, Albert Carson

Perkins, Albert Noble

Perkins, Anson C.

Perkins, Charles E.

Perkins, Paul K.

Perkins, William Beckwith

Perlman, Benjamin

Perrill, Harlan K.

Perry, Adrian Henry

Perry, Benjamin Franklin

Perry, John

Perry, John R.

Perry, Kenneth M

Perry, Matthew Calbraith 1794-1858 [ZB file copy]

Perry, Oliver Hazard 1785-1819 [ZB file copy]

Perry Jr., Oliver H.

Pesante, Juan B.

Persons, Henry S.

Pesce, Dorothy R.

Peters, Charles O.

Peters, James M.

Peters, G. Dean

Peters, Maurice A.

Peters, Thomas Videtto

Petersen, Forrest Silas 1922-1990

Petersen, Wallis F.

Petterson, Frank James

Peterson, George E.

Peterson, John Valademar

Peterson, Mell A.

Peterson, Oscar Verner

Peterson, Robert F.

Peterson, Theodore M.

Peto, David Charles

Petrovic, William F.

Pettengill, George T.

Pettitt, Robert B.

Pettry, Tom Martsell

Pew, Leslie A.

Peyton, Paul Jones

Pfaff, Roy

Pfeifer, Carl F.

Pfingstag, Carl J.

Pfingstag, Herbert J.

Pfister, Donald L.

Pflum, Raymond J.

Pfotenhauer, Fred D.

Phaler, Walter L.

Phares, Everett L.

Pharris, Jackson C.

Phelan,  George Richardson

Phelps, Bernard Phillip

Phelps, John M.

Pjilbrook, Frank R.

Philip, John Woodward 1840-1900 [ZB file copy]

Phillips, Ann Claire

Phillips, Charles E.

Phillips, Charles K.

Phillips, Chester G.

Phillips Jr., Claude R.

Phillips, Cushing

Phillips, Denny P.

Phillips Jr., Jewett O.

Phillips, John R.

Phillips, Neil

Phillips, Oscar James

Phillips, Richard B.

Phillips, Richard H.

Phillips, Robert A.

Phillips, Robert Alonzo

Phillips, Robert L.

Phillips, Wallace Benjamin

Phillips, William K.

Phipps, Richard W.

Phoebus, Clifford P.

Pickering, Samuel M.

Picket, Ben B.

Pickett, Bryan S.

Pickhardt, Adolph V.

Picking, Henry F.

Picking, Sherwood

Pickton, Willis H.

Picou, Aswell Lovelace

Pieczentkowski, Herman A.

Pietropali, Stephen

Pierce, Francis J.

Pierce, George E.

Pierce, John Reeves

Piercey, Patrick A. "Pat"

Pihl, Paul E.

Pillsbury, John D.

Pillsbury, John E.

Pieau, Robert

Pilling, Donald L.

Pimpo, David R.

Pinner, William E.

Pinney Jr., Frank L.

Pirie, Robert Burns, Sr. 1905-1990

Pirie, Robert Burns, Jr. 1933- 

Pittard, George F.

Pittman, Harold "Hal"

Pittman, William R. 

Pitts, James.

Plate, Douglas C.

Polowczyk, John P.

Porter, David Dixon

Porter, Neil C.

Pleasants Jr., Arthur Lee

Plehal, James B.

Plemons, Arnold G.

Plumlee, Carl H.

Poe, Donald T.

Poe, Larry L.

Poehlmann, Karl Frederick

Pohl, Harold John

Polatty, David Pierce

Polatty III, David P.

Pollard, Eric G. F.

Pollard, Joseph P.

Pollock Jr., Albert David

Pollock, Thomas F.

Polston, Francis Samuel

Pomfrey, Wyane Ezra

Pond, John E.

Ponds, Fernandez L. "Frank"

Ponto, Arthur R.

Pope, Everett Parker

Pope, Lester Junior

Pope, Loverne Arthur

Popham, William

Poppen, John Ryer

Porter, Carl W.

Porter, David D.

Porter Jr., George E.

Porter Jr., Philip W.

Porter Jr., Rufus C.

Porterfield, Floyd R.

Porterfield, Lewis B.

Porterfield, Marvin H.

Portz, Matthew Harvey

Post Jr., William S.

Pottenger, Carol M.

Potter, Bonnie Burnham

Potter, David S.

Potter, Horace S.

Potter, Stephen

Poulsen, Harold N.

Pound, Harold Clay

Powell, Bonney M.

Powell Jr., Edgar S.

Powell, Halsey

Powell, Isthmian L.

Powell, Lucien C.

Powell, Paulus Prince

Powell, Virgil A. A.

Powell, William Thomas

Powers, John James

Powers Jr., Robert D.

Pownall, Charles Alan

Poyer, John M.

Prahl, Charles G.

Pratt, Albert

Pratt, John L.

Pratt, Lester Leslie

Pratt, Richard R.

Pratt, William Veazie 1869-1957

Pray, Ralph M.

Preble, Edward 1761-1807 [ZB file copy]

Prehn Jr., John L.

Preil, Alvin O.

Pressey, George W.

Preston, Arthur M.

Preston, John P.

Preston, Noel G.

Preston, Samuel W.

Price Jr., Frank H.

Price , Gene F.

Price, George M.

Price, Henry B.

Price, John D.

Price, Kenton E.

Price, Lowell S.

Price, Walter H.

Price Jr., Walter W.

Price, William M.

Price, William Nutting

Price Jr., Arthur W.

Prichard, James A.

Prichett, James M.

Price Edward Max

Pride, Alfred M.

Pridemore, James A.

Prien, Walter Ferdinand

Priest III, Fenton F.

Priestman, Frederic W.

Prindle, Brian C.

Pringle, Cedric

Printup, Carter Alston

Pritchard, Francis T.

Proctor, Andre M.

Proctor, Erman O.

Prueher, Bertram Joseph

Pruett, David D.

Pryor, William Lee

Pugh, Donald E.

Pugh, Harry M.

Pugh, Lamont

Pugh, Paul E.

Pugh, William M.

Pugin Jr., Welby N.

Puleston, William Dilworth

Pullen, Harold Frederick

Prudie, Samuel B.

Purcell, Marc L.

Purdon, Eric S.

Purdy, Frederick Warren

Purkrabek, Paul V.

Purmont, George L.

Purnell, William R.

Pursell, Ion

Purvis, Hugh

Purvis, Robert Selden

Putman, Charles F.

Putman, Charles Flint

Putman, Frank R.

Putman, Ralph B.

Pybus, Sean A.

Pye, William S.

Pyne, Frederick G.

Pyne, Schuyler N.


Quackenbush Jr., Robert S.

Query, James Victor 1903-1975

Quick, Winifred Redden

Quiggle, Lynne Cline 1906-1959

Quigley, Craig R.

Quigley, Robin L. C.

Quigley, William M.

Quilter, Joseph F.

Quinby, Charles F. M. S.

Quinn, Donald P.

Quinn, Edward J.

Quinn, J. J.

Quinn, John

Quinn, John Francis

Quinn, Kevin M.

Quinn, Michael I.

Quinn, Robert D.

Quynn, Allen George


Rabern, Susan J.

Rabideau, Antoine O.

Raborn, Albert

Raborn Jr., William F.

Raby, John

Radford, Arthur W.

Radford, James C.

Radford, William

Rafferty, William Henry

Raffetto, Edward C.

Raftery, Thomas J.

Ragan, Thomas C.

Ragsgale, Van Hubert

Rahill. Gerald W.

Raible, Charles G.

Raines, George Neely

Rainey, Charles A.

Rainey, Charles W.

Rakow, William M.

Ralson, Frank M.

Ramage, James D.

Ramage, Lawson P.

Rambo, Reginald R.

Ramey, John W.

Ramirez de Arellano, Marion Frederic 1913-1980

Ramsay, Alston

Ramsbotham, Robert J.

Ramsey, Dewitt Clinton

Ramsey, Donald J.

Ramsey, Logan Carlisle

Ramsey, Paul H.

Randecker, Victor W.

Randing, Wesley H.

Rankin, Eugene P.

Ranford, Howard F.

Ransom, Philip C.

Raper, Albert D.

Rapkin, Jerome

Rasmussen, Albert L.

Ramussen, Jhonathan Q.

Rassmussen, Merwin E.

Rassieur, William Thedore

Rauch, Charles F.

Rault, Clemens Vincent

Rawlings, Norborne Lewis

Rawlings, Edward White

Raels Jr., Elbert S.

Rawls, William A.

Rawson, Ralph W.

Ray, Alan

Ray, Clarence C.

Ray, David R.

Ray, Frederick Chamberlain

Ray, Herbert J.

Ray, Herman L.

Raymond, Reginald M.

Read, Albert C.

Read, George L.

Read, Oliver Middleton

Read Jr., Samuel H. P.

Read, William A.

Read, William L.

Reagan, John W.

Reamy, Thomas G.

Reardon, James Gerard

Reatanus, Earl F.

Reaves Jr., Henry G.

Reaves, James E.

Reck, Thomas G.

Redfield Jr., Herman Judd

Redgrave Jr., Dewitt Clinton

Redman, John R.

Redman, Joseph Reasor

Redon, Alexander Lewis

Reece, Hubert B.

Reed Jr., Allen B.

Reed, Allan L.

Reed, Dale C.

Reed, James T.

Reeder, Edgar H.

Reedy, James R.

Reedy, Joseph Elmo

Rees, Joseph R.

Rees, William L.

Reeves Jr., John W.

Reeves, Malcolm C.

Reeves, Thomas James

Refo, John F.

Refo, Miles Permenter, Jr.

Regan, Herbert Ed

Regan, William F.

Register, Francis Roland

Register, Paul James

Reh, Frank J.

Rehler, Jospeh E.

Reich, Eli T.

Reich, Herman

Reichmuth, Ferdinand Louis

Reid, Andrew H.

Reid, James R.

Reid, Leslie L.

Reid, Walter S.

Reifenrath, Wilson G.

Reilly, George K. G.

Reilly Jr., Robert Dunham

Reinhardt, William C.

Reinhardt, William H.

Reinken, Louis Arthur

Reiserer, Russell L.

Reiter, Harry L.

Rembert Jr., John P.

Remey, George Collier

Rempt, Rodney P.

Renard, Jack C.

Rend, Charles Joseph

Rendtorff, Herman K.

Renfro, Edward C.

Renfro III, Edward E.

Renfro, John N.

Renken, Henry A.

Renn, Joseph Bryan

Rennie IV, Frank F.

Renshaw, William B.

Reppy, John David

Retz, William A.

Revill, Milton K.

Renyoldds, Frank G.

Reynolds, John L.

Reynolds, Luther K.

Reynolds, Luther Sorrell

Reynlds, McCoy

Reynolds, Ronert M.

Revere, Paul

Rezac, George A.

Rhea, Powell McClelland

Rhoades, Eugene Saylor

Rhoads, Forrest Alexis

Rhodes, Braxton

Rhodes, Julian B.

Rice, Albert F.

Rice, George F.

Rice, Harold E.

Rice, Herbert P.

Rice, John W.

Rice, Jonathan F.

Rice, Joseph E.

Rice, Lester K.

Rice, Robert H.

Ricen, Edgar

Rich, Francis Earl

Rich, Harold G.

Rich, Markham K.

Rich, Ralph McMaster

Richard, Charles A. "Chas"

Richard, Dorothy Elizabeth

Richards, Alfred Humphrys

Richards, Fredrick Gore

Richards, John M.

Richards, Paul Googin

Richards, William L.

Richards, William L.

Richardson, Alvin F.

Richardson, David C.

Richardson, Clifford Geer

Richardson, Francis H.

Richardson, George F.

Richardson, Gerard

Richardson, Holden Chester

Richardson, Gill McDonald

Richardson III, Isaac E.

Richardson, John M.

Richardson, Lawrence Baxter

Richardson, Myron T.

Richley, Joseph Lee

Richey, Thomas Beall

Richison, Earl

Ritcher, Henry Edward

Ritcher, William J.

Ricinak, Michael D.

Ricketts, Claude V.

Ricketts, James B.

Rickover, Hyman George 1900-1986

Riddell, Robert S.

Riddle, Frederick Leavenworth

Rider, Eugene

Riebe, Herman P.

Riefkohl, Frederick Louis 1889-1969

Riera, Robert E.

Ries, Herbert H.

Rieve, Roland

Rigby, Eleanor Grant

Rigg, James F.

Rigg, Robert Francis

Riggs, Cecil D.

Riggs, Ralph Smith 1895-1981

Riggs Jr., Whitaker Forcha

Rigler, Frank Vernon

Rigsbee Jr., Everett Olin

Riker, Munro, M.

Riley, Frederic D.

Riely, H. D.

Riley, Richard

Riley, William Andrew

Rimer, Theodore W.

Rindskoff, Maurice H.

Rinehart, Robert F.

Rinesmith, Robert D.

Ring, Morton Loomis

Ring, Stanhope C.

Ringenberg, George W.

Riordan, James T.

Isser, Francis B.

Ritch Jr., John B.

Ritchie, Oliver H.

Rittenhouse Jr., Basil N.

Rittenhouse, Ellis B.

River, Thomas M.

Rivero, Horacio, Jr. 1910-2000

Rivers, James D.

Rixey, Joseph W.

Rizzi, Rosalio Mario

Roach, John Paul

Roane, Virginius Randolph

Roark, William M.

Robards, William C. F.

Robb, James A.

Robbins, Berton A.

Robbins Jr., Thomas H.

Robbins, William I.

Roberts Jr., Charles C.

Roberts, David G.

Roberts, David Wells

Roberts, Frank H.

Roberts, Howard S.

Roberts, Levi J.

Roberts, Lyle Jay

Roberts, Ralph Henry

Roberts, Reed Turney

Roberts, Richard S.

Roberts Jr., Samuel Booker

Roberts Jr., Thomas C. 

Roberts, William M.

Robertson, Bruce W.

Robertson, Charles Edward

Robertson, Charles M.

Robertson, Gordon H.

Robertson Jr., Horace B.

Robertson, Marion Clinton

Robertson Jr., William D.

Robillard, George N.

Robillard, Glenn C.

Robinson, Adam M., Jr.

Robinson, Arthur G.

Robinson, Ernest Fremont

Robinson, Francis Martin

Robinson, George S.

Robinson, Hugh Marston

Robinson, James B.

Robinson, James Marshall

Robinson, Rembrandt Cecil 1924-1972

Robinson Jr., Robert Edmund

Robinson, Samuel M.

Robinson, Thomas

Robison, Bob J.

Robison, Samuel S.

Roby, Allan B.

Roche, Thomas Cornelius

Rochefront, Joseph J.

Rock, Charles.

Rock, Herman K.

Rockwell, Francis Warren

Rockwell, Richard F.

Rodd, Herbter C.

Roddis, Louis H.

Roddis Jr., Louis H.

Rodee, Walter F.

Rodenburg, Eugene E.

Rodgers, Bertman J.

Rodgers, George F.

Rodgers, James H.

Rodgers, John

Rodgers, Robert H.

Rodgers, Thomas A.

Rodgers, William Ledyard

Rodimon, Warner Scott

Rodin, Harry C.

Rodman, Hugh 1859-1940

Rodman, James H., Jr.

Rodriguez, William D. "Will"

Roeder, Bernard Franklin

Roegge, Frederick J. "Fritz"

Roenigk, John G.

Roessler, Anthony C.

Rogers, Charles Curtis

Rogers Jr., Christian Edly

Rogers, Elbert Charles

Rogers, Fred Fremont

Rogers, George P.

Rogers, John Warren

Rogers, Michael S.

Rogers, Richard S.

Rogers, William H.

Rogerson, Reuben G.

Roland, Charles W.

Roman, George H.

Romano, Steven J.

Romberg, Henry A.

Romberger, William M.

Romell, Herbert F.

Romoser, William Kilian

Ronan, Gerald Francis

Rondeau, Ann E

Ronne, Finn

Rood, George Arthur

Rooks, Albert H.

Roper, John W.

Rooney, John B.

Rooney, john D.

Roop, Wendell P.

Roosevelt Jr., Franklin D.

Roosevelt, Henry Latrobe

Roosevelt, Theodore

Root, Charles P.

Root, Edmund Spence

Root, Lloyd E.

Roper, Clifford Harris

Roper, Walter G.

Rorie, Conrad J.

Rose, Duette William

Rose, Hilton W.

Rose, Edward Rufus

Rosenberg, Edwin M.

Rosenburg, Marvin I.

Rosendahl, Charles E.

Rosholt, Gary W.

Ross, Bruce Percy

Ross, David

Ross, Donald K.

Ross, Malcolm D.

Ross, Philip H.

Rossiter, Perceval S.

Rosso, George A.

Roth, Eli B.

Rotrige, Henry J.

Roudenbush, Jack

Roughead, Gary

Roullard, George D.

Rounds, Edward Wadsworth

Route, Ronald A.

Rowan, John J.

Rowan, Stephen C.

Rocliff, Gilbert J.

Rowden, Thomas S.

Rowe, Gordon

Rowe, Harry C.

Rowe, Henry A.

Rowe, John

Royal, Forrest Betton

Royall, William F.

Royar, Murrey L.

Royce, Donald

Rozendal, Henry Dirk

Rozier, Charles P.

Ruble, Richard W.

Rubel, David M.

Ruckner, Edward A.

Rudden Jr., Thomas J.

Ruddock Jr., Theodore Davis

Ruddy Jr., Joseph A.

Ruder, Frederick J.

Ruehe, Frederic R.

Ruehlow, Stanley E.

Ruff, Lawrence Ernest

Ruhe, William J.

Ruhl, Donald Jack

Ruhlman, Fred L.

Ruhsenberger, John Roger

Ruiz, Charles K.

Rule Jr., Adrian O.

Rumble, Cyril Alfred

Rumble, Henry P.

Rumble, Richard E.

Rumley, Lucy J.

Runk, Theodore W.

Runyon, Donald E.

Rupkin, Edward J.

Rush, William Rees

Russel, Joseph W.

Russell, Baxter L.

Russell, Charles E.

Russell, Frederick Neilson

Russell, George L.

Russell, Gordon,

Russell, Hawley

Russell, James S.

Russell Jr., Thomas B.

Russillo, Michael P.

Russo, Alexander P.

Ruth, Jeffrey "Jeff"

Rutherford, Lindell G.

Rutherford, Reginald

Rutter Jr., James B.

Rutter, Royal L.

Ryan Jr., Albert F.

Ryan, Charles Maurice

Ryan, Daniel W.

Ryan, John R.

Ryan Jr., Norbert R.

Ryan, Paul Brennan

Ryan, Paul J.

Ryan, Thomas Francis

Ryan Jr., Thomas John

Ryan, William Russell

Ryden, Roy Warren

Rye, Edward Falka

Rykowski, Margaret A.

Rynd, Robert W.

Ryon, William M.


Sabalot, Able Charles Jules

Sabin, Lorenzo S.

Sachse, Frederick C.

Sack, Edward E.

Sackett, Albert M.

Sadler, Chris "Tree"

Sadler, Everit Jay

Sadler, Frank Howard

Safford, Laurence F.

Safford, Robert W.

Sager, John P.

St. George, William R.

St. John, Sheldon C.

Salinger, Pierre Emil George

Sallada, Harold Bushnell 1895-1977

Sallenger, Asbury H.

Sailsbury, Stanton W.

Salmon, Nelson D.

Salyer, Herbert L.

Saizer, Robert S.

Salzer, Robert S.

Sample, William Dodge

Sampson, Norman John

Sampson, Robert R.

Sampson, William S.

Sampson, William T.

Samson, Henry P.

Sanchez, Henry Gabriel 1907-1978

Sander Jr., Carl A.

Sanders, Eddie R.

Sandres, Frank

Sanders, Harry

Sanders, Scott

Sanders, Viola Brown

Sanderson, James R.

Sandor, Edward A.

Sands, Eugene T.

Sanger Jr., Frank M.

Sanger, Kenneth J.

Santmyers, Shelby K.

Sanz, Paul L. Oostburg.

Sapero, James J.

Sappington, Merrill H.

Saraniero, Gioconda R.

Sargent, Christopher Smith

Sargent, Leonard R.

Saroch Jr., Emil

Sarsfield, Eugene Sylvester

Sartois, Harry

Sarver, Ben W.

Sauer, Edward Paul

Sauer, Lloyd R.

Sauer, Ralph W.

Saufley, Richard Caswell

Sault, Jack H.

Saunders, David G.

Saunders, Edward E.

Saunders, Edward M.

Saunders, Harold Eugene

Saunders, Willard A.

Saunders, William Vincent

Savadkin, Lawrence

Savage, Jimmie E.

Savage, Lowell C.

Savage, Robert W.

Savage Jr., Walter S.

Savidge Jr., Paul S.

Savitt, Max M.

Sawhill, William Franklin

Sawyer, Merle A.

Sawyer, Phillip  G.

Sawyer, William T.

Saxl, Newton Thomas

Scambos, Thomas T.

Scanland Jr., Francis W.

Scapa, Jacob

Scarpino, William J.

Schaaf, Charles

Schade, Arnold Frederic

Schade, Henry Adrian

Schaede, Frank B.

Schaeffer, Valentine Hixson

Schantz, Curtiss W.

Schanze, Edwin Stansbury

Schatz Jr., Otto C.

Schechter, Kenneth A.

Scheibeler, John Jacob

Schepers, Robert W.

Scherini, Otto A.

Schermerhorn, Charles F.

Scherrer, Carl L.

Schetky, Gerald Laurence

Schieke, Herman Edward

Schiff, George Nathaniel

Schildhaur, C. H.

Schindler, Walter G.

Schirra, Walter Marty, Jr. 1923-2007 [Archive's copy]

Schlech Jr., Walter F.

Scheef, Winston H.

Schleif, Edward L.

Schmidling, Matthew S.

Schmidt, Karl

Schmitt, Aloysius Herman

Schmidt, Raymond P.

Schmidt, William R.

Schnable, Allan G.

Schnebly, Joseph Gorege

Schneck. Robert J.

Schneider, Arthur F.

Schnider, Earle Caffrey

Schneider, Frederick H.

Schneider, Raymond J.

Schock Jr., Lewis L.

Schoech, William A

Schoeffel, Malcolm F.

Schofield, Frank Herman

Schofield, Leslie H.

Schggen, Joe G.

Scholand, Herbert Emery

Schoultz, Robert F.

Schratz, Paul R.

Schreiber, Earl T.

Schreiter, Ernest F.

Schroeder, Frederick John

Schroeder, Seaton

Schroeder, William P.

Schuber, Fred J.

Schirmann, Roscoe Ernest

Schultz, Floyd B.

Schultz, Lester R.

Schultz, Paul S.

Schultz, Robert V.

Schultz, William Christian

Schumacher, Theodore Leon

Schumacher, Vincent E.

Schumann Jr., Roland W.

Schumm, Brooke

Schuyler, Garrett Lansing

Schwab, Herbert S.

Schwaner Jr., Henry C.

Schwartz, Isador J.

Schwartz, Jack W.

Schwartz, Walter H.

Schwartz Jr., Walter W.

Schwarz, Alden Delbert

Schwemley, Paul A.

Scofield, Edward K.

Scofield, Harold W.

Scoggins, Olin

Scoles, Albert Buddy

Scorby, John C. "Jack", Jr.

Scott, Albert P.

Scott, Brent W.

Scott, David Darwin

Scott II, James

Scott, John A.

Scott, John A.

Scott, Kevin D 

Scott, Michael R.

Scott, Norman 1889-1942

Scott, Robert R.

Scull, Gifford

Seabring, Cornelius S.

Seabury, Claire Clifford

Seager, John W.

Seal, John R.

Searcy Jr., Seth S.

Searles, William M.

Sears, Kenneth P.

Sears, Norman Walker

Seay, George Camron

Seabald, William Joseph

Seeling, Robert A.

Seiberlich, Carl J.

Seifert, John P.

Seiler, Aubrey R.

Seiler Jr., Edward H.

Seim, Harvey B.

Seitz, Carl W.

Seitz, George Albert

Selby, Frank G.

Selby, Lorin 

Selfridge, George D.

Seligman, Morton Tinslar

Sell, Leslie H.

Sellars, Charles Wesley

Sellars, Robert F.

Sellers, Frank Este

Sellers Jr., Frank Este

Semmes Jr., Benedict J.

Semmes, James L.

Semmes, Ralphel

Semmes, Ralphael, Jr. 1916-1981 

Senn, Elliott Marchant

Serat Jr., Mortimer Edgerton

Sessums, Walter M.

Sestak Jr., Joseph A.

Settle, Thomas G. W.

Settle Jr., Walker A.

Seufer, Paul E.

Sexton Jr., Horatio Clay

Sexton, Walton R.

Seyford, Frederick C.

Seymour, Jack Murray

Shackford, Chauncey

Shafer, David W.

Shafer, Lawrence

Shafer, Richard W.

Shafer, William E.

Shaffer, Howard Manfred

Shaffer, John Nevin

Schffer, Leland Griffith

Shafroth Jr., John F.

Shaklin, Elliott W.

Shanahan Jr., John J.

Shands, Courtney

Shane, Charles N.

Shannon, James J. "Jim"

Shannon, Thomas K.

Shannon, William E., III  

Sharp Jr., Alexander

Sharp, George F.

Sharp Jr., Louis Dent

Sharp, Michael A.

Sharp, Raymond N.

Sharp, Robert D.

Sharp, U. S. G.

Sharrocks, Charles S.

Shatynski, Mike

Shaver, Galen R.

Shaw, James C.

Shaw, Richard C.

Shawcross, William H.

Shea, Daniel Francis

Shea, John D.

Shea, John J.

Shea, Maurice W.

Shea, William H.

Shear, Harold E.

Sheehan, William J.

Sheehy, Edward J.

Sheehy, Maurice S.

Shelanski, Herman A.

Shelby, Edward E.

Sheldon Jr., Luther

Shellabarger, Martin A.

Shelley, Marke R.

Shelley, Tully

Shelly, M. J.

Shelton, Doniphan B.

Shelton, James Arnold

Shepard, Alan Bartlett, Jr. 1923-1998 [Archive's copy]

Shepard, Andrew Gilbert

Shepard, Evan T.

Shepard, John C.

Shepard, Richard D.

Shepard, Seth A.

Shepard Jr., Tazewell T.

Shepherd, Albert Lee

Shepherd, Burton H.

Shepherd, Dwight  D.

Shepherd Jr., George Chapelton

Shepherd, John T.

Shepherd, Marshall Lee

Shepler, Dwight C.

Shepler, Herbert Gregory

Sheppard Jr., Walter P.

Sheppard, William L.

Sherby, Sydney S.

Sheridan, John G.

Sherman, Forrest Percival 1896-1951

Sherman, Frederick Carl 1888-1957

Sherman. Philip K.

Sherrill, Wallace Andrew

Sherwood, David W.

Sherwood, Stephen

Sheields, Marvin

Shields, Marvin G.

Shields, Ward T.

Shifley, Ralph L.

Shilling, Charles W.

Shillito, Barry James

Shilson, James Starr

Shinn, Allen M.

Shipman, John Bernard

Shirley, Charles C.

Shirley, James A.

Shock, Thomas M.

Shoemaker, Harry E.

Shoemaker, James M.

Shoemaker, Mike

Shoemaker, Robert F.

Shook, Kenneth S.

Short, Edwin Thomas

Short, Giles E.

Short, James W.

Short, Wallace B.

Short Jr., William B.

Shortall, James Eugene

Shoup, David M.

Shoup Jr., Frank Elliott

Shropshire Jr., Paul H.

Shudde, Walter J.

Shuford, Jacob Lawrence

Shultz, John H.

Shupper, Burton H.

Shutt, Richard G.

Sides, John H.

Siegel, Arthur

Siegel, Seymour N.

Sieglaff, William B.

Sigler, Franklin E.

Sigournery, James Butler

Sigsbee, Charles Dwight

Sihler, William

Silderstein, Howard J.

Silk, Francis W.

Silk, Robert A.

Silverstein, max

Silverthorne, Frederick W.

Silvis, Richard S.

Simard, Cyril Thomas

Simcox, William A.

Simmer, Max Mathew

Simmons, Kendall W.

Simms, Harry Arthur

Simons Jr., Manley H.

Simonson, Nelson C.

Simpler, Leroy C.

Simpson, David G.

Simpson, Edward

Sipmson Jr., Edward

Sipmson, Harry Milton

Simpson, Maurice E.

Simpson, Robert S.

Simpson, Rodger Whitten

Simpson, Samuel D.

Simpson Jr., Samuel R.

Sims, John H.

Sims Jr., Marion D.

Sims, William E.

Sims, William Sowden 1858-1936

Sims, William Sowden [Library's copy] 

Sinclair, Geroge Angus

Singer, Andrew M.

Singer, Watson Twitty

Singleton, Donald L

Singleton, Royce A.

Sinkankas, John

Sintic Jr., Anton J.

Sinton, William

Sisley, William R.

Sisson, Luther B.

Sisson, Thomas U.

Siverly, Paul L.

Sizemore, William G., II

Skaggs Jr., Luther

Skillman, John B.

Skinner Jr., Glenn E.

Skinner, W. Mark

Skubic, Michelle C.

Slabinski, Britt K. 

Slack, Leslie M.

Slaght, Kenneth D.

Slagle, Robert J.

Slarrow, Malcolm G.

Slason, Frank K.

Slater, Frank Mapcel

Slater, Frank Olga

Slater, Melvin O.

Slates, Kevin R.

Slattery, Francis L.

Slaughter, John S.

Slavonic, Gregory J.

Slayton,  Morgan

Sledge, Jack B.

Sleight, Robert C.

Slifer, Allen W.

Sliney, James G.

Sloat, Frank T.

Sloat, John Drake

Sloatman Jr., John K.

Slonim, Charles

Slonim, Gilven M.

Slye, Robert W.

Smale, Gordon F.

Small, Ernest G.

Small, James D.

Small, John Davis

Small, Sleden C.

Small, Walter L.

Small, William N.

Smalley, Anthony

Smeallie, John Morris

Smedal, Harald A.

Smedberg III, William R.

Smellow, Morris

Smiley, Clare B.

Smiley, Curtis Stanton

Smiley, Walter P.

Smith, Allen E.

Smith Jr., Allen

Smith, Andrew J.

Smith, Arthur C.

Smith, Bernard L.

Smith, Bertram David

Smith Jr., Bryan H.

Smith, Carlton B.

Smith, Charles A.  

Smith, Charles Donovan

Smith, Charles Edwin

Smith, Charles H.

Smith, Chester C.

Smith, Clyde W.

Smith, Columbus D.

Smith Jr., Daniel F.

Smith, David J.

Smith, Dixon R.

Smith, Donald Francis

Smith, Duret S.

Smith, Francis K.

Smith, Frank McElhany

Smith, Gregory J.

Smith Jr., Horace G.

Smith, H. P.

Smith, Harold T.

Smith, Harry

Smith Jr., Harvey J.

Smith, Holland M.

Smith, Hugh Melvin

Smith, James A.

Smith, James E.

Smith, James F.

Smith Jr., James H.

Smith Jr., James Hopkins

Smith, James McDonald

Smith Jr., James Stuart

Smith, James T.

Smith, John L.

Smith, John Victor

Smith, John W., Jr.

Smith, Jose C. S.

Smith, Jospeh G.

Smith, Judson Lord

Smith, Lawrence

Smith, Leo A.

Smith Jr., Leon I.

Smith, Levering

Smith, Michael

Smith, Millard John

Smith, Oliver A.

Smith, Oscar

Smith, Robert G.

Smith, Robert Hall

Smith, Robert H.

Smith, Robert S.

Smith, Rodman D.

Smith, Roy Campebell

Smith, Russell H.

Smith, Russell Simonds

Smith, Spencer R.

Smith, Steven G.

Smith, Stirling P.

Smith, Stuart H.

Smith, Thurmond A.

Smith, Vinson E.

Smith, Walton Wiley

Smith, William W.

Smith, Xavier Martin

Smith-Hutton, Henri Harold

Smythe, Laerwnce W.

Snackenberg, John Arthur

Snay, Charles A.

Snead, Charles B.

Snead, Leonard A.

Snead II, Leonard A.

Snead Jr., William Overton

Sinder, George Wayne

Snider, Lewis Levi

Snipes, Beecher

Snow, Franklin Clifford

Snowden, Ernest Maynard

Snowden, Thomas

Snyder, Charles Philip

Snyder, Edwin K.

Snyder Jr., J. Edwaed

Snyder, Philip W.

Snyder, Richard P. "Rick"

Snyder Jr., Roy D.

Soballe, Verner J.

Sobel, Herbert R.

Soderberg, Paul O.

Sohl, Paul

Solberg, Arthur

Soley, James Russell 1850-1911 [ZB file copy]

Solomons, Edward A.

Somers III, Richard

Sommer, Harold A.

Sommer-Weddington, Linnea J.

Sonenshein, Nathan

Sooy, David A.

Soensen, Robert E.

Sorenson, Richard K.

Soucek, Apollo

Soucek, Victor H.

Souers, Sidney William

South II, Thomas Winfield

Southerland, Leonard B.

Southerland, William H. H.

Southwick, Edward Page

Southworth, Harrison Belknap

Sowell, Ingram Cecil

Sowell, Jesse Clyburn 1903-1977

Spahr Jr., Otto W.

Spalding Jr., William A.

Spanagel, Herman Adolph

Spangenberg, Kenneth Jerome

Spangler, Selden B.

Sparkman, John W.

Sparks, Ellsworth F.

Sparks, Henry A.

Spaulding, Edward Jackson

Spear, Ray

Spears Jr., William Oscar

Specht, William Carl

Speck, R. H.

Speer, Paul H.

Spellman, Clemens E.

Spencer, John C.

Spencer, Richard V. (Secretary of the Navy 3 August 2017 - 24 November 2019 ) 

Spenser, Ray A.

Sperry, Charles Stillman

Spicer Jr., Henry Calvin

Spiller, John H.

Spofford, Richard T.

Spore, Burnes W.

Spore, James S.

Spore, James S.

Sporrer, Otto Eugene

Spradling, Warren E.

Sprague Jr., Albert T.

Sprague, Clifton Albert Frederick 1896-1955

Sprague, Thomas Lamison 1894-1972

Spreen, Roger E.

Sprigg, Robert G.

Spriggs, Alva Joseph

Spring, Arthur F.

Sproston, John G.

Sprott, Conrad B.

Spruance, Edward D.

Spruance, Raymond Ames 1886-1969

Sprung, Emmett E.

Squire, Todd J.

Stackley, Sean J.

Staderman, Albert H.

Stafford, Carlos B.

Stafford, Otis W.

Staggs, William R.

Stahl, Walter Carl

Staley, Joseph J.

Staley Jr., Poyntell C.

Stallings, George B. H.

Stamatopoulos , Peter G.

Stambook, Richard E.

Standley, William H.

Standley, William Harrison 1872-1963

Standley Jr., William H.

Stanko, John

Stanley, Emory Day

Stanley Jr., Emory D.

Stanley Jr., Onia B.

Stanley, P. Stephen

Stanley, Reuben E.

Stanmeyer, William R.

Stansbury, Theodore R.

Stansell, Herman J.

Stanton, Oscar F.

Stanziano, Arthur J.

Staring, Merlin H.

Stark, Harold Rainsford 1880-1972

Stark, Harry B.

Starling, H. Denby

Stassen, Harold E.

Staton, Adolphus

Stavridis, James

Stearney, Scott A

Stebbins, Edgar E.

Stecher Jr., Lewis J.

Stedman, Giles C.

Steele II, George P.

Steele Jr., George W.

Steele, James Mortimer

Steele, Richard H.

Steen, Kenneth

Steere, Richard C.

Stefanac, Joseph Barnaby

Steffenhagen, Lawrence F. 

Steil, James Joseph

Stein, Maurice Harris

Steindl, David F.

Steinker, Donald Baur

Steinke, Frederic Samuel

Stelger, John A.

Stelle, Charles William

Stelter, Emil Joseph

Stelter Jr., Frederick

Stembel, Roger N.

Stephan, Charles R.

Stephan, David R.

Stephan, Edward C.

Stephens, Henry E.

Stephenson, Charles S.

Stephenson, George W.

Sterghos, Ignatius

Stern, Charles Mann

Stern, Theodore S.

Stevens Jr., Clyde B.

Stevens, Harold Runyan

Stevens, James E.

Stevens, Jerry G.

Stevens Jr., Lemuel M.

Stevens, Leslie Clark

Stevens, Mike D.

Stevens, William R.

Stevens Jr., Wyanne A.

Stevenson, William A.

Stever, Elbert M.

Steward, Jerry A.

Stewart, Fred B.

Stewart, Fred E.

Stewart Jr., John M.

Stich, Francis Stephan

Stickell, John Harlan

Stiegler, Oscar

Stieler, Roland E.

Stierman Jr., Jospeh W.

Stiles, William C.

Still, Donald A.

Stillman, Carl F.

Stilwell, James J.

Stimac, Nadan F. J.

Stimpson, Charles R.

Stimpson, Paul C.

Stirling, Yates

Stitt, Edward R.

Stockdale, James Bond 1923-2005

Stockenberg, Harold A.

Stockert, Mabel M.

Stockham, Fred William

Stocks, Alton L.

Stockton, Gilchrist B.

Stockton, Jackson A.

Stoddard, James

Stoddert, Benjamin 1751-1813 [ZB file copy]

Stoecklein, Herbert G.

Stokes Jr., Carl Julian

Stokes, Phillip Gains

Stokes, Thomas M.

Stoll, John B.

Stone, Daniel H.

Stone, Earl Everett

Stone, Ellery W.

Stone, Ellis Spencer

Stone, Elmer Fowler

Stone, Frank B.

Stone, Leslie O.

Stone, Lester J.

Stone, Martain Robert

Storey, Clifford F.

Stormes, Max Clifford

Storrs III, Aaron P.

Stough Jr., Ben Hill

Stout, Herald F.

Stout, Richard F.

Stover, Elisha Terrill

Stover, Harney Watson

Stover Jr., John H.

Stowe, Jack L.

Strain, Charles L.

Straker, John T.

Strane, John Roberts

Strange, Hubert Ellis

Strange, Robert Orris

Stratton, Dorothy C.

Stratton, Roy Olin

Strauss, Elliott B.

Strauss, Lewis L.

Street III, Geroge L.

Stribling, Cornelius Kinchiloe

Strickland, Everett Carlton

Strickland, Glenn Beauregard

Stroh, Robert J.

Strohbehn, Walter William

Strong, James H.

Strong, Stanley Carter

Strong, Stockton B.

Strow, Albert R.

Struble, Arthur Dewey 1894-1983

Stryker, Joe W.

Stuart, Daniel Alfriend

Stuart Low, Francis

Stuart Harry A.

Stuart, John M.

Stuart, Luther Bradford

Stuart, William A.

Studabaker, David J.

Studdert, William Walton

Stufflebeem, John Dickson

Stultz, Irving W.

Stultz, Ronald F.

Stump, Felix B.

Sturn, Howard D.

Struman, William H.

Sturr, Henry D.

Sturtevant, Albert D.

Styer Jr., Charles W.

Styer, Charles Wilkes

Styles, Ralph E.

Sublet, Frank E.

Sudduth, Roy M.

Suerstedt Jr., Henry

Sugden, Charles Edward

Sullivan, Cornelius M.

Sullivan Brothers

Sullivan, Dennis Joseph

Sullivan Don M.

Sullivan, Emmett J.

Sullivan, Eugene T. B.

Sullivan, James Eugene

Sullivan, John Lawrence 1899-1982

Sullivan, John P.

Sullivan, John Raymond

Sullivan, Joseph B.

Sillivan, Paul F.

Sullivan, William Alfred

Sullivan, William Aloysius

Sullivan, William D.

Sullivan, William Edward

Summitt, Charles D.

Sundburg, Daniel G.

Sunderland, Morton

Sup, George C.

Superfine, Irving J.

Sutherland, john Bain

Sutherland, William A.

Sutherland, William T.

Sutherling, Elton W.

Sutton Jr., James C.

Suydam, Wendell Wood

Svendsen, Edward C.

Swanson, Clude Augustus

Swanson, Clifford A.

Swanson, Frank E.

Swanson, Gustav F.

Swanson, Leroy V.

Swap, Anne M.

Swart, Robert L.

Swasey, Albert Loring

Swearing, Earl K. Van

Sweeny, Daniel Joseph

Sweeney, John Driscoll

Sweeney, John Malcolm

Sweeney, Kevin M.

Sweeney, Vincent A.

Sweeney, William E.

Sweetser, Willard M.

Swenson, Layman K.

Swett, James Elms

Swift, Douglas M.

Swift, Scott H.

Swigart, Oral Raymond

Switzer, Wendell G.

Sykes, James Bennett

Sylvester, Allan T.

Sylvester, John

Sylvester, Evander W.

Symonds, James A.

Symons, Floyd M.

Syring, James D.

Syslo, Joseph A.

Syverson, Douglas N.

Szabo, Dennis Michael

Szczublewski, Kenneth J.  

Szemborski, Stanley R.

Szymanski, Tim


Tabberer, Charles Arthur

Tabeling, Roy H.

Taber, Thomas Henry

Tackney, Stephen N.

Taff, Clarence Orvil

Taffinder, Sherwoode Ayerst

Tague, James R.

Tahler, Grahan

Takitch, Edward J.

Talbot, Frank Russell

Talbot Jr., Gerald L.

Talbot, Paul Hopkins

Tallent, Hamlin B.

Talley Jr., George C.

Talson, Steven M.

Tammen, John W., Jr.

Tammy, Lewis D.

Tanner Jr., William P.

Tappaan, Darling Francis

Tarrant, William T.

Tate, Jackson R.

Tate, Jule C.

Tate, Victor Boylan

Totom, Eugene

Tatom, John F.

Tattnall. Josiah

Taussing, Edward D.

Taussig Jr., Joseph K.

Taussig, Joseph K.

Tayloe, Gordon B.

Taylor, Arnett B.

Taylor, Arthur H.

Taylor, Brown

Taylor, Chance E.  

Taylor, David Watson

Taylor, Edward A.

Taylor, Edmund Battelle 1904-1973

Taylor Jr., Edmund B.

Taylor Jr., Edwin James

Taylor, Ennis W.

Taylor Jr., Ford N.

Taylor Jr., George W.

Taylor, Henry Clay

Taylor, Henry George

Taylor, Herbert Watson

Taylor, James O.

Taylor, Jesse J.

Taylor, Joe

Taylor, John McNay

Taylor, Joseph I.

Taylor, Keith E.

Taylor, LeRoy T.

Taylor, Leslie A.

Taylor, Leslie Kelly

Taylor, Montgomery Megis

Taylor, Ralph W.

Taylor, Reeves R.

Taylor, Robert Hudson

Taylor, Robert L.

Taylor, Rufus L.

Taylor, Thomas H.

Taylor, William C.

Taylor, William E.

Taylor, William Rogers

Tayoun Jr., George Koury

Teall Jr., Edward Nealson

Teats, Grant Wayne

Tebo, Kenneth M.

Tedder, Fondville Lee

Teel, Richard A.

TeGrone, Dirk Meindert

Tellefsen, Carl R.

Teller, Steadman

Temple, Harry B.

Templeton, Orion A.

Tenanty, J. Raymond

Tendler, Morton Joseph

Tenney Jr., Benjamin

Tenney, Joseph Fosdick

Tenney, Richard H.

Terpstra, Richard P.

Terrill, Ralph B.

Terrill Jr., Scott E.

Terry, Winthrop Eugene

Tesh, Charles P.

Tetrev, Henry

Teuscher, Louis Frederick

Thach Jr., James H.

Thacher, Robert A.

Thackrey, Lyman A.

Thaler, William J.

Thatcher Jr., Roland C.

Thayer, William P.

Thayer, William R.

Thebaud, Cynthia M.

Theiss, Paul S.

Theobald, Robert A.

Thebaud, Leo Hewlett

Thew, Roland Phillip

Thimes, Joseph A.

Thomas, Charles Sparks

Thomas, David M., Jr.

Thomas, Donald I.

Thomas, Edwin C.

Thomas, Frank Pugh

Thomas Geroge C.

Thomas, George Lawrence

Thomas, Gerald E.

Thomas, Herbert E.

Thomas, James A.

Thomas, John M.

Thomas, Lloyd

Thomas, Lloyd H.

Thomas, Myron E.

Thomas, Newell E.

Thomas Jr., Olin P.

Thomas, Robert Bernard

Thomas Jr., Robert E.

Thomas, Robert L., Jr.

Thomas, Thomas C.

Thomas Jr., William Garfield

Thomas, William Nathaniel

Thomas, William T.

Thomas, Willis M.

Thompson, Beriah Magoffin

Thompson, Edgar K.

Thompson, Edward Mathew

Thompson, Floyd T.

Thompson, George D.

Thompson, Harry L.

Thompson, Lloyd J.

Thompson, Max E.

Thompson Jr., Raymond Webb

Thompson, Robert Rowe

Thompson, Robert Roy

Thompson, Terry B.

Thompson, J. Stanton

Thompson, Wells

Thompson, William

Thompson Jr., William Calhoun

Thompson, William F.

Thompson, Hugh P.

Thorington, Alexander Clark

Thorn, William A.

Thornhill, Henry Ehrman

Thornton, Michael E.

Thornhill Jr., Henry E.

Thorp, Frank, IV

Thorp, John H.

Thorp, Wakeman Blanchard

Thorpe, Harlan M.

Thornwall, Charles Arthur

Thro, Clinton John

Thro, John B.

Thummel, Gerald F.

Thurber, Harry R.

Thyson, Leo C.

Tibbals, Clarence L.

Tibbets, Joseph B.

Tibbits, Richard H.

Tibbits, Frank Pixley

Tickel, Paul A.

Tichenor, Murry Jones 

Tidd, Emmett H.

Tidd, Kurt W.

Tidd, Mark L.

Tidwell, Herman B.

Tiedeman, Carl

Tiernan, Eric Jerome

Tierney, John M.

Tieslau, Bernhard

Tighe, Jan

Tilburne, Leopold R.

Tillotson, Michael P.

Tily, James C.

Timidaiski, James T.

Timmes, Francis X.

Timmons, John W.

Tingey, Thomas 1750-1829 [ZB file copy]

Tipton, Henry C.

Tipton, Van C.

Tisdale Jr., Charles H.

Tisdale, Mahlon Street 1890-1972

Tissot, Ernest Eugene

Titley, David W.

Toaz, William H.

Tobin, Robert G.

Todd, Carlton Rice

Todd, Chapman C.

Todd Jr., David Wooster

Todd, Forde A.

Tofalo, Joseph E.

Tolbert, Harmon S.

Toline, Francis R.

Tolley, Kemp

Tolman, Charles Edward

Tomb, James H.

Tomlinson, William Gosnell

Tomaszeski, Steven John

Tomich, Peter

Tompkin, Benjamin F.

Tompkins, John D.

Tompkins, Rutledge Barker

Toner, Raymond J.

Toney, Albert Livingston

Tonich, Peter

Tonseth, Thomas Henry

Toole, Morton E.

Toole Jr., Wycliffe D.

Toon, Buster E.

Toponce, Harvey E.

Topper, James Russell

Toran, William P.

Torgerson, Theodore A.

Toth, Joseph C.

Totushek, John B.

Tourt, Richard G.

Towers, John Henry 1885-1955

Towle, Barnaby L.

Towle, Katherine A.

Towner, George Crosby

Townes III, John W.

Townsend, Julius C.

Townsend, Robert L.

Toy, Frank E.

Tracy, John S.

Tracey, Patricia A.

Truhan, Paul K.

Train, Charles R.

Train, Elizabeth

Train, Harold C.

Tranell, Frederick M.

Trathen, James

Traua, Harold F.

Travers, Edward P.

Trescott, Charles E.

Trexel, Carl Alvin

Tribble, Roy T.

Trickey, Everett A.

Tribel, Charles O.

Tripi, Ignatius Nicholas

Trost, Carlisle Albert Herman

Troxell, Richard R.

Truax, Robert C.

Trudell, George Thomas

True, Arnold Eliswoth

True, John R.

Truly, Richard Harrison

Trum, Herman J.

Trumpeter, George Nelson

Trussler, Jeffrey E.

Truxall, Charles Wible

Truxtun, Thomas

Tucher, Dundas Preble

Tucker, Frederick B.

Tucher, James F.

Tucher, Samuel Marion

Tucker, William B.

Tuggle, Richard B.

Turkey, Walter B.

Tully Jr., Joseph M.

Tully, Robert L.

Tunley, Roul

Tunnell, Richard M.

Turcotte, Stephen A.

Turley, Jack E.

Turnball, Archibald Douglas

Turner, Charles H.

Turner, Daniel

Turner, Frank

Turner, Frederick C.

Turner, Henry C.

Turner, John H.

Turner, Myron G.

Turner, Richmond Kelly

Turner, Stangfield

Turner, Thomas A.

Turner, William W.

Turney, William B.

Turney, William L.

Turville, William C.

Tuthill, Frederick R. L.

Tuttle, Albert E.

Tuttle, Magruder H.

Tuzo, Paul Benjamin

Twaddle III, Roy R.

Tweed, George R.

Tweedy Jr., Albert William

Twelves, Wendell Van

Twigg, Donald W.

Twining, Nathan Crook

Twitchell, William A.

Tyler, Carroll L.

Tyler, Claude L.

Tyler Jr., William P.

Tynch, Murray Joe.

Tyra, Thomas D.

Tunney, James Joseph

Tyree, Jr., John A.

Tyree, David M.

Tyree, Alexander K.

Tyrrell, Frank C.

Tyson, Nora W.


Uehlinger, Archibald Emil 1898-1981

Uhrenholdt, Andrew Curtis 1920-1941

Ulen, Francis Graeme 1895-

Ullman, Jerrold Berthold

Ulrich III, Henry G.

Underhill, Edward Griffin 1914-2002

Underhill, James L. 1891-1991

Underwood, Herbert Whitwell 1886-1964

Ungar, J. Stephen 1902-

Unmacht, George Paul 1911-1988

Unruh, H. Kirk

Upham, Frank Brooks 1872-1939

Upshur, John Henry

Upshur, William P.

Urban, Kenneth Lee 1911-1997

Urbanczyk, Louis Thaddeus, Jr. 1926-1995

Urquhart, James Burwell, Jr. 1912-1976

Usher, Edward G. II  

Ustick, Theodore Montanye 1915-2000

Utgoff, Vadym V.

Utter, Harmon Tischer 1909-1958


Vaidyanathan, Rajan  

Vail, Harold W.

Valdez, Phil I.

Valencia, Eugene Anthony 1921-1972

Valentin, Eleanor V.

Valentine, Rawson J.

Vammen, Jr., Clarence Earl

VanAntwerp, Lloyd W.

VanArsdall Jr., Clyde J.

Vanarsdall, Clyde, J. III.

Vanasse, Roland Benjamin

VanBergen, Nicholas

VanBuren, Wiliam R.

Van Buskirk, Scott R.

Vance Jr., Joseph Williams

Vance, Mark A.

Vandegrift, Alexander Archer

VanDenburgh, William N.

Vanderburg, Elden Robert

Vandergrift, Harry S.

VanDeurs, George

Vangeli, Mario Giovanni

VanHamilton, William

VanHook, Clifford Evans

VanKammer, Isaac J.

VanKeuren, Alexander H.

Van Landingham, J. Philip

Van Mater, Blinn 1904-1991

Van Meter, Karl Schlegel 1916-

Van Metre, Merle 1903-1968

Van Metre Thaddeus Johnson 1907-2003

Van Ness, Harper Elliott 1919-2007

Van Orden, Merton Dick 1921-

Van Riper, Paul K.

Van Swearingen, Earl Kendall 1905-1982

Van Valkenburgh, Franklin 1888-1941

Van Zandt, James Edward 1898-1986

Vannoy, Frank Wilson 1915-1996

VanPeenen, Hubert John 1903-1980

Vardaman, James Kimble, Jr. 1894-1972

Varian, Donald Cord 1901-1969

Vasey, Lloyd Roland 1917-

Vaughan, James John 1904-1971

Vaughan, Lynn Dolph, Jr.

Vaughan, Paul 1904-

Vaughn, Robert James 1906-

Vaughn, Sidney B.

Vauk, Ronald James

Veasey, Alexander Craig 1908-1989

Veazey, David Julian 1913-

Vecchione, Felix Salvatore 1926-1974

Veeder, William Schuetze 1903-1978

Vejtasa, Stanley Winfield 1914-2013

Veline, Carl Ashton 1912-1995

Vellis, Demetrius John 1916-2007

Venlet, David J.

Venlet, Douglas J.

Verhoye, Harry James 1909-

Vernou, Walter Newhall 1878-1955

Verrastro, Paul J.

Versole, Kay Kopl 1913-1943

Vest, John Pinckney Wheeler 1901-1993

Veth, Kenneth LeRoy 1911-1988

Vickery, William Clyde, Jr. 1917-1986

Vieweg, Walter Victor Rudolph 1902-1960

Villines, William McKinley, Jr. 1922-

Vincent, Manuel Da C.

Vincent, Walter Michael 1914-1994

Vincent, Warren Crist 1916-1989

Vinock, Eli 1914-1996

Violett, Quentell 1898-1984

Virden, Frank 1905-1990

Virtue, Clark Wakeman 1903-1980

Visser, Richard Gerben 1906-1998

Vita, Harold Emanuel 1921-1998

Vitale, Michael C.

Vittek, Albert William 1921-2012

Vitucci, Vito Louis 1920-2006

Voegeli, Clarence Earl 1900-1979

Voelker, George E.

Voetsch, Stephen S.

Vogan, Guy Sedgwick 1891-

Voge, Richard George 1904-1948

Vogel, Joseph 1914-

Vogeley, Theodore Robert 1909-1985

Vogelgesang, Carl Theodore 1869-1927

Vogt, Larry Gene 1936-

Voils, Roy Cramer 1902-1998

VomBaur, F. Trowbridge

Von Dreele, William Henry 1900-1986

Von Heimburg, Ernest Herman 1896-1976

Von Kleeck, Ernest Saint Clair, Jr. 1901-1983

Von Weller, George Schoen 1919-1953

Voorhies, James Franklin 1913-

Voris, Frank Burkhart 1909-1986

Vorse, Albert Ogden, Jr. 1914-1979

Vose, James Everett, Jr. 1912-1990

Vose, William Cecil 1896-1966

Vosseller, Aurelius Bartlett 1903-1981

Vossler, Francis Alfred L. 1883-1970

Vraciu, Alexander 1918-2015


Wachendorf, Miles B.

Wackerman, Linda R.

Wade, Benjamin G.

Wade, John.

Wade, Kenneth W.

Wadell, Robert Paul

Wadleigh, George H.

Wadleigh, John R.

Wadsworth, Alexander S. C.

Wadsworth, Robert F.

Wadsworth, Victor F.

Wagner, Edwin C.

Wagner, Elaine C.

Wagner, Frank Dechant

Wahlen George E.

Waickwicz, John J.

Waite, Charles L.

Waite, Lawrence A.

Wakelin, James H.

Wakeman, Philip F.

Wald, Samuel S.

Walden, Albert J.

Waldron, John C.

Wales, George H.

Walish, Robert C.

Walke, Henry

Walker, Albert T.

Walker, Charles Hardin

Walker, Edward Keith

Walker Jr., Francis D.

Walker, Frank Robinson

Walker Jr., Herbert P.

Walker, James P.

Walker, Robert Power

Walker, Thomas J.

Wainwrght, John Drayton

Walkinshaw, David Joel

Wallace, Henry George Stewart

Wallace, Jesse R.

Wallace, Kenneth C.

Wallace, Kenneth R.

Wallace, Lewis

Wallace, Martin H.

Wallace, Maurice Radford

Wallace, Ralph M.

Wallace, Robert Q.

Wallace, Thomas Garrow

Wallace, William C.

Wallace, William E.

Waller, John Bresford Wynn

Waller, Littleton W. T.

Waller, Raymond Randolph

Walley Jr., James M.

Walley, Marion C.

Wallin, Harry N.

Wallin, Homer N.

Walling, Burns T.

Wallis, Adelbert V.

Walpole, Kinloch C.

Walsh, David J.

Walsh, Don

Walsh, Harvey Thomas

Walsh, John A.

Walsh, John F.

Walsh, Joseph A.

Walsh, Kenneth Ambrose

Walsh, Patrick M.

Walsh, Raymond Michael

Walsh, Thomas W. F.

Walsh, William E.

Walter, Emory Ewing

Walter, Wilfred A.

Walters, Waltman

Walton Jr., Albion W.

Wampler Jr., French

Wanless, Robert Hume 

Warburton, Audley Lyne

Ward, Aaron

Ward, Alfed Gustave 1908-1982

Ward, Benjamin P.

Ward, Charles W.

Ward, Chester

Ward, Edward M.

Ward Jr., Frank Trenwith

Ward, “J” “D”

Ward, James Henry

Ward, James R.

Ward, Marshall D.

Ward, Norvell G.

Ward, Robert E. M.

Ward, Russell D.

Warden, Horace D.

Warder, Frederick B.

Ware, James Grady

Ware, Robert L.

Ware, William Lynch

Warfield, Clarence G.

Warfield, Thomas G.

Warlick, William Walter

Warner, Edward Pearson

Warner, John William 1927- 2021

Warren, Burtis W.

Warren, Hugh

Warrington, Lewis

Washabaugh, William V.

Washburn, George A. T.

Washington, Thomas

Washington Jr., Thomas

Waterhouse, Jacob Wilson

Waterman, John Randolph

Warters Jr., John Augustine

Waters Jr., Odale D.

Waters, John Matthias

Watkins, Frank Thomas

Watkins, James Charles

Watkins, James David 1927-2012

Watkins, Nelson Payne

Watson, Edward H.

Watson, Paul W.

Watson, Wilson D.

Watt Jr., Richard Morgan

Watters, Robin M

Wattles, Thomas L.

Watts, Ethelbert

Watts, John

Watts, William Carleton

Watts, William P.

Wauchope, Frank W.

Wauchope, George M.

Way, Julius F.

Watkins, James D.

Wead, Frank W.

Weakley, Charles E.

Wears, Thomas

Weart, H. Cordie

Weatherson, Frederick Walter

Weatherup, Robert A.

Weatherwax, Hazlett P.

Weaver Jr., Charles W.

Weaver, Christopher E.

Weaver, Ephraim R.

Weaver, George A.

Weaver, George C.

Weaver, Harold L.

Waver, Paul F.

Webb Jr., David G.

Webb, Dewitt Clinton

Webber, Diane E. H.

Weber, Garyston H.

Weber, Henry C.

Weber, Paul T.

Webster, David A.

Webster, George Davis

Webster, Harvey O’Niell

Webster, Hugh P.

Webster, James K.

Webster, John A.

Webster, William

Weed Jr., John C.

Weeden Jr., William Wager

Weeks, John Wingate

Weeks, Robert H.

Weeks, Warren

Wegforth, John Fred

Weigold, John F., IV

Weihrich, Walter F.

Weikert, Scott A.

Weimer, Edward Loomins Bradley

Weinel, John P.

Weilwe, James B.

Weinert, Theophilus Frank

Weintraub, Daniel Jacob

Weintraub Jr., Paul L.

Weir, Frank D.

Weise, John Wesley

Weisner, Maurice F.

Weiss, Donald A.

Weiss, Donald Frederick

Weisser, John R.

Weitz, Paul Joseph

Weitzenfeld, Daniel K.

Welander, Robert O.

Welch, David F.

Welch, Leo Francis

Welham, Walter

Wellborn Jr., Charles

Welker Jr., Gorge W.

Weller, Oscar Arthur

Wellwe, Richard H.

Weller Jr., Samuel P.

Welles, Roger

Wellington, Albert A.

Wellings, Augustus J.

Wellings, Joseph H.

Wells, Charles R.

Wells, George C.

Wells, George R.

Wells, John Joseph

Wells, John Katz

Wells, John T.

Wells, Richard H. "Dick"

Wells, Robert Kirk

Welsh, David J.

Wems, Philip V.

Wendt, Waldemar F. A.

Wenger, Jospeh N.

Wentworth, Ralph Strafford

Wentworth Jr., Ralph S.

Wentz, J. Eugene

Werth, James M.

Werts, Charles L.

Wetheim, Robert H.

Wetherald, Hugh D

Wesanen, William F.

Wesche, Otis A.

Weschler, Thomas R.

Wesson, Jospeh H.

West, Elliott M.

West, Franklin G.

West, Jerry D.

West, John N.

West, Jospeh  M.

West, Kenneth

West, Kenneth M.

West, Marvin J.

West, Richard D.

Westbrook Jr., Edwin Monroe

Westbrook, Ralph E.

Westervelt, George Conrad

Westfall, Elmer T.

Westhoff, William E.

Wetherill III, John Price

Wettlaufer, Michael.

Weyler, George Lester

Weymouth, Ralph

Whalen, Kent D.

Wharton, James D.

Wheat, Dick M.

Wheatly, John P.

Wheeler, Charles Julian

Wheeler, Collister M.

Wheeler, Homer B.

Wheeler, Jospeh C. Jr.

Wheeler, Kennerth R.

Wheeler, William W. "Trey", III

Wheelock, Austin W.

Wheelock, Charles D.

Wheland, Karl R.

Whelchel, John Esten

Whipple, Walter Jones

Whisler, George H., Jr.

Whisler, Glenn Edward, Jr. 

Whistler Jr., Ralph N.

Whitaker, Francis H.

Whitaker, Reuben T.

Whitem Chevey S.

White Jr., Clarence M.

White, Donald M.

White Jr., Harry C.

White Jr., Henry F.

White, James W.

White, Jole Jesse

White, Jonathan W.

White, Joseph

White, Marshall

White, Michael S.

White Jr., Newton H.

White, Norman E.

White, Philip

White, Richard D.

White III, Richard S.

White, Robert James

White Jr., Theodore G.

White, Theodore H.

White, T.J.

White, William

White, William R.

White, William S.

Whiteaker, James G.

Whited, Ciro N. V.

Whitehair, Francis P.

Whitehead, Richard F.

Whitehurst, Edson Hill

Whitemarsh, Ross Palmer

Whiteside, George A.

White, Steven A.

Whitesell, Kenneth R.

Whitfield Jr., James D.

Whitgrove, Leland D.

Whiting, Francis Eliot Maynard

Whiting, George H.

Whiting, Kenneth

Whitmire, Donald B.

Whitney, Alden W.

Whitney, Herbert W.

Whitney, John P.

Whitney, Laurens A.

Whitney, Mark R

Whitney, Rintoul Thomas

Whiton, H. Winsor

Whitteker, Horace

Whittet, John D.

Whittle Jr., Alfred J.

Whittle, George V.

Whyte, James D.

Wick, Homer Chapin

Wickes. Justin Leo

Wickham, Williams C.

Wicks, Delbert S.

Wickstorm, Otto W.

Wideman, William B.

Widhelm, William John

Wilcox Jr., John Walter

Wieber, Carlos Wilhelm

Wieber, William Francis William Ferdinand

Wiemer Jr., Leo G. D.

Wier, John Paul

Wier, Richard Austin

Wieringa, Jeffrey A.

Wiese, George W.

Wiggins, Hoewell E.

Wilber, Donald T.

Wilbourne, William W.

Wilbur, Curtis D.

Wilbur, Edward, terhurne

Wilcock, Charles Raymond

Wilcox, Donald Edmund

Wilde, Louise K.

Wildt, Victor Harold

Wiley, Herbert Victor

Wilfong, John Lester

Wilhite, Drewery R.

Wilboite, Thomas M.

Wilke, Jack Winton

Wilkes, Charles

Wilkes, John

Wilkin, Warren D.

Wilkins, Charles W.

Wilkinson, Edward Anderson

Wilkinson, Eugene P.

Wilkinson, Robert H.

Wilkinson, Roland F.

Wilkinson, Theodore S.

Will, John M.

Will, Prentis K.

Willard, Chauncey S.

Willard, Robert F.

Willcutts, Morton Douglas

Willems, Everleigh D.

Willenbucher, Franz O.

Willett, Errol W.

Willett, Kenneth Martin

Willey, Robert Soule

Williams, Belmont Murry

Williams, Bertram E.

Williams, Charles

Williams, Charles A.

Williams Jr., Charles S.

Williams, Frederick P.

Williams, George Kirtley

Williams, Harold N.

Williams, Henry

Williams Jr., Henry

Williams, Henry Goodman

Williams, Hershel W.

Williams, Jack

Williams, Jack Bankhead

Williams, James E.

Williams, J.D. 

Williams, Joe, Jr.

Williams Jr., Joe W.

Williams, John A.

Williams Jr., John G.

Williams Jr., Jospeh W.

William, Knowlton

Williams, Lowell W.

Williams, Merritt Francis

Williams, Milo R.

Williams, Paul D.

Williams, Philip

Williams Jr., Ralph E.

Williams Jr., Richard C.

Williams, Richard L "Rick"

Williams, Robert A.

Williams, Robert E.

Williams Jr., Robert G. W.

Williams, Roy D.

Williams, Russell C.

Williamson, Brad

Williamson, Francis T.

Williamson, John A.

Williamson, Lindsey

Williamson, Paul W.

Williamson, Rick

Williamson, Stephen F.

Williamson Jr., Thomas A.

Williamson, Thomas B.

Williamson, Thomas C.

Willingham Jr., Joseph H.

Willingham, S. David

John Harlan, Willis

Willis, John Howard

Willman, Donald E.

Willis, Harry C.

Wilmot, Louise C.

Willson, Russell

Wilson, Donald Worrall

Wilson, Francis E.

Wilson, George Barry

Wilson, Henry Braid 1861-1954

Wilson, J. C. Gillespie

Wilson, Jack L.

Wilson, James B.

Wilson, James D.

Wilson, Jesse A., Jr.

Wilson, Julian DuBois

Wilson Jr., Kenneth Edgar

Wilson, Dick G.

Wilson, Ralph E.

Wilson III, Thomas J.

Wilson, William Ritchie

Wilson, William W.

Wilson, William W.

Wiltse, Lloyd J.

Winant Jr., Frank Ingersoll

Windorf, Alexander B.

Windsor Jr., Robert W.

Winecoff, Clarence Lindsay

Winfrey, John Allen

Wingard Jr., Walter Clement

Winkel, Robert P.

Winne, George M.

Winnefeld, James A. "Sandy", Jr. 

Winns, Anthony L.

Winslow, Cameron McRae

Winslow, Edward H.

Winslow, John A.

Winslow, Walter Gillespie

Winston, Robert A.

Winter, Donald Charles 1948- 

Winter, Mathias W.

Winterhaler, Emile R.

Winterhaler, Albert G.

Winters, Edward G., III

Winton, Matthew J.

Wirth, John L.

Wirth, Theodore Rudolph

Wirthlin, Milton R.

Wirtz, Paul C.

Wirtz, Peyton L.

Wise, John P.

Wisecup, James P. "Phil"

Wisehaupt, Darwin McC.

Wissler, John G.

Witcofski, Louis K.

Witherspoon, Luther H.

Witherspoon, Maurice Marlow

Witherspoon Jr., John E.

Witmer, Robert M.

Witten, Charles H.

Wittmann, Narvin O.

Witzel, Frederick D.

Wogan, Thomsa Lincoln

Wohler, Jack L.

Wohlfarth Jr., William C.

Wolf, Robert L.

Wolfe Jr., James Meek

Wolfe, Johnny R.

Wolfe, Patricia E.

Wolfsheimer, Frank

Wolleson, Edwin A.

Wolowsky, Joseph Edward

Wolsieffer, Frederick

Wolverton, Royal A.

Wolverton, Thomas Michael

Wombel Jr., John P.

Wood, Arthur Crosby

Wood, Chester C.

Wood, Harry Clinton

Wood, John E.

Wood, John P.

Wood, Philo

Wood, Ralph Frederic

Wood, Robert W.

Wood, Sanford B. D.

Wood, Spencer S.

Wood, Valentine

Wood, William Maxwell

Woodall, Reuben F.

Woodard, Sanford E.

Woodbury, John Leland

Woodbury, Kyle H.

Woodfin, Kenneth L.

Woodfin, Richard H.

Woodhead, Edwin F.

Wooding, Robert R. 

Woods, David B.

Woods, Edwin Elmore

Woods, William P.

Woods, Mark W.

Woodson, Jeff  Davis

Woodson, Walter Browne

Woodson Jr., Walter B.

Woodward, Clark H.

Woodyard, Edward Lender

Woofter, Dennis D.

Wooldridge, Edmund T.

Woosley, David G.

Wooten, P. W. W.

Wootton, James C.

Wootton, William T.

Workman, Reginald L.

Worley, Jesse D.

Worth Jr., Daniel Fisher

Worthington, Jospeh Muse

Worthington, Robert K. R.

Wotherspoon, Alexander Somerville

Wray, Robert O., Jr.

Wren, Solomon

Wright Jr., Archie T.

Wright, Bennett Wood

Wright, Carleton Herbert

Wright, Edward A.

Wright, Garland P. "Gar", Jr.

Wright, George C.

Wright, Harold James

Wright, Joseph Martin Pickett

Wright, Richard M.

Wright, Robert P.

Wright, Sinclair Best

Wright, Jerauld

Wright, Spencer D.

Wright, Thomas Baxter

Wright, Thomas F.

Wright, Thomas K.

Wright Jr., William Dudley

Wright, William L.

Wright, Whitney

Wright, Walter R.

Wright, Wesley A.

Wuest, Robert Robert John

Wulzen, Don W.

Wyatt, Ben Harrison

Wyatt, Harrison Lee

Wyatt, Joe Earle

Wyatt, Michaja Reeves

Wyckoff, John McK.

Wyckoff, Robert D.

Wylie Jr., Jospeh C.

Wylie, William Naylor

Wyman, Robert H.

Wynkoop Jr., Thomsa Pilmore

Wright, Jesse G.

Wright, James M.



Yamnicky, John D., Sr.

Yancey, Evan White 1907-1980

Yankey, William Ross 1913-1989

Yarbrough, Oscar D. 1905-1988

Yarnell, Harry Ervin 1875-1948

Yates, Charles Moulding 1884-1964

Yates, Earl Preston 1923-

Yates, Marion Twitty 1909-1957

Yavorsky, Jospeh Thomas 1913-1980

Yeager, Howard A. 1905-1967

Yeomans, Andrew

Yeomans, Elmer E. 1902-

Yesensky, Albert Samuel 1920-2009

Yon, Jospeh Langham 1912-2007

Yoran, George Francis 1892-1974

Young, Andrew Lee, Jr. 1908-1985

Young, Cassin 1894-1942

Young, Charles B.

Young, David Bryan 1903-1962

Young, David Bryan, Jr. 1928-

Young, Donald McArthur

Young, Eric Coy

Young, Howard Leyland 1901-1954

Young, John Watts 1930- [Archive's copy]

Young, Lee A.

Young, Leo Crawford 1891-1981 

Young, Lloyd Verne 1919-

Young, Mark A.

Young, Robert Todd 1888-1947

Young, Rufus Calhoun 1900-

Young, William Brent 1888-1959

Youngblood, Curtis Tillman 1907-2004

Youngkin, Carl Kenneth 1899-1988

Youtz, Ellis Gardiner 1915-1996

Yuen, Jonathan A.

Yurina, Michael J.


Zabilsky, John 1905-1991

Zabriskie, David, Jr. 1912-1946

Zacharias, Ellis Mark 1890-1961

Zacharias, Jerrold

Zahm, John Crawford 1906-1968

Zandt, James E.

Zarkowski, Michael W.

Zech, Lando William, Jr. 1923-2011

Zehner, John Adolphus 1914-2005

Zeigler, Samuel Jacob, Jr. 1889-1975

Zelibor, Thomas E. 1954-

Zellars, Thomas Edward 1898-1924

Zemmer, Harold Maurice 1904-1978

Zern, Richard Dewey 1905-1958

Ziegemeier, Henry Joseph 1867-1930

Zilmer, Richard C.

Zimble, James Allen 1933-2011

Zimermann, Richard Galt 1920-2013

Zimet, Stanford Frederick 1916-

Zimmerli, Rupert Meyrick 1898-1979

Zimmerman, Max Edward 1894-1990

Zimmerman, Milton Abraham 1914-2005

Zimmerman, Nelson Daniel 1905-2003

Zimmerman, Walter Ernest 1899-

Zimmerman, Edwin Julius, Jr. 1918-

Zinni, Anthony C.

Zinser, Gerald E.

Zirkle, Matthew A.

Ziroli, Humbert William 1893-1979

Zitzewitz, Herbert Carl 1905-1991

Zlatoper, Ronald J.

Zobel, William Alexander 1901-1987

Zola, Stanley Peter 1904-1988

Zondorak, Charles Joseph 1904-1985

Zornow, Gerard Philip 1921-

Zortman, James M.

Zuber, Adolph

Zumalt, Elmo Russell, Jr. 1920-2000

Zundell, Joseph LaMonte 1905-1968

Zurmuehlen, Gerald Dale 1903-1965


Published: Thu Sep 12 17:04:31 EDT 2024